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In Alabama, you're all terrorists

Started by shyfrog, May 09, 2007, 09:30 PM NHFT

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Quote from: Dan on May 10, 2007, 01:50 PM NHFT

  • I would like to minimize or eliminate policy decisions.
  • All for Independence.
  • I rule me, therefore, I get all sorts of privileges.
  • I would like to exempt myself from all SORTS of crazy rules imposed on me.
  • Well, I like my self-rulership to be authoritarian!  Hell, as I get older my body is already getting uppity with it's tyrannical ruler.

So, yes on all but the last one.  :)

Yah Dan you are soooooooooooo old ! LOL  NOT!


When I dugg it today it had about 30 ... I just went back.... the digg has taken off!!!!!!! 1132 diggs


Kat Kanning


I have for quite some time been worried about stuff like this.  The feds have had this policy in effect for years, but are not stupid enough to actually declare it.  Correct me if I am wrong Error.   ;)  It is the main reason I have attempted to preach strategic us of nonviolent resistance.  You cannot kill an Idea.  Millions support the idea that civil gov't has the privilege to use force and threats against nonviolent people.  Ask yourself, after sept. 11, was gov't weaker or dangerously stronger?  I believe in self defense.  But just as you would tread very carefully in parts of gang controlled new york, because a well organized gang is not the same as a small time thug, so should you be careful of a well organized, frequently violent gov't. 
At this point, one more major terrorist attack, is prolly all it will take to allow gov't almost complete controll.  anyone who makes themselves a target, will become a target by adrenaline junkies.  even the nonviolent guys will be targeted.  But nobody will be afraid of us, only annoyed.  but if they crack our heads, they (the police and feds) take the chance of looking like the thugs they really are.  This, will result in less support for gov't and the Idea.  bull conner didn't turn the firehoses on children because he was threatened by them, but because he was angry at them for defying him.  Then, the bigots lost. 
Please tread carefully. 


Did anyone happen to mirror that page or save it for posterity?

Considering that a large chunk (if not all) the new powers the gov't has granted itself since '01-ish have been about "terrorists", I find this even more interesting...


Quote from: penguins4me on May 11, 2007, 03:22 PM NHFT
Did anyone happen to mirror that page or save it for posterity?

Considering that a large chunk (if not all) the new powers the gov't has granted itself since '01-ish have been about "terrorists", I find this even more interesting...
archive.org to the rescue!




I guess the civil rights protesters who routinely broke the law and tried to influence the media are terrorists. 
Cuba is a terrorist nation?  Maybe to its citizens, but I've never heard of anyone outside of cuba being targeted by cuba. 


   I might have posted this before but Here I go again.
   Get to know your local police officers.  Go to the police functions.  Let them know who you are.  It will be harder for Officer friendly to arrest his neighbor for not braking the law and it will be good for them all to know that you can hit a target at 700 yards with a .308 round and that you will support them in a natonal emergency of natural disaster.
   If and when the "purges" start, the time for resistance has ended.  We can not let it get to that point.   The commies are waiting for just this sort of tactic, we as patriots know this, so, if and when there is an attack on an elected official, we know the cia and fbi or some other NWO people are behind it.  I pray for Gods protection from these people.  Evil is getting stronger and we as patriots should be ready to fight this evil.  All it takes for evil to prevail is for good people to do nothing.
   Pray and buy ammo.

Kat Kanning

My mother's church is listed on that PA site.

Kat Kanning

  War on terror needs you
Federal officials say help from American public and informants is necessary to quell domestic terrorism

LA Times
Sunday May 13, 2007

WASHINGTON - Even as the FBI hails as a major success story its breakup of an alleged plot by "radical Islamists" to kill soldiers at Fort Dix, N.J., federal authorities acknowledge the case has underscored a troubling vulnerability in the domestic war on terror.

They say the FBI, despite an unprecedented expansion during the past 5 1/2 years, cannot possibly counter the growing threat posed by homegrown extremists without the help of two often unreliable allies.

One is an American public that authorities lament is prone to averting its attention from suspicious behavior and often reluctant to get involved. The other is a small but growing army of informants, some of whom might be in it for the wrong reasons - such as money, political ax-grinding or their own legal problems.

Such dependence on amateurs is "not something that we would like. It's something that we absolutely need," said Special Agent J.P. Weis, who heads the task force that conducted the Fort Dix investigation.

Weis and other FBI and Justice Department officials acknowledged they probably never would have known about the alleged plot had it not been for a Circuit City employee who reported a suspicious video.

And, they said, an FBI informant was instrumental in gathering evidence by infiltrating the suspects' circle for 16 months as they allegedly bought and trained with automatic weapons and discussed their plans.

Militants who associated with known al-Qaida figures or who spent time in training camps have for the most part been identified and arrested or deported, senior FBI and Justice Department officials said.

The primary threat now comes from an unknown number of individuals with no criminal backgrounds and few, if any, ties to militants overseas. Operating locally, these groups and individuals can evade security nets such as international wiretaps and travel surveillance.

Weis described them as "lone wolves, cells that stay below the radar screen." "Nobody really knows about them. They're not affiliated with any major group, but held together by a common ideology," he said.

In recent years, authorities have arrested about 60 individuals from the much larger pool of angry and disaffected people, charging them with terrorism, said FBI officials and others. Dozens of other suspects have been deported or are being kept under surveillance.

Many of these suspects do not fit any easily identifiable profile, which also was true of some of the men arrested last week in the Fort Dix case.

Bureau officials conceded that they are disappointed that more people don't come forward with tips, despite their pleas for assistance.

"A lot of times, people think that someone else will report it," Weis said. "But now, with the changing times, you can't take that chance."

The bureau also has spent millions of dollars cultivating paid informants, particularly in Muslim communities.

On many occasions, as was the case last week, the FBI has benefited from evidence collected by those informants. But in some cases, the bureau has been accused of not vetting its sources or of allowing them to pressure some suspects into committing illegal acts.

In one case, the FBI paid an informant $230,000 to infiltrate a suspected Pakistani terror cell in Lodi, Calif. The agency found many of his claims did not hold up - but only after people were prosecuted.

In the Fort Dix case, FBI officials used two confidential informants, one a former Egyptian military officer. The FBI affidavit filed in the case shows that the man was intimately involved in the alleged plot, from talking about hatred of the United States to trying to procure weapons for the suspects. He even went on surveillance missions and at one point had grown so trusted that one suspect asked him to lead the alleged plot.

Rocco Cipparone, the lawyer for one of the defendants, said informants can be the most valuable weapon in the fight against domestic terrorism.

"But it also comes with a lot of risks, a lot of pitfalls," he said. "... Informants can be crafty, they can be creative, and informants can dupe law enforcement officers as well.""