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Pittsfield NH: Children 16 and younger subject to 9 p.m. rule

Started by GT, April 12, 2005, 05:26 AM NHFT

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Sorry, that was my attempt at a pun.



Alittle slow on the uptake today worked way to many hours graveyard shift this week? ?::)


Hey baby sitters don?t you know government owns your children? The below post on another board may explain a bit of it.

Here is one on marriage license.

?In 1923, the Federal Government established the Uniform Marriage and Marriage License Act (they later established the Uniform Marriage and Divorce Act). By 1929, every state in the Union had adopted marriage license laws.?

Very good article on marriage and is correct especially in stating a government license (legislation) required. However, the article simply mentions circumventing government?s legislation (law/statute) and should mention, but does not, how citizens can get government licensing laws removed from their ?Rights.? And not necessarily God granted Rights either because some of American?s Rights did not come from God; the Right to a trial by a citizen jury, for instance.

That is the major problem with all the spin doctors telling citizens what they should do, they do not address a true remedy of the root of the problem, in this case, as usual, a government license. Until citizens get government licenses legislation repealed they will be obligated to honor those license requirements or suffer the consequences. 

Any government action repugnant to the ?Constitution?, not necessarily God?s law, is illegal, null and void and no law at all, but government will enforce its illegal/unconstitutional legislation as long as citizens allow those legislative laws to remain on the books.



Quote from: AllanHampton on April 24, 2005, 11:47 AM NHFT
Any government action repugnant to the ?Constitution?, not necessarily God?s law, is illegal, null and void and no law at all, but government will enforce its illegal/unconstitutional legislation as long as citizens allow those legislative laws to remain on the books.

Well stated and very very true!!

Kat Kanning

Found a nice website about overturning curfews.  They even have free stickers :)
