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I propose a comprimise on the seat belt law.

Started by CaveDog, May 15, 2007, 06:39 PM NHFT

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Since the progressives seem to want both an alternative license plate and a seat belt law, a comprimise position came to mind. We let them have both under the condition that the seat belt law applies only to people with the alternative "scenic" license plate.  ;D


Quote from: CaveDog on May 15, 2007, 06:39 PM NHFT
Since the progressives seem to want both an alternative license plate and a seat belt law, a comprimise position came to mind. We let them have both under the condition that the seat belt law applies only to people with the alternative "scenic" license plate.  ;D
That is good... LTE good.. send it in!


Just sent it to the Union Leader.  >:D

QuoteDear editor,

The thought of someone sitting on the side of the road with their "live free or die" license plates affixed while being written a ticket for choosing not to wear a seat belt seemed supremely ironic to me. After some thought, I formulated a compromise position which I felt could satisfy seat belt proponants while avoiding the ironic situation above.

Since I presume that the people who want a seat belt law and those so offended by our state motto that they are proposing that we make available alternative license plates with a different motto are one and the same, I believe we should give them both, but with one caveat. The seat belt law must apply only to those without a "live free or die" license plate. Never let it be said I was unprepared to find common ground with my political opponants.




Are you going to be there in person on Monday?

If there's one thing about the Democrats this session (that's all I've been scrutinizing close enough to know): they will ALWAYS bend to massive public pressure.


If i were told I had to wear a seatbelt, My civil disobedience would be not to wear one, even though when i have a choice im smart enough to put it on


They want an alternative license plate? Hey, I can help them out with that!

http://www.embassyofheaven.com/catalog/Vehicles.htm   >:D


QuoteAre you going to be there in person on Monday?

I plan to do my best to try and make the hearing on monday. Things are crazy at work, but it's important enough to try and get away for.

Not sure whether I'll try to testify if I go. Depends on how strong a testimony I can draft, though I've been toying with some. Not sure if it's too radical though as it draws moral equivalencies between fictional legislation mandating that residents with two healthy kidneys register as organ donors (making one kidney immidiately available for transplant to a matching patient) and mandatory seat belt laws on the grounds that each achieves much the same goals, merely requiring the assumption that the public good overrides the right of the individual to make decisions regarding their own body.

My alternate testimony assents to the elimination of the concept of self ownership and control over ones body, then begins deconstructing the NH constitution's bill of rights one article at a time, demonstrating how all other presumed right begin to disintegrate without that core principle and painting mandatory seat belts as a trojan horse dragged gladly through the gates by the people, but leading to unintended consequences. However, that lacks the shock value of kidney transplants.  ;D

The downside of each approach is that they'd each take up my two minutes, never giving me a chance to attack the insurance industry lobby.  :(


Quote from: CaveDog on May 15, 2007, 09:42 PM NHFT
QuoteAre you going to be there in person on Monday?
I plan to do my best to try and make the hearing on monday.

Not sure whether I'll try to testify if I go.
At this point, testimony matters 20%, sheer number of people matters 80%.
Bring at least two friends.


This is a 10am hearing.

I have emailed all the Senators.  I have called 5 of them(left messages).

I am going to try and be there on Monday.


Quote from: CaveDog on May 15, 2007, 07:05 PM NHFT
Just sent it to the Union Leader.  >:D

QuoteDear editor,

The thought of someone sitting on the side of the road with their "live free or die" license plates affixed while being written a ticket for choosing not to wear a seat belt seemed supremely ironic to me. After some thought, I formulated a compromise position which I felt could satisfy seat belt proponants while avoiding the ironic situation above.

Since I presume that the people who want a seat belt law and those so offended by our state motto that they are proposing that we make available alternative license plates with a different motto are one and the same, I believe we should give them both, but with one caveat. The seat belt law must apply only to those without a "live free or die" license plate. Never let it be said I was unprepared to find common ground with my political opponants.

CaveDog, I love it!  +1 Karma for you!

Would you mind if I posted that over on NH Insider?


QuoteWould you mind if I posted that over on NH Insider?

Not at all. Feel free.


So its your choice in wether or not you say "buckle up, its the law" I love it
