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I got a ticket.

Started by Quantrill, April 27, 2007, 04:28 PM NHFT

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Not following the "winter parking" laws. 

Ok, it was over 80 freaking degrees the other day.  There has not been any snow the last couple days and to my knowledge there is none in the forecast.  Why write someone a ticket for not following Winter Parking laws when there is no snow on the ground?


If I do end up paying this I guarantee I'll give someone an earful...


Quote from: Quantrill on April 27, 2007, 04:28 PM NHFT
Not following the "winter parking" laws. 

Ok, it was over 80 freaking degrees the other day.  There has not been any snow the last couple days and to my knowledge there is none in the forecast.  Why write someone a ticket for not following Winter Parking laws when there is no snow on the ground?


If I do end up paying this I guarantee I'll give someone an earful...

Technically it is spring anyway, isn't it?


I'd be telling a large number of global warming jokes in the courtroom.


Depending on how much your time is worth, and your idea of good entertainment value, this may be perfect ticket to contest in front of the judge in traffic court.


Absolutely. And post here as to when the court date/time is, because a bunch of us will show up.


Sure.  I've represented myself in court for speeding tickets before.  Why not "winter parking" tickets?

I believe it's a $25 fine if I pay within a week.  I'll call on Monday and see what to do about getting a court date.  Does anyone know if traffic court is during the day or evening?  I don't think I should miss any work due to a parking ticket.  I've only been on the job a few weeks...


That meter maid is just plain ornery.

Maybe you can read the name of that public servant who wrote the ticket and post it here.


HEY!!! Stop calling them "public servants"! They are NOT!


does anyone know how they define winter there because that may be your out.  if they dont specify dates and it is conditions then there you go, and if they do define dates im sure they are outside of those spacific dates.  that or you can not show up and then get aressed, "girl arested for not paying winter parking ticket surved to her in the summer."  its sad that most of todays hedlines sound really good for the onion but are real.

::ends rambling::


Quote from: error on April 27, 2007, 05:31 PM NHFT
HEY!!! Stop calling them "public servants"! They are NOT!

Does that mean I can't use the riding crop on them anymore?


Ah, bureaucratic stupidity:

QuoteThe Winter Parking Ban is in effect between November 15 - May 15, from 12:00 midnight to 7:00 am. It is a city ordinance that has been on the books for a number of years. The city does not put up signs when the ban goes into effect. Rather, in early November, there is extensive information about the ban in the "Manchester Union Leader-New Hampshire Sunday News", on local radio stations and on WMUR-TV Channel 9. During the Ban, you must alternate parking spots depending on the date. Odd numbered days park on the odd numbered side of the street, even numbered days park on the even numbered side of the street. Remember when you park your vehicle at night, think of what the date is after midnight and park accordingly.

May 15th?!? May motherfucking 15th?!????

More bureaucratic stupidity.



Quote from: error on April 27, 2007, 05:58 PM NHFT
Ah, bureaucratic stupidity:

QuoteThe Winter Parking Ban is in effect between November 15 - May 15, from 12:00 midnight to 7:00 am. It is a city ordinance that has been on the books for a number of years. The city does not put up signs when the ban goes into effect. Rather, in early November, there is extensive information about the ban in the "Manchester Union Leader-New Hampshire Sunday News", on local radio stations and on WMUR-TV Channel 9. During the Ban, you must alternate parking spots depending on the date. Odd numbered days park on the odd numbered side of the street, even numbered days park on the even numbered side of the street. Remember when you park your vehicle at night, think of what the date is after midnight and park accordingly.

May 15th?!? May motherfucking 15th?!????

More bureaucratic stupidity.


Really but for some reason I'm not surprised anymore by the stupid bullshit.  Maybe they need to learn the 4 seasons in a year thing. ::)


Quote from: raineyrocks on April 27, 2007, 04:47 PM NHFT
Quote from: Quantrill on April 27, 2007, 04:28 PM NHFT
Not following the "winter parking" laws. 

Ok, it was over 80 freaking degrees the other day.  There has not been any snow the last couple days and to my knowledge there is none in the forecast.  Why write someone a ticket for not following Winter Parking laws when there is no snow on the ground?


If I do end up paying this I guarantee I'll give someone an earful...

Technically it is spring anyway, isn't it?

Yes as of March 21 it is Spring. Does NH have it's own special Winter Season? How can you get a Winter parking ticket if it isn't Winter?


Quote from: error on April 27, 2007, 05:31 PM NHFTHEY!!! Stop calling them "public servants"! They are NOT!

Sure they are.  They provide "service" to the public.  Just like a bull "services" a cow...



Ok, check this -

It says nothing at all about how to contest the citation.  No court date, no 'pay by this date' etc...  It does say if I have 3 unpaid tickets my car is subject to towing. 

BUT, the good thing about cops is that they're generally stupid and where it says STATE he put MI.  Last I checked, MI was not the designation for Missouri.  So according to this citation I should be in the clear since the perpetrator apparently has Michigan tags...

As per his/her name: Looks like the last name starts with a P.    Badge #173