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Protest for gun freedom?

Started by Coconut, April 18, 2007, 09:46 PM NHFT

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Quote from: powerchuter on April 26, 2007, 08:05 PM NHFT

Bad idea...
Very bad idea...

Why would you want to fake, bluff, or imitate?

You are hereby smitten!

because... it would be a symbolic gesture.  please notice I said I would never advocate passing a replica off as real.. as that is very stupid & has resulted in uneeded deaths in the past.


Quote from: error on April 26, 2007, 07:57 PM NHFT
I can't wait to see Ian out there with his AK. 8)
I think it'll be a much better photo-op (and a more poignant example of why firearms are useful) if Julia carries the AK.


Quote from: SAK on April 26, 2007, 08:19 PM NHFT
I think some of the people here should move to Illinois.  You're going to lose your rights if you don't exercise them.  You might as well live here and save yourself the difference in time.

I wouldn't wish Illinois on my worst enemy.


Any state university's anti-gun policy is a flat violation of the preemption law.

Recumbent ReCycler

Quote from: SAK on April 26, 2007, 07:16 PM NHFT
so get 30 people, and peacefully walk onto campus open-carrying with signs and everything.  You likely won't be arrested, and if they do, you all can sue the tar out of them if you choose (not to mention get that annoying regulation overturned).

Their "rule" or "law" or whatever you want to call it isn't valid -- not even to corporate persons :D  It's certainly not valid to natural persons -- as no gun laws are.
It's not a rule or a law, just a policy.
QuoteThe facts are that the state of New Hampshire doesn't have a waiting period to buy a gun. However, the state does require that anyone who wishes to carry a handgun have a permit to do so. When on campus it is important to remember that university policy overrides these state laws on guns and no weapons of any sort are allowed on university property.

Dean said he knows of students who are on campus who wish to carry a gun and believe that because they have permits to carry concealed weapons this should be allowed. He also admitted to having arrested people on campus who have been in possession of a gun.

"The only people who should have guns [on campus] are the police, period," said Dep. Chief Dean.
Obviously the Deputy Chief at UNH would have someone arrested for carrying a gun on campus.  IIRC, he was the guy who was teaching a course on responding to terrorist threats that I took before going to UNH, while I was working as a security specialist.  He suggested in the class that people who quote the constitution are right wing extremists and possible domestic terrorists.


Quote from: Defender of Liberty on May 13, 2007, 12:41 AM NHFT
  He suggested in the class that people who quote the constitution are right wing extremists and possible domestic terrorists.
Isn't Obama a 'constitutional scholar'?
Should the Supreme Court be arrested as terrorists then?

Recumbent ReCycler

Quote from: Dreepa on May 14, 2007, 12:54 PM NHFT
Quote from: Defender of Liberty on May 13, 2007, 12:41 AM NHFT
  He suggested in the class that people who quote the constitution are right wing extremists and possible domestic terrorists.
Isn't Obama a 'constitutional scholar'?
Should the Supreme Court be arrested as terrorists then?
I think he was only referring to people who are not government lackeys, and who suggest that the constitution protects the rights of the people, rather than the state governments.

Kat Kanning

So is this protest going to happen?


Quote from: SpeedPhreak on April 26, 2007, 08:03 PM NHFT
what about going on campus open carrying airsoft or replica guns?  i would never advocate carrying a fake gun as a real one but in a demonstration it maybe a bit different story.
What about instead of fake guns that look like real guns, you use giant gun shaped signs which carry your message.

Pat McCotter

How bout this.

[attachment deleted by admin]

Russell Kanning

Quote from: Coconut on April 18, 2007, 09:46 PM NHFT
In response to the shootings this week, I would love to see a rally near the entrance to Keene State advocating allowing guns on campus. Current school rules outlaw them. Also, there was a written threat found in one of the bathrooms Tuesday that has reportedly worried students and parents. I'd have no problem getting a time, place, and posting on various places like here and freekeene.com, but I've never organized a demonstration before and I am not sure what is involved to make it a success.
Decide to do something and then tell others about it. If you give them time, then some people might be able to join you.

Bald Eagle

Get a fake receiver.  BATFE and I'm sure State law defines a firearm as the receiver, which is usually the part that accepts the magazine and where the serial number must be stamped.

Use the Firearm-minus-Receiver construct as a visual aid for demonstration and thumb your nose at the rules and the "campus safety."  No receiver, no firearm, no firearm, no ammo, no violation.  Piss off.

Have the NRA, the JPFO (yeah, harass the JEWS - go ahead!), the GOA, GO-NH, and a bunch of pro-gun politicians attend your gun safety course.

Put a big sign on the construct, stating, "THIS IS NOT A FIREARM."

I mean, hell, if you're going to jerk with them, jerk with them HARD.  Then surprise-stomp them with people higher up on the political subdivision food chain than they are.

Don't just hold a protest, ENGINEER it as a weapon against tyranny over God's People.
God's chosen, persecuted People in the case of the Jews.
And the minorities, and the oppressed women, and people of diverse ethnic and cultural backgrounds.

Shit, I'd dress up like Christ and sing "Onward Christian Soldiers" if I thought it would do any good.   :icon_pirat:

I'm just saying - think it out, have layers and layers of issues and defenses, and contingency and backup plans.  Then hit them like the F'in Hammer of Thor.


You might want to consider this:

An eccentric citizen of our town was confronted by police one day last year after they received a call that he was acting strangely in a local business.  When police arrived and confronted him, he had left the business and was simply walking down the sidewalk carrying a box in one hand.  They asked him to show them what was in the box.

Then they noticed the box said "Smith & Wesson" on it.  Then they panicked and told him not to open the box.  Whereupon he insisted he wanted to the box in compliance with their initial request.  They kept insisting that they had changed their minds and didn't want him to open the box.  A lengthy verbal tug-of-war ensued, with the police shouting at him not to open the box and the suspect insisting he wanted to show them what he had in the box.

In the end, he was, of course, arrested.  It turned out the box was empty, so he didn't wind up facing a firearms charge, and the police came off looking like asses.

So if two or three dozen of you were walking across campus carrying empty pistol boxes from Colt, Glock, Sig Sauer, et al., they'd basically have to shake down and check out every one of you; and if you hadn't been acting eccentrically before the confrontation, they wouldn't have anything to charge you with.

Bald Eagle

"and if you hadn't been acting eccentrically before the confrontation, ...."

You're kidding, right?  You've met this crowd before, haven't you?   ::)



Quote from: Russell Kanning on May 15, 2007, 11:34 PM NHFT
Decide to do something and then tell others about it. If you give them time, then some people might be able to join you.
These are some of the wisest words I've read in a long time.