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Maybe this will be fun, what are some of your most embarassing memories?

Started by Raineyrocks, April 04, 2007, 06:06 PM NHFT

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I will only write short ones so it doesn't get too boring.

1. I was crossing a highway in Philadelphia and these guys whistled at me and I turned around to look and tripped over a tree branch and fell.

2. I was mad at someone and accidentally walked into their closet instead of out their front door.  While I was in the closet I thought of what to say when I came out and I said, "I always wanted to do that." and then walked out the correct door.

3. At a family reunion, me and my sister left to go shoot pool and I turned my face to the left to see if traffic was coming and forgot my window was 1/3 rolled down so I whacked my eye on the edge of the window and we had to go back to the reunion to get ice and I had a black eye.

4.  At a doctor's office I went to with my sister, the receptionist said I needed a picture ID so I said, "oh darn, I have to fix my hair, so my sister and the receptionist were looking at me weird and I said, "what's the matter?"  Well what I needed was to show a picture ID not have a picture taken.

Okay, that's it for now! :D


#1 I was once a liberal. During that time I once laid down in a chalk outline for Hate Crimes Awareness week.

#2 I was once a Republican. I voted for George Bush in 2004.

Lloyd Danforth

Eighth Grade Science class.  The teacher asks "what do you call the sickness a diver gets from coming up too fast?"

Oh!  I know it!  I Know it!   Even though we have never covered it in class.  I raise my hand.  Probably as surprised, as I was he chose me.  I knew it was 'Bends', intellectually, I knew it was the Bends!  Stage fright ensued and out came: "The Runs!"


Too many to count...

I mean, there was that one time dalebert wanted some karma...  ::)

No, really, hmm.... well, there was this one time in elementary school when I didn't bring my gym shirt along, or I was wearing a button-down shirt on gym day, so I took it off while we were all sitting on the gym floor...

I was laughed at and thoroughly embarrassed.


Quote from: Lloyd  Danforth on April 10, 2007, 05:59 PM NHFT
Eighth Grade Science class.  The teacher asks "what do you call the sickness a diver gets from coming up too fast?"

Oh!  I know it!  I Know it!   Even though we have never covered it in class.  I raise my hand.  Probably as surprised, as I was he chose me.  I knew it was 'Bends', intellectually, I knew it was the Bends!  Stage fright ensued and out came: "The Runs!"

That's cute!
I was in technical school, (about 24 years old), and I was in front of the class talking and everyone pointed out to me that I had my skirt on backwards and there was a pair of underwear in my back packet which was accidentally my front pocket. :blush:  Too much partying I don't know why they were there so don't ask.


Quote from: dalebert on April 10, 2007, 02:51 PM NHFT
#1 I was once a liberal. During that time I once laid down in a chalk outline for Hate Crimes Awareness week.

#2 I was once a Republican. I voted for George Bush in 2004.

Another good one! + for all of you!

I was playing hooky from school and ended up walking in the middle of a John Travolta movie being filmed in Philadelphia. 8)


Quote from: James A. Pyrich on April 10, 2007, 07:33 PM NHFT
Too many to count...

I mean, there was that one time dalebert wanted some karma...  ::)

No, really, hmm.... well, there was this one time in elementary school when I didn't bring my gym shirt along, or I was wearing a button-down shirt on gym day, so I took it off while we were all sitting on the gym floor...

I was laughed at and thoroughly embarrassed.

Aaww that must have sucked!  You should've mooned everyone! :)

Lloyd Danforth

Quote from: raineyrocks on April 11, 2007, 07:38 AM NHFT
Quote from: Lloyd  Danforth on April 10, 2007, 05:59 PM NHFT
Eighth Grade Science class.  The teacher asks "what do you call the sickness a diver gets from coming up too fast?"

Oh!  I know it!  I Know it!   Even though we have never covered it in class.  I raise my hand.  Probably as surprised, as I was he chose me.  I knew it was 'Bends', intellectually, I knew it was the Bends!  Stage fright ensued and out came: "The Runs!"

That's cute!
I was in technical school, (about 24 years old), and I was in front of the class talking and everyone pointed out to me that I had my skirt on backwards and there was a pair of underwear in my back packet which was accidentally my front pocket. :blush:  Too much partying I don't know why they were there so don't ask.

If you could remember, you would lose our respect


On at least two occasions I've gone out, gotten QUITE drunk, and wound up at home the next morning with pairs of panties and had no idea who owned them or how I wound up with them.

money dollars

Quote from: error on April 11, 2007, 09:54 AM NHFT
On at least two occasions I've gone out, gotten QUITE drunk, and wound up at home the next morning with pairs of panties and had no idea who owned them or how I wound up with them.
I've seen the video on the internets. It wasn't pretty.


Quote from: money dollars on April 11, 2007, 09:58 AM NHFT
Quote from: error on April 11, 2007, 09:54 AM NHFT
On at least two occasions I've gone out, gotten QUITE drunk, and wound up at home the next morning with pairs of panties and had no idea who owned them or how I wound up with them.
I've seen the video on the internets. It wasn't pretty.

You couldn't post video on the internet at the time these happened. But nice try.


Quote from: error on April 11, 2007, 09:54 AM NHFT
On at least two occasions I've gone out, gotten QUITE drunk, and wound up at home the next morning with pairs of panties and had no idea who owned them or how I wound up with them.

Pairs of panties?  And you don't remember something like that?  I thought when it came to having threesomes, foursomes, whatever, you guys never forgot those memories. :o

I know I've been so drunk at one time or another that brothers started looking the same, uh, oh for me!


Quote from: raineyrocks on April 11, 2007, 11:01 AM NHFT
Pairs of panties?  And you don't remember something like that?  I thought when it came to having threesomes, foursomes, whatever, you guys never forgot those memories. :o

Oh, how I wish I'd not been too drunk to remember.


Quote from: error on April 11, 2007, 11:07 AM NHFT
Quote from: raineyrocks on April 11, 2007, 11:01 AM NHFT
Pairs of panties?  And you don't remember something like that?  I thought when it came to having threesomes, foursomes, whatever, you guys never forgot those memories. :o

Oh, how I wish I'd not been too drunk to remember.

Oh, how I wish I was too drunk to remember. 8)


Since you put it that way... I've had a few nights I wish I was too drunk to remember, too!