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Free(???) distribution of Gardisil

Started by shyfrog, April 24, 2007, 03:37 PM NHFT

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So why is NH offering this for free..?

About 20 states have introduced bills to require the vaccine, but some have backed off because of safety concerns and protests from conservatives who say requiring it promotes promiscuity and erodes parents' rights.

From what I understand, this vaccine is very expensive, so who is left paying the bill on this one?

"People seeking the vaccine outside the state's free program typically pay about $360 for the three required shots"

I don't like the sound of this one at all...


CNN headlines say New Hampshire public is "clamoring" for this vaccine  ???


The answer is you are paying for it:

The state's Vaccine for Children program is paid for by the federal government and private insurers and offers immunizations for a variety of diseases at no cost to children through age 18.

Stephen said the vaccine for the human papillomavirus - or HPV - will be provided free to girls ages 11 through 18.


and as you can see...

It's for the children!!!  ::)


There is a Cato podcast that discusses this drug.  Basically, between the time they started to develop it and now, the detection and prevention techniques have made this drug pretty much obsolete.  But the companies still want to make $ off it, so they have enlisted the aid of state governments. 


I've never heard anybody clamoring for this drug.


Quote from: error on April 24, 2007, 05:17 PM NHFT
I've never heard anybody clamoring for this drug.
Do you know any liberals with teenage girls?


Quote from: Dreepa on April 24, 2007, 05:28 PM NHFT
Quote from: error on April 24, 2007, 05:17 PM NHFT
I've never heard anybody clamoring for this drug.
Do you know any liberals with teenage girls?

Actually, no. I don't know any liberals who have actually had children.



Sounds like the same stuff the Texas governor issued an order for mantatory vaccinations on girls with a little while back. Pretty sure it was mentioned here once or twice, too.

Just another reason to dislike public schools even more.



Quote from: penguins4me on April 24, 2007, 07:28 PM NHFT
Sounds like the same stuff the Texas governor issued an order for mantatory vaccinations on girls with a little while back. Pretty sure it was mentioned here once or twice, too.

Just another reason to dislike public schools even more.

But to their credit, the Texas legislature overrode that order.


Very glad to hear it - I can't believe that it happened in the first place... How dare some stuffed suit assume the authority to inject other peoples' children with anything! It's so hard to maintain a decent respect for "order and the law" when the same end up pulling crap like this on a regular basis. The once-mandatory anthrax vaccinations for volunteer military folks was the start of the slide down the rabbit hole for me, especially once it dawned on my that everyone who actually both knew anything about the vaccine (intended for cutaneous anthrax) and was advocating it was lying through their stinking teeth to those under their command/trust/power. Grr.