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Salem H.S. bans backpacks

Started by Dave Ridley, April 19, 2007, 07:38 AM NHFT

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Dave Ridley

temporary ban related to recent threat
do you guys think this is worth speaking out against with a minidemonstration of some kind?


Lloyd Danforth

The kids could protest by leaving their books in their lockers.


That would be an overreaction to this stupidity.

I find it worth speaking out against stupidity wherever it rears its ugly head. ESPECIALLY when stupidity surfaces near vulnerable children.


Exactly how are you supposed to get your books to and from school?
Error.... I went to school at Newton North..... ah the good old days.


they could not show up those 3 days... get enough students to skip & it will work.


A student walks into a classroom wearing a backpack.

Two primary scenarios:

#1 He doesn't have any weapons in the backpack.

#2 He has a gun or guns in his backpack that he brought to school for a killing rampage.

A teacher confronts the student.

#1 Student gets in trouble for a stupid tedious rule.

#2 Murderous rampage starts an hour or two earlier than previously planned.

The degree of stupidity has reached epic proportions.

Possible silver lining to a bad public education: Student gets in trouble for a stupid tedious rule. Student begins to question authority- the best thing you can learn in a public school.


Quote from: DadaOrwell on April 19, 2007, 07:38 AM NHFT
do you guys think this is worth speaking out against with a minidemonstration of some kind?

I think this is Salem Mass. I don't think it's worth demonstrating in the People's Republic.

There is some nonsense at the Salem NH HS as well.


I used to go to school in Peabody, the next town over from Salem MA, and yes, they're pretty whacky down there.

The whole "How will they get their books to school thing" is irrelevant down there, if my experience is at all indicative of their "education" practices.  My high school was little more than a very expensive, very large, very crime infested government daycare for older kids.


Er, this story is about Salem, N.H., not Salem, Mass.

And now the FBI is involved. http://www.eagletribune.com/nhnews/local_story_109115624?page=0


my bad

well, really the police state's bad