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Today's Anti-Smoking Purge Is Borrowed From The Nazis

Started by Kat Kanning, April 25, 2007, 01:54 PM NHFT

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Kat Kanning


QuoteA wealth of overlooked yet frightening literature concerning the Nazi crusade against smoking provides a clear parallel to contemporary developments and an alarming warning that state restriction of personal habits is the pre-cursor to dictatorship.

Beginning in the early 1930's, as part of the Nazi agenda for racial purity, Hitler spearheaded a national campaign to ban smoking in all public buildings, and denounced the practice as a betrayal of the fascist drive for bodily purity.

There's a bunch of Nazi anti-smoking posters at the link, so it's better to read it there.


Smoking is healthier than fascism

Wow - if that doesn't merit a protest sign, I don't know what does.

I wonder how hard it would be to reproduce those Nazi signs with some english added.


I'd rather use them with the original German, and with the Nazi symbols intact. I think it would be much more powerful that way. When you call someone an anti-smoking Nazi, you can PROVE it.


Quote from: Crocuta on April 25, 2007, 02:26 PM NHFT
Smoking is healthier than fascism

I wonder how hard it would be to reproduce those Nazi signs with some english added.

I agree w/error.

but if someone really wants to do this I could probably do it in photoshop (you will have to wait a while though) & you could then have that file printed locally.


Quote from: error on April 25, 2007, 02:28 PM NHFT
I'd rather use them with the original German, and with the Nazi symbols intact. I think it would be much more powerful that way. When you call someone an anti-smoking Nazi, you can PROVE it.

Have to provide a little context though, or everyone who doesn't read German will just think you're a skinhead.  ;)



Smoking enforcement likely to fall to N.H. towns

July 30, 2007
LONDONDERRY, N.H. --Until last week, town health officer Jim Smith hadn't given much thought to who would enforce the state's new ban on smoking in bars and restaurants. Now he realizes it's likely to be him.

A lifelong nonsmoker, Smith says he likes the idea of the ban, which takes effect in 1 1/2 months. "But one of the things that I've always had a problem with is when a law or rule gets passed and there isn't an effective way to enforce it, it's usually going to make others' lives more difficult," he said.
"We'll just have to play it by ear," the part-time health officer told the Eagle-Tribune of Lawrence, Mass.
State public health Director Mary Anne Cooney said her agency is writing rules for monitoring and enforcing the ban, which takes effect Sept. 17. But the law has no money for enforcement, so Cooney said local health and police officials probably will have to shoulder some of the responsibility.
The state has a six-person smoking prevention and cessation team. Its responsibilities include making sure businesses obey the law.
But the team, funded with about $330,000 in federal grants, also works on tobacco prevention programs and is not expected to grow in size, Cooney said.
Restaurant and bar owners who break the new law could have their restaurant licenses suspended or even revoked, according to Greg Moore, spokesman for the state Department of Health and Human Services. He said police could be called to deal with repeat violators.
At least in the beginning, however, local health officers -- many of whom are part-time -- are likely to get the job.
In addition to being part-time health officer in Windham, Alfred Turner works in the planning and development office, is in charge of building inspections, new road construction and town engineering.
Like Smith, Turner said the law shouldn't have been passed without funding because towns don't have money in their budgets to enforce it.
"It could be primarily a weekend and night job, but we don't really have overtime money for anything like that," he said. "When the state passes a law that has no provisions whatsoever for enforcement, it just becomes a political statement that doesn't mean anything."

What freakin' right do they have to tell bar owners they can't let people smoke on their OWN PROPERTY?


They're infected with socialism. They think people's property is not their own and can be controlled by the state. This is one of the most dangerous, and all too prevalent, mindsets afflicting the world today.


Quote from: error on July 30, 2007, 07:19 PM NHFT
They're infected with socialism. They think people's property is not their own and can be controlled by the state. This is one of the most dangerous, and all too prevalent, mindsets afflicting the world today.

It's getting far too acceptable to let the gov't rule over private matters.

If for example, Murph wants to 'ban' smoking in his bar, he can. But if it's banned by the gov't and punishable by a fine or worse, why should HE have to pay for perps? If he imposes his own ban, then it's up to him to enforce it by throwing them out if they won't comply. His property, his right. But, how is he supposed to control what others do and why should he be held responsible if they refuse to comply and light up and get caught? It's honestly so Orwellian it's hard to imagine that HE would be fined/suspended whatever.

So now this pits Murph against his customers.


Man, I do not like socialists.  I wonder what would happen...

Let's say I open a small restaurant.  Maybe in Manchester, maybe in Keene.  It would be tiny (because I couldn't afford something big).  Perhaps an outdoor restaurant.  Just a small building, like a stand, in which to cook hot dogs.  Maybe just a grill (again, to keep the cost down).  A number of chairs and tables outside.  A big sign: "NHFREE Restaurant."  In a relatively public place (oh, that land's going to cost).  And another sign: smokers welcome.

Sell hot dogs (no, I didn't ask permission to sell them) and allow (perhaps even encourage) smoking while eating hot dogs.  I seriously wonder what the state would do.  Would the sheriff show up and demand I stop selling hot dogs?  Would he attempt to fine me for not enforcing state laws against smoking?  Would he arrest me and throw me in jail for continuing to sell hot dogs even when told not to?  What would happen when I got out of jail and opened back up?  What if I got permission to sell hot dogs, but then didn't enforce the smoking ban?  Would they recind their permission and then arrest me for selling hot dogs without permission?

Damn, I need to get to New Hampshire.  Especially because North Carolina just made it harder for me by enacting a tax on moving (land transfer tax).


   Buy ammo and guns, it is only a metter of time before they come for us. >:D

[attachment deleted by admin]


Well we just got one of those too.....one of my Reps voted for it, I would not have.

We'll throw that person out in '08.

Now they also want 'bold change'...which translates to 'carbon tax'....funny tho they never mention it.

More sickness from the radical left.


I certainly don't advocate polluting or destroying wildlife.... If I pollute your land then I am damaging your property and that is wrong period and comes under 'killing and stealing' the only two crimes that should exist. However, I don't think humans were around to effect the demise of the dinosaurs and didn't they die off due to climate change in part due to gases and volcanic ash that covered the sun?

Species come and species go and I don't think that our planet, with its vast influences from space and the universe can be that radically altered by a few ants like us...

One degree of change is normal.

There were 5,000 polar bears in the 60s, there are now 20,000... so the polar bears aren't hurt by 1 degree weather change. If they were, they are not very hardy.

Look deeper Ratty --- all they want is a global tax to even out the socialism worldwide.. Meanwhile Algore flies in his private jet and pays $30K+ electric bill each month but can go around and preach the religion of gaia and people swallow it... hook line and sinker...that's what make ME sick.


You can have your religion of Gaia if you want. Just don't force people to pay for it.

As for endangered species, we already know what the solution is. It only remains to stop the environmentalists from destroying even more wildlife in their zeal to "save" it.

QuoteWherever we have public ownership we find overuse, waste, and extinction; but private ownership results in sustained-yield use and preservation. Although it may be philosophically or emotionally pleasing to environmentalists to persist in maintaining that wildlife, the oceans, and natural resources belong to mankind, the inevitable result of such thinking is the opposite of what they desire.

J’raxis 270145

Quote from: RattyDog on July 30, 2007, 07:17 PM NHFT
Jesus....this is just incredible to me, how is it even legal for them to do this?? HOw is this legal?? I thought that when you own a business, it is the equivelant of buying a house, that property is supposed to belong to you!!

I think this kind of interference in private business started with anti-discrimination laws. People accept that particular kind of interference since it's for such a good cause, and now that people are fully acclimated to such interference, the government is able to do it more and more for smaller and smaller reasons.

I've thought for a while now that the outcome of the civil rights movement of the 1960s was nothing more than a giant power-grab by the government. You had a lot of different people and groups fighting in a lot of different ways—everything from militant uprisings and secession to boycotts and just trying to educate people against bigotry and racism—and the government steps into the midst of this and says "we'll handle it" ...by passing a bunch of laws that just increase its own power to meddle in people's private affairs.


Quote from: Ogre on July 31, 2007, 06:50 AM NHFT
Would the sheriff show up and demand I stop selling hot dogs?  Would he attempt to fine me for not enforcing state laws against smoking?  Would he arrest me and throw me in jail for continuing to sell hot dogs even when told not to?  What would happen when I got out of jail and opened back up?  What if I got permission to sell hot dogs, but then didn't enforce the smoking ban?  Would they recind their permission and then arrest me for selling hot dogs without permission?

Arrest is probable. If you hold them off long enough Alamo style they might just leave zig zaggy tracks in your driveway to count the number of hot doggy scofflaws coming and going.  ;D

Reference: Ed and Elaine Brown