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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Ed Brown Demo sun 4/22 Claremont

Started by Dave Ridley, April 09, 2007, 10:28 PM NHFT

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Dave Ridley

Ed Brown supporter Bill Miller from the Seacoast area gave me a ring and let me know he is scheduling a second demonstration:

It will be in Claremont to support ed brown, 12:00 noon Sun. April 22.  They'll be handing out AFTF cd's and they'd especially appreciate any video cameras folks can bring to take pics for youtube.  This is designed to increase activity in the runup to ed's sentencing on april 24

bill asked me to leave his number:
you can call him with questions.

603 767 3657

Thanks bill for setting this up!

Dave Ridley

bill miller says this will be at or near the claremont wal mart


There were five of us handing out hundreds of DVDs today.
Traffic was heavy and had to stop at our intersection.  Lots honked in support, many yelled "pay your taxes like everyone else".

Two interesting notes:
Top story on the Valley News (local paper) was Larkin Rose (non-local person) saying he should have paid his taxes. 
Also when the Claremont police had a talk with us about staying on the sidewalk he mentioned that he had been tipped off that there would be a demonstration today.

This tells me we may be having an effect on the media and the authorities. 


Quote from: TackleTheWorld on April 22, 2007, 10:20 PM NHFT
Also when the Claremont police had a talk with us about staying on the sidewalk he mentioned that he had been tipped off that there would be a demonstration today.

The folks over at the Federal Protective Service have been known to tip off other organizations when someone is doing something that those organizations might be interested in monitoring or disrupting.

When you think "spying on Americans," think Federal Protective Service first!


"V" was there, waving to all the cars...and getting lots of waves, smiles, and looks!  "V" was holding a "God Bless Ed Brown" sign while waving.  This was a big success but we would have enjoyed having more people with us to hand out information.  We did have another Constitution Ranger stop by and help us hand out AFTF DVDs.

We also helped out a family returning to their home in VT from Boston.  They were having car trouble and the husband gashed his leg pushing the vehicle off the road and into a parking lot(we all helped push as soon as we could get to them).  Bernie dropped him off at the hospital and then we fixed their vehicle(battery went bad, put a new one in).

I enjoyed helping them and being a "good Samaritan"...contrary to popular belief...and while my bite is much worse than my bark...these are only necessary when my Sovereignty is not respected...

Dave Ridley

great job guys! 

5 is pretty good considering how out of the way the place is



Right issue, wrong day
That's a picture from 24 April.
I don't think there are any pictures from 22 April.