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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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tentative Ed brown minidemo tue 3/27 Manchester (calendar entry)

Started by Dave Ridley, March 24, 2007, 02:45 PM NHFT

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Dada pointed out the IRS bureuacrat who originally called Homeland Security on him in the first place, who for some reason was in Manchester today. Unfortunately, she didn't seem to want to have her picture taken.

Russell Kanning

very cool.
I will have to grab some pictures and put them up on the Keene Free Press site. Could someone supply a little commentary for each picture and such?

Dave Ridley

pick your favorite picture and i can give commentary to it, or someone else can

Dave Ridley

I think P3270004 is the best pic  but you may want to stress that the total turnout was six, over a three hour period.

The two guys with me in that foto are free staters who have not yet moved, but are here on a road trip visiting and doing some recon.
I don't have their permission to give out their names and what not but maybe they will post that here themselves.   i think they are both on the forum.  For both of them, it was their first demonstration ever.  This pic was taken around 12:30 p.m.   we had a lot of wind and my sign was basically destroyed by the end of the day.

Manchester cops came and griped at us for not moving around more.   They said " you guys are all armed, correct?"   I didn't say one way or the other but I told him that all citizens should be.

the m 

I think they are starting to get used to us LOL.   

the mike pelletier incident and our armed anti crime demo over on central street seems to have gotten the word out with that bunch.

Kat Kanning

Quote from: DadaOrwell on March 27, 2007, 09:02 PM NHFT
Manchester cops came and griped at us for not moving around more.   They said " you guys are all armed, correct?"   I didn't say one way or the other but I told him that all citizens should be. 

That's hilarious! :)

Lloyd Danforth

Carrying those big gun is what 'slowing' you down and keeping you from 'moving around'



I think we need to have a demonstration where a bunch of us just go about our daily business while openly carrying.

Every day.

Russell Kanning

Dave Ridley

there were exactly six of us..."four to six" sounds a little vague
thanks tho!

Russell Kanning