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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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We Can't Be Stopped.

Started by George_Vreeland_Hill, April 16, 2007, 10:15 PM NHFT

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It is clear that the government does not like people who want to change things for the better.
This is a time when many rights are being taken away, but we the people are standing up and fighting.
There is a movement going on that can't be stopped, or even quieted down.
It is called the voice of the people, and it is getting louder.
The government has taken, but we are taking back.
When I say we, I must sadly say that it does not mean all people.
There are some who want to change the system, but feel that voting is a part of the corrupt system, and therefore, is wrong.
I have to say that if you do not vote, then you will change nothing, and nothing is what the government wants people like us to do.
Those who enslave by means of government rule, will always be your master if you let them.
Protest is great, and doing what you believe in is even greater, but the power to topple, comes from votes.
Voting is not a part of a system, but a way of changing it.
We need changes in this country.
The way to bring down something bigger than you, is to take it apart.
Bit by bit, and vote by vote.
It can be done.
It will be done.
A new way is coming.
John F. Kennedy once said the following:

A revolution is coming - a revolution which will be peaceful if we are wise enough; compassionate if we care enough; successful if we are fortunate enough - but a revolution which is coming whether we will it or not.
We can affect its character, we cannot alter its inevitability.

I am,
George Vreeland Hill


Quote from: George_Vreeland_Hill on April 16, 2007, 10:15 PM NHFT
It is clear that the government does not like people who want to change things for the better.
This is a time when many rights are being taken away, but we the people are standing up and fighting.
There is a movement going on that can't be stopped, or even quieted down.
It is called the voice of the people, and it is getting louder.
The government has taken, but we are taking back.
When I say we, I must sadly say that it does not mean all people.
There are some who want to change the system, but feel that voting is a part of the corrupt system, and therefore, is wrong.
I have to say that if you do not vote, then you will change nothing, and nothing is what the government wants people like us to do.
Those who enslave by means of government rule, will always be your master if you let them.
Protest is great, and doing what you believe in is even greater, but the power to topple, comes from votes.
Voting is not a part of a system, but a way of changing it.
We need changes in this country.
The way to bring down something bigger than you, is to take it apart.
Bit by bit, and vote by vote.
It can be done.
It will be done.
A new way is coming.
John F. Kennedy once said the following:

A revolution is coming - a revolution which will be peaceful if we are wise enough; compassionate if we care enough; successful if we are fortunate enough - but a revolution which is coming whether we will it or not.
We can affect its character, we cannot alter its inevitability.

I am,
George Vreeland Hill

Quote:  "I have to say that if you do not vote, then you will change nothing, and nothing is what the government wants people like us to do."

Response:  This is false.  Voting is a product of aggression against others because you are attempting to "force" your supposed "authority to rule over another person" by "legitimizing" it with "democracy"(read mob rule).  A simple example of this would be one wolf and one sheep voting on which one gets to eat the other for dinner.  Neither has the "authority" to initiate aggression against the other to get dinner.  So...the wolf finds another wolf and they "force" another "vote"...I'm sure you can see the logic in this example.

It has been reported, with some degree of accuracy, that over 50% of "Americans" receive some sort of "benefit" from "government".  These people do NOT want the "system" to change and they use the aggression of "voting" to continue receiving the plunder of those who produce.

Many years ago a wise old gentleman told me a simple truth.
He said "There are only two things for certain in life...number one is that things will always change...and...number two is that people will always resist change".

An example of what we are up against...

A single, working mother of three...
She "votes" and initiates aggression by using the "courts" to send jack-booted thugs to extort plunder from another person(who may or may not be the children's father).
She "votes" and initiates aggression by demanding others be "licensed" to control her competition in (choose any "licensed" field)...
She "votes" and initiates aggression by sending her children to "public school" which is paid for through the plunder of others...
She "votes" and initiates aggression by claiming "her" "Earned Income Credit" and receiving the plunder of others...
She "votes" and initiates aggression by claiming "SSI" for her "disabled or disfunctional" child(ren) and receiving yet more plunder from others...
She "votes and initiates aggression by claiming and receiving plunder through the "section 8" program...

Need I go on!?!?!

However, the above being said...it is useful to promote liberty-minded candidates as a "tool" of change.  You never know exactly what "spark" will start the fires of individual liberty!

In my honest, humble opinion, there is more "positive" value in NOT "voting" and, therefore, NOT enhancing the supposed "legitimacy" of "voting" and continuing the aggression against others.

Ron Paul would be a good transitional candidate who's message will definitely light the fires of liberty!


QuoteSlightly over half of all Americans ? 52.6 percent ? now receive significant income from government programs, according to an analysis by Gary Shilling, an economist in Springfield, N.J. That's up from 49.4 percent in 2000 and far above the 28.3 percent of Americans in 1950. If the trend continues, the percentage could rise within ten years to pass 55 percent, where it stood in 1980 on the eve of President's Reagan's move to scale back the size of government.



QuotePoliticians play to their constituencies, so when more than half of the country has a financial interest in seeing the government grow, that's the part of America to which they will cater. That's certainly not healthy and it is likely unsustainable 


Well of course it's unsustainable. The only question is, when will it collapse?


Quote from: error on April 17, 2007, 09:01 AM NHFT
Well of course it's unsustainable. The only question is, when will it collapse?

is there anything we could do to speed the inevitable up? >:D


I would recommend you to vote and then afterwards when done send the government notice that you don't consent to them representing you. Because in a free society things are voluntary and because you don't voluntary consent then what do they base their authority on?


I am of the opinion that voting is the best non violent way to create change.

I do understand that voting can be an initiation of aggression, but what if I vote for someone who will NOT initiate aggression?


Quote from: SpeedPhreak on April 17, 2007, 10:28 AM NHFT
Quote from: error on April 17, 2007, 09:01 AM NHFT
Well of course it's unsustainable. The only question is, when will it collapse?

is there anything we could do to speed the inevitable up? >:D


Show viable alternatives to the current aggressive behaviors and plunder!

To that end we should create and use many alternatives as soon as we can!

Alternative mediums of exchange(example: Liberty Dollar and/or barter)
Alternative educational opportunities(example: Homeschooling, private schools, etc.)

Anything the "government" is currently doing...the private sector can do better(and should)


Quote from: Ogre on April 17, 2007, 10:36 AM NHFT
I am of the opinion that voting is the best non violent way to create change.

I do understand that voting can be an initiation of aggression, but what if I vote for someone who will NOT initiate aggression?

"Voting" is a claim of "authority" or "jurisdiction" over the "winners", the "losers", and those not "voting"...

Claiming authority or jurisdiction will inevitably devolve into oppression and aggression...

Has history ever proven differently?


Well, as CNHT will say, if you're not voting spending down for your town budget you have only yourself to blame for the results.


Quote from: Jon Maltz on April 17, 2007, 11:21 AM NHFT
Well, as CNHT will say, if you're not voting spending down for your town budget you have only yourself to blame for the results.

You only have yourself to blame when you allow them their extortion...

Taxation is theft, plain and simple, and the tax collectors/enforcers initiating aggression to extract said extortion should be refused with superior defensive force...

6 billion planetary inhabitants have hereby been put on notice!


Quote from: powerchuter on April 17, 2007, 10:55 AM NHFT"Voting" is a claim of "authority" or "jurisdiction" over the "winners", the "losers", and those not "voting"...

Claiming authority or jurisdiction will inevitably devolve into oppression and aggression...

Has history ever proven differently?

Voting is force, but it is not necessarily initiated force.  It can be used in self-defense.

Personally, I write in "none of the above" :)



Quote from: MaineShark on April 17, 2007, 04:01 PM NHFT
Voting is force, but it is not necessarily initiated force.  It can be used in self-defense.

I agree. See my post here for a longer explanation if you have the patience for it:

In short, I don't approve of shooting people, but I will shoot back. Guess what? People are shooting at us and the bullets are votes. Of course, how you vote is crucial to whether it's actually an unjustified use of force.

That's the moral argument. The point remains about whether it's effective though. As was said, the action may be misinterpreted by some sheeple as support for the legitimacy of democracy, so you have to weigh that against the potential benefit. I think an extra number on the polls is insignificant in that area compared to how well we make our case and speak out against the legitimacy of democracy.