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NH Most Livable, for now...anyway.

Started by CNHT, March 24, 2007, 12:39 PM NHFT

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If the Democrat mafia has its way, it may not be next time, what with increased taxes, regulations, and mandatory kindergarten.

Saturday, March 24, 2007
N.H. again 'most livable state' in U.S.

New Hampshire has been named the "Most Livable State" in the nation for the fourth straight year.

The Granite State beat out Minnesota to take top honors in an annual report issued by Morgan Quinto Press ? a publication that ranks cities and states based on a variety of categories ranging from jobs to crime rates.

New Hampshire was named the top state to live in based on a broad range of economic, educational, public safety and environmental statistics.

For 17 years, Morgan Quinto Press has issued its "Most Livable State Award." The 2007 award is based on 44 factors including median household income, crime rate, state business tax climate, employment and several educational factors.

Gov. John Lynch said the distinction should be celebrated, but shouldn't be a surprise to those who live here.

"The report reaffirms what the citizens of our state already know ? New Hampshire is a great place to live and work," said Lynch, further noting that the state must strive to remain on top.

"We must continue to work to make sure New Hampshire continues to lead the nation by focusing on what's important to our families and businesses ? improving the quality of education, strengthening our economy, making health care more accessible and affordable, protecting our natural resources and ensuring the safety of all our citizens and visitors," said Lynch.

State Department of Resources and Economic Development Commissioner George Bald said the honor is even more impressive when one realizes that New Hampshire has been named the top state seven out of the past 17 years.

"It speaks well of our high-tech entrepreneurial nature as well as our unparalleled quality of life. We are truly 'the' state to work, recreate and raise a family."

Eliza Leadbeater, the executive director of the Belknap County Economic Development Council, regularly works with outside business who are considering to moving to the Granite State and she said the attraction is the state's offering of a complete package.

"When you talk about a livable state a lot of things come into play. A lot of people talk about the ease of life here and we often don't realize what we really have access to ... it's a safe place, we have access to good health care and people are treated equal," said Leadbeater.

Leadbeater said the diverse cultural and recreation opportunities provide "something for everybody" and offers a workforce that is generally happy where they are.

"Our people are our assets and businesses come here because there is a good workforce. A happy workforce is a productive workforce," said Leadbeater.

The longtime business mind said people will complain about issues like the statewide property tax, but she noted that much of the business regulations in New Hampshire come from the federal government.

She said the tax burden is among the lowest in the nation and she said businesses appreciate a New Hampshire state government that is far more open than in other states.

Leadbeater said New Hampshire is a state where is wouldn't be impossible for a small-business owner to sit down face-to-face with the governor.

"They feel like they have equal access to government and that goes a long way," said Leadbeater.


Yeah, take credits for something you have no part in and are about to ruin... Good PR!