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Russell arrested 4/10/07

Started by Kat Kanning, April 10, 2007, 06:06 PM NHFT

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Kat Kanning

Quote from: Tom Sawyer on May 05, 2007, 09:05 PM NHFT
As I posted the message on some other forums.
QuoteHere is video of another Free Stater pulled over on the way to Tax Resistor Ed Brown's house. Lauren doesn't have license or registration.

Lauren Canario is another of the superactivists. One of the bravest people I've ever met. She served 90 days for sitting on a porch in New London CT's eminent domain struggle she didn't cooperate, process etc... they finally gave up and let her go.

I believe this is the 4th or 5th time she has been stopped.

Wow, I missed that somehow.  I knew it'd happened, but hadn't seen the video.  It's up on keenefreepress now.

Russell Kanning

wow .... that video is great
the cop just keeps talking and talking .... trying to justify his position ... isn't it interesting to watch cops discuss issues with you while they threaten you with force?

Tom Sawyer

The relevent threads regarding Lauren's Video.

Quote from: TackleTheWorld on April 20, 2007, 10:13 PM NHFT
Here's what happened when I got pulled over March 1, 2007

Officer Braun was sure making a lot of justifications to me.  He acted like I accused him of illegitimacy, but I didn't say hardly anything. 
Credit where credit is due - he correctly guessed my name, destination and political tendencies, that's some fine police work.

I'm thinking I shouldn't have taken the ticket from his hand.  I wonder what he would have done.

Quote from: TackleTheWorld on April 20, 2007, 09:30 PM NHFT
Quote from: TackleTheWorld on March 02, 2007, 10:25 AM NHFT

Watch this thread for future reprocussions.

Here's what happened when I got pulled over with no license or registration.


QuoteHere is video of another Free Stater pulled over on the way to Tax Resistor Ed Brown's house. Lauren doesn't have license or registration.

Lauren Canario is another of the superactivists. One of the bravest people I've ever met. She served 90 days for sitting on a porch in New London CT's eminent domain struggle she didn't cooperate, process etc... they finally gave up and let her go.

I believe this is the 4th or 5th time she has been stopped.

OK, before it got snipped somehow, I believe what I posted was something about how I had seen this video at least half a dozen times and how inspiring it was. I'm putting up a shrine to Lauren next to my John Stossel shrine.



Re: Lauren: "OMG, that policeman let a felon go from the scene of a felony!"

Several states' laws I've looked at state that anyone 'causing an unregistered vehicle to be operated on' any road the state, city, whatever gov't controls is "guilty of a felony". You all saw how dangerous that unregistered, unlicensed driver was! Damned hippies!

Anyhow, I take it NH has more "civilized" laws regarding unregistered vehicles?


Quote from: penguins4me on May 06, 2007, 10:49 AM NHFT
Re: Lauren: "OMG, that policeman let a felon go from the scene of a felony!"

Several states' laws I've looked at state that anyone 'causing an unregistered vehicle to be operated on' any road the state, city, whatever gov't controls is "guilty of a felony". You all saw how dangerous that unregistered, unlicensed driver was! Damned hippies!

Anyhow, I take it NH has more "civilized" laws regarding unregistered vehicles?

Isn't Lauren the greatest! :blush:

:bus: :bigparty: :worship: :bigparty: :bus:


He, the police officer mentioned her beliefs, is it possible that when he ran Laurens rear licence plate of when he figured out who she was that he discussed or it was mentioned to him her beliefs? 

Russell Kanning

On Friday I got some of my stuff out of the jail. Today I got a book that was sent to me in the jail by someone. It was "New Libertarian Manfesto". Thanks someone. I am still waiting for them to find my jacket and some other items. I might have to send them a bill.


Quote from: Russell Kanning on May 06, 2007, 04:26 PM NHFTOn Friday I got some of my stuff out of the jail. Today I got a book that was sent to me in the jail by someone. It was "New Libertarian Manfesto". Thanks someone. I am still waiting for them to find my jacket and some other items. I might have to send them a bill.

Remember, if it's more than $500 worth of stuff stolen, the crime becomes a felony and the aggressor loses a lot of their "inalienable, inherent" rights! :P


Wow, my post got snipped somehow. I know I said something but it's just showing me quoting another post and putting a winky face. Odd...

Dave Ridley

here's the man to complain to about the disappearance of russells property

  Sheriff Scott Hilliard
                               Merrimack County Sheriff's Office
                       Merrimack County Courthouse
                               163 North Main Street
                 Concord, New Hampshire 03301-5001
                 (603)225-5583      FAX (603)225-5630

Kat Kanning

Audio from Russell's arraignment came today.

Tom Sawyer

Audio from Russell's Hearing

State vs Russell Kanning

Thanks to the efforts of quantrill and Caleb.



Kick ass, woman! I love the whole thing. Can I get permission to download it an freely distribute it, minus cost of distribution?

I too love how he has to justify his position. I so wanted to say a bunch of things. 'We're out here just doing our jobs'. 'Really? Isn't that what the Nazi's said, we don't agree with it, but we're just doing our job.' 'You need to register your car.' 'Why, because there is a prize drawing for all registered owners? What is the purpose of registering my car?' 'There's always a good reason for us to pull you over.' 'Really, violating the rights of the individual over the supposed rights of the group, is that like something China does. We think the internet has bad content so we are going to block it. We think some movies are bad so we are going to block them. We think some people are stupid so we are going to stop them. We think some people can't support themselves so we are going to help them.'

Bunch of ^% %$@ BULL#@$%! You're a facist Mr. Police Officer, you just don't want to admit it. Fine, then admit to being a Collectivist and at least then you in the company of Communists, Lenists, Socialists, Nazi's, and other so called 'we want to help you, but you have to give up your rights so we can' groups. At least you'd be honest.


Quote from: DadaOrwell on May 07, 2007, 09:01 AM NHFT
here's the man to complain to about the disappearance of russells property

  Sheriff Scott Hilliard
                               Merrimack County Sheriff's Office
                       Merrimack County Courthouse
                               163 North Main Street
                 Concord, New Hampshire 03301-5001
                 (603)225-5583      FAX (603)225-5630

His website - http://www.hilliardforsheriff.com/about.php

And note that THIS GUY has had some bad experiences with Hilliard.

Hilliard, Scott
157 Rand Rd
Northfield, NH 03276-4410
(603) 286-4794

Remember, Sheriff Hilliard  has committed his life to serving the people and feels that "being called a public servant is an honor."