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Dan and Carol on TV?

Started by Rochelle, April 15, 2007, 02:16 PM NHFT

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Whoa, have I been hiding under a rock or something? I was just going through the stations here on TV and I saw Dan and Carol McGuire on channel 23 going through the bills and evaluating. It was like NHLA bill reviewers in short.

How cool! When did this start up?


NH Native


Dan was on the Media Panel at the NH Liberty Forum because of the show:

Steve Vaillancourt has a show as well, it is archived at:


Quote from: Rochelle on April 15, 2007, 02:16 PM NHFT
Whoa, have I been hiding under a rock or something? I was just going through the stations here on TV and I saw Dan and Carol McGuire on channel 23 going through the bills and evaluating. It was like NHLA bill reviewers in short.

How cool! When did this start up?

A few months ago. It is listed on the NHLC.


Yea, so I've been living under a rock ;) THis is neat though, I'll have to watch some of the archives and see what they've been up to :) Too bad not many people watch the local channels, but it's still a great thing!


Oh, the idiot box! I don't watch that thing.


Quote from: error on April 17, 2007, 06:49 AM NHFT
Oh, the idiot box! I don't watch that thing.

I don't even own an idiot box!


Quote from: powerchuter on April 17, 2007, 08:51 AM NHFT
Quote from: error on April 17, 2007, 06:49 AM NHFT
Oh, the idiot box! I don't watch that thing.

I don't even own an idiot box!

There's one downstairs, but I don't own it, and I try not to go downstairs when it's on.


Aw c'mon, it's good for cartoons when it's too nasty to go outside! Else how would I get my FUTURAMA fix?

'Chuter you can watch my TV if you are deprived. :-)