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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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The shit is rapidly heading towards the fan NOW

Started by error, April 26, 2007, 02:04 AM NHFT

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By 2017 Social Security will begin paying out more in benefits than it collects in taxes and will have to begin redeeming bonds from the Social Security Trust Fund. Worse, Medicare is expected to cross the same line later this year, resulting in a massive fiscal crisis.




The state is a cancer, that destroys its host.  It produces very little of value, and survives in its current status only by taking from unwilling persons.  I have very little sympathy for folks who thought they could get a free lunch.  Unfortunately there are many who were told that by 'contributing' they would secure their own retirement, and I feel sorry for them, a little anyway.  They knew theft and extortion were wrong and should never have supported those things, nor should they have been willing cheerleaders for the thieves and extortionists that make up gov't.   :'(


You mean the pyramid scheme isn't going to work out this time. Oh no what will people do without the government cheese there will be people starving in the streets old ladies will have to prostitute themselves just to buy food for their cats.  >:D


Drats, there goes my glamorous retirement I've been planning all of these years! ::) 

I'm being funny of course, my mom knew way back that there wouldn't be any ss one day.  It's not even enough for most old people to live on anyways.


The cats can generally take care of themselves.


So if they'll be spending more than they're bring in in taxes, why don't they just raise the taxes?

I mean I don't want them to do that, but it seems like a problem easily solved, so to speak.


That's what they probably will do. And you'll see people screaming like never before. But even that isn't enough to save the programs.


Quote from: Captain Liberty on April 26, 2007, 05:38 PM NHFT
So if they'll be spending more than they're bring in in taxes, why don't they just raise the taxes?

They probably will anyways.  Whenever I see your name Captain Liberty a theme for an old super hero cartoon, (can't remember which one it is), goes off in my head. ;D   Does that happen to anyone else on the forum?  I should probably keep those kind of thoughts to myself, huh?


Captain America?

I don't know of a cartoon Captain Liberty...


Quote from: Quantrill on April 26, 2007, 05:44 PM NHFT
Captain America?

I don't know of a cartoon Captain Liberty...

Me neither, it's another cartoon but that name makes the music of the other one I can't remember go off in my head. 


Maybe you're thinking of the cartoon series "Roger Ramjet and The American Eagles" from several decades ago. It was about a superhero in the American Army fighting against bad guys/communists, and the theme song was a radio announcer voice saying "Guardians of freedom, defenders of liberty!" and some other stuff, and them some kids singing "Roger Ramjet and his eagles fighting for our freedom! Flying in from outer space not to join 'em but to beat 'em! Roger Ramjet, he's our man!" etc.

I adopted the name Captain Liberty when someone on another forum called me it sarcastically. I can't remember exactly what the topic was, but some guy was offended when I said his authoritarian pro-taxation and government regulation ideas weren't compatible with freedom and liberty and sarcastically called me "Captain Liberty". I thought it was funny and started using it as my name.

I've thought about changing it to avoid confusion, though, because there's already someone else who's username starts with captain, and another person whose username ends with liberty... I think it's Captain Freedom and Doctor Liberty or something like that, I can't recall at the moment, but it's a bit confusing with several similair names. So I've thought of just making it "Liam from Sweden" so there's no confusion.


Quote from: Captain Liberty on April 26, 2007, 05:59 PM NHFT
Maybe you're thinking of the cartoon series "Roger Ramjet and The American Eagles" from several decades ago. It was about a superhero in the American Army fighting against bad guys/communists, and the theme song was a radio announcer voice saying "Guardians of freedom, defenders of liberty!" and some other stuff, and them some kids singing "Roger Ramjet and his eagles fighting for our freedom! Flying in from outer space not to join 'em but to beat 'em! Roger Ramjet, he's our man!" etc.

I adopted the name Captain Liberty when someone on another forum called me it sarcastically. I can't remember exactly what the topic was, but some guy was offended when I said his authoritarian pro-taxation and government regulation ideas weren't compatible with freedom and liberty and sarcastically called me "Captain Liberty". I thought it was funny and started using it as my name.

I've thought about changing it to avoid confusion, though, because there's already someone else who's username starts with captain, and another person whose username ends with liberty... I think it's Captain Freedom and Doctor Liberty or something like that, I can't recall at the moment, but it's a bit confusing with several similair names. So I've thought of just making it "Liam from Sweden" so there's no confusion.
That's neat!  I never heard of Roger Ramjet, it's another one, eventually I might remember.  If you like the forum name keep it, the penguins do and I think it is so cute when they're on the same thread. :D


I love when I hear about reforming this crap from politicians.
It's so stupid to think "I don't need to think about retirement, the gov't will protect me from my unpreparedness."

I swear by my life and my love of it that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine.



Good time to stop paying into it.  The money goes to support terrorism, murder, and torture anyways (among other terrible atrocities).  Keep your own money.You'd do better to bury it in a can in the backyard than paying into the SS (not unlike other SSes).