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In Alabama, you're all terrorists

Started by shyfrog, May 09, 2007, 09:30 PM NHFT

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my word this is some sick shit. thanks for posting


Well, I've already visited Alabama more than once and have no desire to go back, so I really don't care if they think I'm a terrorist or not.


man that's really creepy. Even creepier is the fact that this is all written on an OFFICIAL ALABAMA GOVERNMENT WEBSITE!
it's not like some rednecks decided to get together and put up a website....
Man :(


Quote from: error on May 09, 2007, 09:59 PM NHFT
Well, I've already visited Alabama more than once and have no desire to go back, so I really don't care if they think I'm a terrorist or not.

But you should care if other states start following the Alabama DHS' lead on this.
Next thing you know, it becomes the "norm" to classify Libertarians or the libertarian-minded with a broad brush.

Oh wait...that already IS the norm. nevermind ;p

Pat K

I guess these Jackasses are gonna have to dig up
Jefferson, Paine and Henry to start  and try them as terrorists.


Quote from: Rochelle on May 09, 2007, 10:14 PM NHFT
man that's really creepy. Even creepier is the fact that this is all written on an OFFICIAL ALABAMA GOVERNMENT WEBSITE!
it's not like some rednecks decided to get together and put up a website....
Man :(

Er, no, it IS like some rednecks decided to get together and put up a website.

These rednecks just happen to be the local government down there.


Oh, BTW, Alabama didn't come up with this themselves. They ripped it off from Pennsylvania.


"Anti-government groups usually believe:

Gun Control = Enslavement
Constitution has been subverted
The U.S. has lost its sovereignty"

This sentiment is much more widespread among 'mainstreamers' than they would think.....

"...gun rights groups, tax protestors, and white supremacists..."

I sort of resent being lumped in with 'white supremacists' as I consider myself GUN RIGHTS persona and a TAX PROTESTER! (and am considered a 'minority' myself) See why HB 44 was so dangerous?

     "In general, these terrorists claim that the U.S. government is infringing on their individual rights, and/or that the government's policies are criminal and immoral. Such groups may hold that the current government is violating the basic principles laid out by the U.S. Constitution and that a new world order is attempting to enslave humanity."

Well, if it walks like a duck...and quacks like a duck...goes to war to satisfy UN treaties and plans to build the NAU highway without congressional approval.....


Somebody call the FBI, we're all a bunch of suspected terrorists!!


As mentioned earlier...

If Alabama stole it from Pennsylvania, who else is gonna follow the leaders and jump off the veritable cliff of fear mongering and disinformation?
What's to stop them from seeing someone flying a Gadsden and arresting that person on suspicion of terrorism? (I already know the answer to that question: nothing)


Quote from: error on May 10, 2007, 12:08 AM NHFT
Somebody call the FBI, we're all a bunch of suspected terrorists!!
Hey, aren't they a bunch of terrorists?


Quote from: 41mag on May 10, 2007, 12:37 AM NHFT
Quote from: error on May 10, 2007, 12:08 AM NHFT
Somebody call the FBI, we're all a bunch of suspected terrorists!!
Hey, aren't they a bunch of terrorists?

Well, yes, but they have words on some magic paper that says they're allowed to be terrorists.


Quote from: error on May 10, 2007, 12:40 AM NHFT
Quote from: 41mag on May 10, 2007, 12:37 AM NHFT
Quote from: error on May 10, 2007, 12:08 AM NHFT
Somebody call the FBI, we're all a bunch of suspected terrorists!!
Hey, aren't they a bunch of terrorists?

Well, yes, but they have words on some magic paper that says they're allowed to be terrorists.

magic paper