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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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We Can't Be Stopped.

Started by George_Vreeland_Hill, April 16, 2007, 10:15 PM NHFT

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Quote from: dalebert on April 17, 2007, 05:09 PM NHFT
Quote from: MaineShark on April 17, 2007, 04:01 PM NHFT
Voting is force, but it is not necessarily initiated force.  It can be used in self-defense.

I agree. See my post here for a longer explanation if you have the patience for it:

In short, I don't approve of shooting people, but I will shoot back. Guess what? People are shooting at us and the bullets are votes. Of course, how you vote is crucial to whether it's actually an unjustified use of force.

That's the moral argument. The point remains about whether it's effective though. As was said, the action may be misinterpreted by some sheeple as support for the legitimacy of democracy, so you have to weigh that against the potential benefit. I think an extra number on the polls is insignificant in that area compared to how well we make our case and speak out against the legitimacy of democracy.

Why not vote for someone who activly will work to reduce the size of government? Not voting for por-liberty candidates only furthers the growth of government and the suffering of its citizens.


Quote from: earthhaven on April 17, 2007, 05:19 PM NHFT
Why not vote for someone who activly will work to reduce the size of government? Not voting for por-liberty candidates only furthers the growth of government and the suffering of its citizens.

Why not just go to vote to DISALLOW the government to take more money from you? It doesn't make sense not to but then to sit back and complain when you had the power to stop it all along.... <sigh> How may times have I asked people who complain -- "Did you vote at your town elections? That's where they take your money". And they just look at me with that blank look. If it isn't worth 10 minutes to go in and say NO to everything (like Ron Paul does at the national level) then I don't want to hear about the 200 people that run the town and put the stamp on the spending. Voting is like saying NO to a rapist; it is not force, it's justified self defense!!!


I'd just like to say that I love the subject line of this thread.   :icon_pirat:


Quote from: FTL_Ian on April 17, 2007, 10:39 PM NHFT
I'd just like to say that I love the subject line of this thread.   :icon_pirat:

Ditto and karma for Ian!


I think voting is imperative as long as you are even somewhat dependent on "the system".  For the people who are totally self-sufficient and have their own place  and don't drive on public roads and don't buy any taxable products and don't have any income taxed and have nothing at all to do with anything that has to do with majority-rule laws then... sure - not voting would be ok for those people.

Of course you still have those pesky property taxes to deal with.  *Sigh.  I don't see how it's feasible to be completely out of the system any time soon... 


Quote from: Quantrill on April 17, 2007, 11:02 PM NHFT
I think voting is imperative as long as you are even somewhat dependent on "the system".  For the people who are totally self-sufficient and have their own place  and don't drive on public roads and don't buy any taxable products and don't have any income taxed and have nothing at all to do with anything that has to do with majority-rule laws then... sure - not voting would be ok for those people.

Of course you still have those pesky property taxes to deal with.  *Sigh.  I don't see how it's feasible to be completely out of the system any time soon... 

"Not voting" is "ok" for anyone who voluntarily chooses not too...
For you, or anyone else, to assert or demand differently is just plain ludicrous...

I buy gas which has road tax on it...and I drive on the roads...
I rent and, like most people, am not "self-sufficient" with respect to producing or processing everything I use...
But, again, I pay my dues there also...

"majority-rule" "laws" have no legitimate "authority" or "jurisdiction"...only aggression and mob rule...

Why in the world would you approve or enable that in any way, shape, or form!?!?!


The government does not rule legitimately, no matter how many people think it does.

Nor does voting give it legitimacy.


I think it is outrageous that somehow I as a victim of gov't extortion, am somehow to blame because I don't slavishly vote. 

If gov't could be neutered to where no matter what they do or 'vote' on then it won't hurt innocents.  That is a very real goal of nonviolent resistance.  It isn't now possible to be mostly out of the system.  But gov't is a cancer that only survives by taking from others.  Speeding up the collapse, be enough of an a-hole when they try to force compliance, (a form of deterrence), can help destroy this evil way of life that people have built up in our society.  It cannot survive indefinitely, because it is a cancer.  they create more and more victims every time they grow, or even when not growing.  It is force.  Unfortunately it is also an idea.  It cannot be destroyed unless you destroy the idea.  It will collapse without the idea being destroyed, but it will adjust somewhat and then start a whole new cycle of legitimized violence.  This happened during the revolution. 

Kat Kanning

Quote from: David on April 18, 2007, 12:04 PM NHFT
I think it is outrageous that somehow I as a victim of gov't extortion, am somehow to blame because I don't slavishly vote. 

If gov't could be neutered to where no matter what they do or 'vote' on then it won't hurt innocents.  That is a very real goal of nonviolent resistance.  It isn't now possible to be mostly out of the system.  But gov't is a cancer that only survives by taking from others.  Speeding up the collapse, be enough of an a-hole when they try to force compliance, (a form of deterrence), can help destroy this evil way of life that people have built up in our society.  It cannot survive indefinitely, because it is a cancer.  they create more and more victims every time they grow, or even when not growing.  It is force.  Unfortunately it is also an idea.  It cannot be destroyed unless you destroy the idea.  It will collapse without the idea being destroyed, but it will adjust somewhat and then start a whole new cycle of legitimized violence.  This happened during the revolution. 



It's more difficult than that, even. Ideas cannot be destroyed. That's like trying to put the genie back in the bottle. Even the idea that "the world is flat" persists. The reason it does is that it's preserved forever as a bad idea, proved false and entirely unacceptable.

To eradicate the scourge of coercive government from the face of the earth, something similar must be done with the ideas of coercive government.