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NH booze monopoly netted $85 Million in 2006

Started by d_goddard, April 20, 2007, 09:50 AM NHFT

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Fluff and Stuff

Quote from: Quantrill on April 21, 2007, 01:24 PM NHFT
Hmm.  Liquor home-delivery.  I'm sold...

Well, they already do that with beer in NH, and it is legal.


Yeah, I like liquor home delivery. I probably would have had it delivered more often if the liquor store weren't so close by.


Quote from: Quantrill on April 21, 2007, 01:24 PM NHFT
Hmm.  Liquor home-delivery.  I'm sold...

It's extremely convenient. Best thing is you can call these home delivery guys almost any hour of the night. You need a case of beer at 2am and it's just a phone-call away. So much for restrictive alcohol laws making alcohol less  available!

It's legal to do home delivery beer in New Hampshire. I'm not exactly sure of the regulations, like if stores are allowed to do home-deliveries or if only restaurants can, and when the home deliveries "last call" is. I just remember thinking it was awesome seeing the "We deliver beer!" sign at a pizza place in Dover.


On a side note, I attended a presentation by the Liquor Commission to the Ways and Means Committee. They talked about how NH is a control state, what that means, and how New Hampshire is THE control state all the other control states look up to in the sense of "Oh, what's New Hampshire doing now? That's a good idea!" I suppose if we must have a control state, at least it's well run...

The funniest part of the presentation was when the chairwoman of the ways and means committee asked what the alcohol content of Red Bull was. The Liquor commission's reaction was basically the same as if your boss had asked you a question you didn't know the answer to and the dude stumbled around a bit and saying "Um, um, well if it's sold in stores as a beer, its alcohol content can't be more than __%..." Then finally someone told him that it wasn't an alcoholic beverage, but an energy drink. He concluded rather lamely with, "but many people like to mix j?germeister with Red Bull. That's very popular."

Imagine, the government, concerning themselves with what kind of alcoholic drinks are popular :P It's hilarious.


I've never actually heard of mixing red bull with J?germeister. I can't imagine J?germeister's thick syrupy substance going well with Red Bull, but I guess I'll have to try it. I've tried red bull and vodka several times, though, that's pretty nice.


Quote from: Captain Liberty on April 22, 2007, 07:47 AM NHFT
I've never actually heard of mixing red bull with J?germeister. I can't imagine J?germeister's thick syrupy substance going well with Red Bull, but I guess I'll have to try it. I've tried red bull and vodka several times, though, that's pretty nice.

A confused bureaucrat, who doesn't even know what Red Bull IS, recommends it, and you want to try it? That's probably a very bad idea.


The drink they're referring to is a JagerBomb, which is a shot glass of Jag dropped in to a lowball of Red Bull and downed in one gulp. They're not too bad  :)


Quote from: BrokenWindow on April 21, 2007, 10:09 AM NHFT
Let's get them out of education first.  Once you fix the spending problems, the taxing problems are much easier. 



QuoteI can't imagine J?germeister's thick syrupy substance going well with Red Bull, but I guess I'll have to try it. I've tried red bull and vodka several times, though, that's pretty nice.
My sister's had it...says it tastes like Dr Pepper.

I've never tried it though; J?germeister tastes horrible...and I really can't stand Kr?uter liquors :(

But remember, kids, Red Bull is not alcohol!


jagerbombs are better than straight jager but I enjoy neither...


Let's fix the education issue. When does this commission meet next?
I am happy to bring jaeger and red bull.


I tried J?germeister once. That was enough. Never again!



Quote from: powerchuter on April 20, 2007, 11:25 PM NHFT
We need to get the state out of the booze business!

You need to make one change to the above statement:

We need to get the state out of the ________ business! (fill in the blank)


Quote from: Captain Liberty on April 21, 2007, 07:27 PM NHFT
Quote from: Quantrill on April 21, 2007, 01:24 PM NHFT
Hmm.  Liquor home-delivery.  I'm sold...

It's extremely convenient. Best thing is you can call these home delivery guys almost any hour of the night. You need a case of beer at 2am and it's just a phone-call away. So much for restrictive alcohol laws making alcohol less  available!

It's legal to do home delivery beer in New Hampshire. I'm not exactly sure of the regulations, like if stores are allowed to do home-deliveries or if only restaurants can, and when the home deliveries "last call" is. I just remember thinking it was awesome seeing the "We deliver beer!" sign at a pizza place in Dover.

Some friends I knew at college found a way to get home delivery of beer.  They'd call a cab company and ask if the driver could pick up a case of beer and bring it to X address as they were drinking and too drunk to make another beer run.  If the cab company gave them a hard time they would give a speech about having to drunk drive and it would be the cab drivers fault and basically guilt them into it.  Most of the time the cab company would give in and show up with the beer charging for the trip and the cost of the beer.

Key is they wouldn't ID so for those under 21 it worked out quite well even though they did pay a slight premium for the cost of the beer.

I doubt you could get away with that one today though.