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Where does NH rank in education?

Started by Quantrill, April 08, 2007, 10:10 AM NHFT

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Anyone know where NH ranks in test scores, spending per student, # of students per teacher, etc...

Or where would I find this info?

Tyler Stearns

Here is a link to the US Chamber of Commerce Education Report Card:


They give NH a grade of 'A' and an overall ranking of 3rd in the US.  But that won't last for too long.  The State Supreme Court wants us to adopt the standards of adequacy that Kentucky has (grade of 'D') and the funding mechanism that Hawaii has in place (grade of 'F' and a sub-grade of 'F' in Return on Investment).  Soon we will be near the bottom because of the Court.

Russell Kanning

most kids I know don't take tests and submit them to add to the statistics

Rosie the Riveter

Being the resident ed reform activist --I wonder what are you planning to do with this info, Quantrill?  ;D



Quote from: Quantrill on April 08, 2007, 08:34 PM NHFT
Write a rebuttal to this tool

ARRGH another Marxist! Q please let him have it!

We are a rich state so therefore we must steal from those that have for education even though our state ranks up there like 3rd in the country????

These Marxists will NEVER be happy with anything they get and will always want more....

Rosie the Riveter

Quote from: Quantrill on April 08, 2007, 08:34 PM NHFT
Write a rebuttal to this tool

I am glad your are going to write -- This white paper has everything you could need to argue for local control a .pdf is available in the right margin.



Hey guess what? This Mr. Upton is a 'Harvard Lawyer' who is one of the very same in the lawfirm of Chuck Grau, a man who threatened and intimidated me and other people (both physically and with lawsuits) right here in my town during the school fight. These are the MOST evil people.

Write to the Monitor and ask them why they keep printing this crap from CRAZY MARXISTS who should move out of the country?

Or better yet, why not write to Mr. Upton directly.


His website: http://www.upton-hatfield.com/frederic-k-upton.htm

The whole lot of them are 'steal from the rich to give to the poor' types.... How disgusting!


Ok, it's been sent.  We'll see if they print it...


Quote from: Quantrill on April 08, 2007, 09:28 PM NHFT
Ok, it's been sent.  We'll see if they print it...

Letters like these from the likes of Mr Upton, literally make me ill. Yesterday some jerk asked me 'what is wrong with Communism'? I said, (after I nearly grabbed his throat and throttled him) that his statement was probably the BEST reason for getting the 'state' out of education...they thoroughly brainwash and infuse political correctness into every kid, DE RIGEUR, in order to be used by them at a later date to control the thoughts, minds, and MONEY of others. (you know, the racist card, the 'tax the rich' like the dope who is stalking me now keeps insisting, and other such nonsense....)

Q, if they won't publish you, just set up a blog and do it there.....or send to Cathy Peschke and she will post on her site if it's a good argument. Why deal with communist newspapers who are only shilling for the redistributionists?


Quote from: Tyler Stearns on April 08, 2007, 10:38 AM NHFT
Here is a link to the US Chamber of Commerce Education Report Card:


They give NH a grade of 'A' and an overall ranking of 3rd in the US.  But that won't last for too long.  The State Supreme Court wants us to adopt the standards of adequacy that Kentucky has (grade of 'D') and the funding mechanism that Hawaii has in place (grade of 'F' and a sub-grade of 'F' in Return on Investment).  Soon we will be near the bottom because of the Court.

This must be printed OVER AND OVER AGAIN until it sinks into the masses and they get mad enough to stop these lunatics in their tracks!

Rosie the Riveter

Quote from: Quantrill on April 08, 2007, 09:28 PM NHFT
Ok, it's been sent.  We'll see if they print it...

I'd love to have a copy of what you wrote -- more ammo for my arsenal -- if you are willing to share.


Quote from: Rosie the Riveter on April 08, 2007, 09:36 PM NHFT
Quote from: Quantrill on April 08, 2007, 09:28 PM NHFT
Ok, it's been sent.  We'll see if they print it...

I'd love to have a copy of what you wrote -- more ammo for my arsenal -- if you are willing to share.

We'd all love to see it. These lunatic leftwing moonbats have my blood boiling tonight.

Tyler, send those stats to the governor. Tell him if he lets this happen, we will forever hold him as the governor who ruined education in NH after the ratings go in the toilet.


I would love to have a full page to write an editorial like that meatspanker did, but unfortunately LTEs have to be brief.  So here's what I wrote:

Quote from: Quantrill's reply to the moron in the Concord Monitor
  I'm puzzled as to why Hopkinton lawyer   Frederic K. Upton thinks the constitutional amendment proposed by the governor would reduce the state's financial responsibility for public education.  Currently the state does not even pay for "half the cost of an adequate education" and yet New Hampshire
ranks 3rd in the country according to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. 
  He goes on to say: "A substantial percentage of our country's citizenry is illiterate, and nationally our children are performing poorly in science. Too many of our own youngsters are quitting high school before graduation."
  Mr. Upton, this does not apply to New Hampshire students.  They repeatedly outperform the students of
other states and all this without your "adequate education" theory.  You think the Governor's amendment is
not enough.  I say it is too much.  The students are doing very well and who are you to try to change that?