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My experience with doctors in New Hampshire so far

Started by Raineyrocks, April 13, 2007, 11:13 AM NHFT

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I've been to 2 different doctors up here for my injured hand in a car accident so after trying homeopathic stuff, a naturopath, and coconut oil nothing is working to stop the pain. So I've decided I just want my good old medicines from my  Maryland doctors, I'm tired of hurting.

These 2 doctors that I've seen have treated me like a drug seeking junky because I want a painkillers and it's really starting to tick me off.  My other doctor in Maryland used to write me out pain pill prescriptions, nsaids, and flexerils no problem.   I never abused the meds, only took them when I was in bad pain.  I went to these 2 doctors with my medical records, mri report, and x-rays so it's not like they don't have the medical history of my problem or prescriptions. 
1 doctor won't give me anything. The next one gave me darvons, which I've never had before and they're giving me heart palpitations and nausea and not helping the pain so I called him up today and asked if he could just prescribe what I was getting in Maryland as I'm out of them now, he flat out said no, darvons or nothing!
Does anyone know of a doctor that will help me and not be so judgmental?  My scripts from Maryland have lasted since August so anyone can tell I'm not abusing them, why the attitudes with these doctors when I ask?
I wear a hand brace almost constantly and if I have to shovel snow, write a lot (which I want to write a letter to a newspaper today), vacuum, blah, blah anything that puts pressure on my hand and I'm in pain for days .
If you want to pm me with info that's fine, I don't care as long as I can get some help and stop wasting $$ going to ignorant doctors.


I hope somebody comes up with something for you, rainey, but I have a distinct feeling you'll have to travel for this.


Quote from: James A. Pyrich on April 13, 2007, 11:17 AM NHFT
I hope somebody comes up with something for you, rainey, but I have a distinct feeling you'll have to travel for this.

Thanks James, it just really sucks getting treated that way over something that is so obviously wrong with my hand! >:(

Tom Sawyer

Here is a list of pain clinics... This might help, I hope.


Silly link didn't work.
I did a search at Pain.com for NH pain clinics.


Quote from: Tom Sawyer on April 13, 2007, 11:59 AM NHFT
Here is a list of pain clinics... This might help, I hope.


Thanks, I hope it helps too!  This damp weather really ignites the pain and my house is a mess because I know if I clean it I'll be in pain with no pain pills for days. :(


Forget it!  I made over 20 phone calls today and nobody will take me.  They said, in New Hampshire doctors can only accept a certain amount of patients that are on controlled substances because they have to watch them closely.
Some said I need a general doctor first and I said , I don't have health insurance so why do I need anyone to give me referrals anywhere, they couldn't answer.  I've been hung up on, some were nice but couldn't help me.  Maybe I'll try Vermont, Maine or Mass, I don't know. Accupuncture, (sp?) would be cool with me but I want something in the meantime.  Whatever................RaineyRocks is broken and defeated!  I'm like that guy on the commercial shopping for car insurance who puts his head against the wall and is going insane after all of his phone calls. :)


Don't give up! Help me go after the federal government which has put you in pain and left you there "for your own good."


Quote from: error on April 13, 2007, 04:10 PM NHFT
Don't give up! Help me go after the federal government which has put you in pain and left you there "for your own good."

Okay even though I don't understand how they put me in pain, I thought it was the asshole truck driver that hit my van.  Do you mean because of the stupid ass rules and regulations for medicines?  Lets just get a bottle of wine and go rob a pharmacy!  Just kidding!  How can I help you?  Aren't you in the least bit scared of me helping you?


Quote from: raineyrocks on April 13, 2007, 04:15 PM NHFT
Quote from: error on April 13, 2007, 04:10 PM NHFT
Don't give up! Help me go after the federal government which has put you in pain and left you there "for your own good."

Okay even though I don't understand how they put me in pain, I thought it was the asshole truck driver that hit my van.  Do you mean because of the stupid ass rules and regulations for medicines?  Lets just get a bottle of wine and go rob a pharmacy!  Just kidding!  How can I help you?  Aren't you in the least bit scared of me helping you?

Okay, maybe not put you in pain, but certainly prevented you from having access to an effective medicine.

And showing up the government for the dumbasses they are is what I do for a living! Believe it or not it pays fairly well, if not handsomely.

As for what you have to do, nothing but tell your story and let me put it in front of my audience. :)


Quote from: error on April 13, 2007, 04:22 PM NHFT
Quote from: raineyrocks on April 13, 2007, 04:15 PM NHFT
Quote from: error on April 13, 2007, 04:10 PM NHFT
Don't give up! Help me go after the federal government which has put you in pain and left you there "for your own good."

Okay even though I don't understand how they put me in pain, I thought it was the asshole truck driver that hit my van.  Do you mean because of the stupid ass rules and regulations for medicines?  Lets just get a bottle of wine and go rob a pharmacy!  Just kidding!  How can I help you?  Aren't you in the least bit scared of me helping you?

Okay, maybe not put you in pain, but certainly prevented you from having access to an effective medicine.

And showing up the government for the dumbasses they are is what I do for a living! Believe it or not it pays fairly well, if not handsomely.

As for what you have to do, nothing but tell your story and let me put it in front of my audience. :)

Wow, that sounds easy!  Will you give me questions, a starting point, tell me when to end it?  What about the wine and pharmacy thing?  Honestly I'd love to help you just be patient with me Error, I'm not as quick as you. 8)


Sure, no problem. I'm not quite ready for you yet though! I have too much other stuff to do and not enough hours in the day! Maybe sometime next week. And hopefully you'll have found a doctor by then and I can write something like a happy ending.


Quote from: error on April 13, 2007, 04:27 PM NHFT
Sure, no problem. I'm not quite ready for you yet though! I have too much other stuff to do and not enough hours in the day! Maybe sometime next week. And hopefully you'll have found a doctor by then and I can write something like a happy ending.

That sounds great, I'm not ready to do it yet either so next week sounds better.   Let me know if I can help you anytime, your website is awesome!  I must admit some stuff on there confuses me but I'm pretty sure most people understand it.  I have comprehension issues.  Remember Error I'll probably need you to ask me certain questions, like an interview I guess, right?


OH don't worry, I'll ask all the right questions, and I'll make sure you don't look like a complete idiot. :)



I have something else going on too now I don't know if it's down your alley but I'll PM you if you want me to.  It's about a blatant rip-off and I think it might be on a similar topic but has to do with a medical facility.  I'm not sure if it would be "big" enough for what you do.  Let me know. :D


I like hearing true stories, even if I can't write about them. Feel free to PM me. :)