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Started by supperman15, April 26, 2007, 01:39 PM NHFT

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so i have three more weeks in STL then im heading out east (first to spend the summer with my girlfriend and then poping up to NH) I went to a metup last night and we were talking about Eminit Domain, and i said that we should actualy do something instead of just talking about how horible it is.  so my first act of proactive activism and my last thing in STL is going to be a letter posting campain.  were going to post letters on peoples front doors that look like they are from the city telling them that they are loosing there homes.  on the back of the letter will be information telling them that thousands of people gets these letters all of the time and this one isnt real this time, and if they never want to get a real letter they should contact a list of groups in the area that fight ED.  i was just wanting some thougths and sugestions.  here is what the letter says, any ideas sugestions on wording or whatever.  Does any one know how these letters actualy read?


This letter is to inform you that zoning restrictions have been changed in your area to provide for further economic growth.    Recently there have been talks of a comprehensive redevelopment plan in your area that will provide jobs for many St. Louis citizens and we are proud to inform you that this initiative will be moving forward in your area.  In order to provide space for the development of new industries as part of this initiative we will be in negations with residents to buy their property.  You should be aware that negations for your property will only last two weeks.  If you decide not to negotiate it will be considered forfeiture of your property for the public good.  However, compensation will be provided at the rate of one dollar per square foot of land.  To find out when property negotiations begin or to find out more specific information please consult (website name)

Your cooperation is appreciated,

Louis Young

Committee member

Department of Housing and Urban Development

St Louis, MO


From the law firm of Dewey, Cheatham & Howe...

Something like that might backfire; be careful of reactions from people who might not flip the paper over.


Agree with error.  Make it clear somewhere on the paper that it is not for real.  At the same time be brutally clear that eminent domain is theft, except the thieves speak polite things and use the police when you resist their theft. 
Overall, a very good idea.  Me likey.   


At the very top you could print READ THE BACK FIRST

No one does.



STL!   I'm from KC.  Get out to NH and enjoy the fun!


damn, i thought you were going to ask if you should tip the pizza guy.



we decided to nix a website and put the info on the back so the last line will read "see reverse for more spacific information about your area."


Quote from: Jared on April 26, 2007, 05:05 PM NHFT
damn, i thought you were going to ask if you should tip the pizza guy.

thats funny, cus when i found the FSP and FTL i was in london and in Europe you dont tip... ahh those were the days.  but voluntary gratuities are a small price to pay to not live in a socialist world