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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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I paid my taxes

Started by Friday, April 15, 2005, 10:56 PM NHFT

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To Ah-nuld, with love...

Have fun with the equivalent of a full month's rent plus utilities!? I suggest you make this payment last, cuz I'm MOVING TO NEW HAMPSHIRE!!!!

Kat Kanning

Here's the EZ form

[attachment deleted by admin]

Russell Kanning

don't exaggerate......they only want 1/3 of your income >:D

Pat K

Lets see 2100 in NY state income tax plus what ever sales tax I paid through out the year at 8.75 cents on the dollar plus, plus ............ Yeah   I Love NY.


Love the Finger Friday.... I should've given the finger to my PC >:D
Also great job on the banner in th Bay!


Thanks, Dreepa! If you know anyone who mentions having actually seen it, please let me know.