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Ideas for stopping the war?

Started by Caleb, May 03, 2007, 11:11 PM NHFT

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I was thinking that this war in Iraq has been going on a long time now, and it has exhausted me.  I am ready for it to end, but the congress people don't seem to have their act together enough to stop it.

Is it time to start planning a little civil disobedience to "kick it up a notch" (as Emeril would say)?

What ideas could we implement here in Keene to show our opposition to the Iraq War?  I'm thinking beyond protests (which we've been doing for years and haven't yet stopped the war), to actual civil disobedience.



Russell Kanning

he has already jumped that hurdle


Well, that IS the big hurdle. Though I suppose you could spread the word and convince others to stop paying for it as well.

And hey, you wanted ideas...


Didn't you want to do something involving the Keene recruiting center at one time?


Well, if you're going to take on the military here in Keene ... the recruiting center is pretty much it. So what type of civil disobedience could be performed at the recruiting center?  Is the recruiting center a feasible idea for civil disobedience?


You could always go this route and do what you can to stop it.


Call Hodes and Porter and say that they are voting for the war and pork with the latest builds.


The only way to stop wars of choice, is if the military cannot get enough cannon fodder.  Legally, we can attempt to influence the recruitment.  The Keene Free Press had a while back a info factoid on the fine print of the sign up papers, regarding the money they give you for school ect.  Illegal, but effective is handcuffing yourself to block some of the recruiter centers doors or some visible place. 
It'll piss off the veterans, but if we can challenge the idea that the military is equal to 'serving your country', or that the military is honorable, or necessary to a free nation. 


Quote from: Caleb on May 04, 2007, 07:12 AM NHFT
Well, if you're going to take on the military here in Keene ... the recruiting center is pretty much it. So what type of civil disobedience could be performed at the recruiting center?  Is the recruiting center a feasible idea for civil disobedience?

Check this out:


Obviously the stupidity in Boston has been going on much longer than just last January.


Interesting idea, Ian. Do you think they would make a fuss about that getup here?  Or would they just ignore someone dressed up that way as long as he wasn't in the way?  What about the idea of making up some fake recruiting flyers, and handing them out as people go in and out of the recruiting center?


I don't know, but I'd be there to videotape it.    It could be part of the Tilting at Windmills campaign...

Dave Ridley

You can print out and distribute the "peace tax return"


I think a pretty substantial number of people turn this in instead of the 1040 every year; also that site has a lot of info about war tax resistance.

This printout would be a very effective addition to next year's april 15 post office demonstrations


you could have your own little training session in front of the recrutment office, almsot like a modern war reinactment.  You can play with the archotypes and do some street theatre.  You could get arested for impersinating a military moneky... i mean officer.