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Something worth reading in your spare time.

Started by CaveDog, April 16, 2007, 07:51 PM NHFT

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It's obvious to anyone who's read my previous postings that I'm a huge proponent of the philosopher John Locke. I faced the same question a lot of people try to answer, that being "What is the purpose of government?". In researching this, I came to see that the framers were hugely influenced by him. In reading his works, I finally began to grasp what the framers were saying.

For those who have never studied Locke and his long dissertations, I found an excellent summary of his two treatises of government at wikipedia. It's fairly brief and easy to read compared to the full works, but gets the idea across. It's very enlightening stuff and well worth the read. It's online at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two_Treatises_of_Government


For extra credit, show how Locke was wrong, and that government serves no good purpose whatsoever.

Pat McCotter

Boy, am I glad FrankChodorov isn't here anymore. This thread would degenerate quite quickly.