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Is it disgusting to change a baby at a restaurant table?

Started by Kat Kanning, May 18, 2007, 04:05 PM NHFT

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Lloyd Danforth

Kat Kanning

I could never hope to achieve your level of facetiousness.

Vote Tyler Stearns

I've done it on the floor of a <clean> restaurant....emergency ya know.

Lloyd Danforth

Something just occurred to me.  I was assuming the worst case scenario. A pee change sounds doable, but, anything involving earth tones should probably be handled in the Loo or out in the car. The table is out, but, depending on the reason for changing, I guess the lap or floor is ok.

Vote Tyler Stearns

Trust me...fellow diners would not have wanted to see me carry my poo-covered baby to the loo.  And, I did have a changing mat and wads of wipes and handled it as discreetly as one can when changing a chocolate baby on the floor in a restaurant.

I'm a mom and changed billions of diapers, but I NEVER like watching someone else change their baby's diaper, which is part of the reason I didn't get out much when my kids were babes.  That, and my son had a tendency of becoming chocolate covered at the most inconvenient times!

OK, this is getting gross.  I'll shut up.


I've had 5 kids and 2 grandchildren and always took them to the bathroom to change their diapers.  I wouldn't want to eat without washing my hands either, yuk!  Before they had those baby changing things in restrooms I changed them standing up in a stall while they were on my lap.
Like Lloyd said or the car.  I've seen people change their babies in the car and then throw the shitty diaper on the ground too and that's irked me.  I don't like littering and hopefully have instilled that in my kids.

Lloyd Danforth

I have to sift thru trash to find my floor shift.  Every couple of weeks I drive up to a barrell and dump the trash.


Humans have invented bathrooms and indoor plumbing for reasons beyond culturally-induced modesty.  I can't speak to every single scenario, but diaper-changing is firmly within the realm of sanitation and ought to be treated as such.

Though I suppose if your infant is dripping fecal matter, you're in a catch-22.


I hope I never have to deal with that.  :P


Wet... unsnap the old one, snap on the new one.  No problem.

Dirty, well, that should be done someplace else.


Kat Kanning

Obviously it's a problem for other people.  They're coming to me complaining about it.

Fluff and Stuff

Quote from: Lloyd  Danforth on May 18, 2007, 05:05 PM NHFT
Not up there with blowing one's nose in their napkin, but, close

Or maybe 100 times worse.  I would ask for my food to be made to go and and it to be free if I was at a near-by table.


Quote from: Kat Kanning on May 20, 2007, 05:23 AM NHFTObviously it's a problem for other people.  They're coming to me complaining about it.

Why?  Were you changing a baby in a restaurant?


Lloyd Danforth

Quote from: MaineShark on May 19, 2007, 01:20 PM NHFT
Wet... unsnap the old one, snap on the new one.  No problem.

Dirty, well, that should be done someplace else.


Common sense from a new father who probably changes several 'gaskets' every day!


In a direct attempt to cause this thread to be even more disgusting...lol.

Why would we consider the changing of a child's diaper to be any different than the changing of...say an adult diaper or sanitary napkin or tampon...

I'm thinking that individuals should make individual decisions to use some discretion with these activities...

While urine, fecial matter, and menstrual discharge may be appealing to some...

I'm not inclined to believe that everyone should be subjected to it ad nauseum...


Is it just me...
or did this thread get stuck...
