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FTL Interviews Russell Kanning

Started by FTL_Ian, May 05, 2007, 11:10 PM NHFT

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Russell Kanning

that was fun ... I would recommend it to anyone

not the jail time, but being on ftlive :)

Tom Sawyer

Quote from: FTL_Ian on May 05, 2007, 11:10 PM NHFT
Enjoy!  8)


Thanks Ian.  8)

This is one of the messages I've been posting over on other forums that Dada's press release started interest.

QuoteRussell is free...

They seemed to be really happy to be rid of the "problem". They dropped the "failure to process" charge. No fine, never signed anything, no conditions of release.

The players in the "system" seemed to see him as a "Tar-baby". Everyone from the prosecutor to the judge to the bailiffs to the superintendent of the jail were visibly effected by this situation.

That's what can happen when you have people backing you up. And the accessibility that the NH enviroment provides, along with the paper-- the Keene Free Press -- which Russell founded all contributed to this favorable outcome.

This is just the beginning of what is possible in the "Shire". Home to the Free State media sources...

Keene Free Press
Article by Dave Ridley
Silent Demonstrations for Russell Kanning

Free Minds TV
All Free Minds TV  episodes

Free Talk Live
Russell was in studio for Sat May 5th show.

Russell Kanning interview from Free Talk Live

Audio Promo for NHFREE.com

Another Driver's License refusenik Lauren Canario
Here is video of her being pulled over on the way to Tax Resistor Ed Brown's house. Lauren doesn't have license or registration.

Lauren Canario is another of the superactivists. One of the bravest people I've ever met. She served 90 days for sitting on a porch in New London CT's eminent domain struggle she didn't cooperate, process etc... they finally gave up and let her go.

I believe this is the 4th or 5th time she has been stopped.

Another link I posted early in this process.
QuoteFree Minds TV covers Russell's situation with the video from in the court that Ian shot:


Thought it might be nice for people to have the relevent links in one place. :)


Quote from: FTL_Ian on May 05, 2007, 11:10 PM NHFT

That was a great interview. Thanx for posting it. Makes me want to listen to more FTL.

I thought I heard something at the beginning about an interview with Lauren and I guess I thought it was going to be in that same mp3. When is that happening? Could you post a link when it does? I'm a HUGE fan of Lauren.

Tom Sawyer

Quote from: dalebert on May 06, 2007, 10:40 AM NHFT
Quote from: FTL_Ian on May 05, 2007, 11:10 PM NHFT

That was a great interview. Thanx for posting it. Makes me want to listen to more FTL.

I thought I heard something at the beginning about an interview with Lauren and I guess I thought it was going to be in that same mp3. When is that happening? Could you post a link when it does? I'm a HUGE fan of Lauren.

She was on the show in the past. I assume right after her release from New London CT's concrete hotel. Perhaps a search of the archives at FTL would find it.

Yeah, Russell's interview was really good. Ian and Mark do a great job of bringing the callers back on topic and Russell, as always, comes of very well.

Russell Kanning

Quote from: Tom Sawyer on May 06, 2007, 11:28 AM NHFTand Russell, as always, comes of very well.
I spent weeks in jail practicing for my appearance of ftlive

Tom Sawyer

Russell Kanning

all the ego and none of the talent

Tom Sawyer

 ;D ;D ;D

Talk about egos... man the mental level over on the thread at the FTL BBS is about 13.



Tom Sawyer

Somebody left the kids home without a babysitter.  ;D


Yep.  Gotta be serious 100% of the time.  No fun or dissenting opinions allowed.

This is serious stuff, don't you know.  If someone doesn't stand up to the machine, well then before you know it we'll all be driving on the right side of the road!

Let's do a quick mental level check.  Keene residents seem to be up in arms over the supposed need for a new jail.  Not content to fight city hall in the court of public opinion, Russel bolsters the pro-jail case by needlessly adding to the incarceration stats.  Don't forget, in addition to the new jail, Keene taxpayers also get to pick up the tab for the time he spent as the jail's guest, court time, and the extra police time to waylay him.  There's some high-level thinking!

How about another mental level check.  The boards on Dada's list have shiny new posts saying "yay!  Russel's free!  They let him go and dropped the charges!"  Only on the FTL BBS has anyone mentioned the pesky little fact that, no, they didn't let him go and only dropped some of the charges in return for him changing his plea.  We can't possibly allow anyone to tell the truth that Russel fought a traffic ticket and lost - hard.  No, the high mental level way is to act as if he died on the cross for our sins.

Last mental level check.  "Russel is a 'superactivist' because he started the KFP, burned his SS card, and tried to get on an airplane without ID.  What have you done to advance liberty?"  If that's the standard, then the country is full of 'mega-activists' for liberty who haven't seen their SS card since they were kids, fly every day without ID, and manage projects several orders of magnitude larger than running the neighborhood newspaper.  Hopefully your high mental level can recognize that the total impact of these "liberty-advancing" activities is close to zero.

Speaking poorly of people behind their backs is generally not considered a high mental level activity.


Quote from: Brock on May 06, 2007, 10:00 PM NHFT
Yep.  Gotta be serious 100% of the time.  No fun or dissenting opinions allowed.

Your dissenting opinion is welcome here, but don't be surprised if people disagree with it.

Quote from: Brock on May 06, 2007, 10:00 PM NHFT
Keene residents seem to be up in arms over the supposed need for a new jail.  Not content to fight city hall in the court of public opinion, Russel bolsters the pro-jail case by needlessly adding to the incarceration stats.  Don't forget, in addition to the new jail, Keene taxpayers also get to pick up the tab for the time he spent as the jail's guest, court time, and the extra police time to waylay him.  There's some high-level thinking!

And this is Russell's fault how? Russell didn't hurt anybody. The bureaucrats chose the course of action. They chose to waste the taxpayers' money on making Russell an involuntary guest at their overcrowded jail in Westmoreland.

Tom Sawyer

Boo Hoo

I'm refering to the crude and asinine remarks about people they don't know anything about.

I went over to post info that some find of interest. Didn't start any trouble and was polite in my delivery.

Russell has done more to promote enthusiasm and participation then just about anyone else I know. The biggest enemies to trying to move things forward are the self important armchair masterdebaters.

I've been in the libertarian movement 30 years now... I'm not impressed with punks that think insults and rude behavior trump people actually putting their freedom on the line.