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Defend Myrtle Woodward and Her Family!

Started by jcpliberty, January 06, 2005, 06:11 PM NHFT

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Kat Kanning

Suggestions for signs?

Zoning destroys families.
Hampton persecutes 95 year old woman!


Quote from: DadaOrwell on January 19, 2005, 09:29 PM NHFT
Ok let's see here...How about we game this out a little bit and make sure we've thought through what may happen *after* the protest and think about what each of us may want to do then.   

If things go badly for the Burbanks in court...what do we do?

If they go well what do we do?

If the results are mixed, how would we handle that?

If there is an unanticipated result...what should the reaction be?  Presumably these could include delays in the hearing, a postponement of the decision, a secret deal...

Having said that...here are some brainstorms for more things we could do, any of which would hopefully be entertaining for the public.

1) Have a bake sale or flea market sale to benefit the Burbanks.

2) Make a replica of the "condemned building" sign Schultz put on the Burbanks' garage.   Put Schultz's address on it instead of Myrtle's.  Place it in front of his yard (i.e. on the right of way...maybe on a stick). 

3) Show up in front of the building inspector's house with a bulldozer. 

No one should trespass on private property, though, I think that would be wrong.  I'd tend to think media should be invited to whatever we do...and always try to be kind to them!  Not overhelpful, just kind.  Always good to make video and still pic record of events...Kira is great at the stills but video is important too.  If word leaks out about a controversial protest beforehand...no sweat, that will just draw more attention to whatver it is we're about to do.   

Before doing anything in his neighborhood it would be a good idea to meet some of the people who live there and be up front with them about what we're planning.  They may not like it but at least if we meet them in person first they won't be as freaked out later. 

For for what it's worth, personally I do not like the idea of crossing into civil disobedience anytime soon.  That is something you do to attract media attention and for now we're already accomplishing that.  If it works don't fix it.   Maybe someday when the media is bored with lawful stunts then civil dis becomes a wise course.  I'm just speaking for myself; I realize individuals may do their own thing but that is just my thinking.   I like the idea of leaving room for improvement, room for escalation.  This is street theater not street war...

This, I believe, needs to be discussed. My suggestion is to make this part of our Saturday breakfast agenda.



Quote from: katdillon on January 20, 2005, 11:39 AM NHFT
Suggestions for signs?

Property Rights are Human Rights

There was a group called "Small Property Owners Assoc." in and around Boston who fought against rent control in Ma.  (Don't know if they are still around.) . . .
The LP of Ma. had a bumper sticker which said "Rent Control is Theft - Property Rights are Human Rights".  I think keeping it simple is sometimes better. . .

I will not be able to make it on the 25th.

Russell Kanning

Quote from: katdillon on January 20, 2005, 11:39 AM NHFT
Hampton persecutes 95 year old woman!
maybe change that to "elderly women"...these won't be the last people they persecute :'(

Dave Ridley

I have a lot of sign ideas but they are written on a diff computer... will post them in a day or two.

one that springs to mind is:

Myrtle is our Rosa Parks

Also if there is a law proposed as a result of this, I think we should call it "Myrle's Law" or "Myrtle's Bill"

Really need to have pics of Myrtle on some signs if possible

Other thoughts:

Zoning Kills Owning


Dave Ridley

Any ideas for entertainment at our protest? 

I am working on a poem but keeping it in reserve to read at the second or third protests on this issue if need be.

It will be a poem that chronicles Mr. Schultz's bravery in entering that old woman's house and working to protect the world from her dishwasher.

In the meantime I would maybe like to read my letter to Mr. Schultz and let the crowd know his response....although so far he hasn't responded.

I have  megaphone we can use but it's fun to just converse and not have long speeches.   Oh the megaphone can play monophonic tunes...maybe i can program hogans heroes.  Or maybe one of you can bring a boom box and play hogans heros on that LOL.


Russell Kanning

Maybe I should counter protest ;D
"Myrtle must be stopped"
"Not in my backyard"
"Myrtle's gotta go"
"I love zoning"
"I love to zone"
Schultz - born to zone


I am wondering how activists here would respond to people seeing the protest who say, "But it is reasonable to want to limit land use in my area."? Would activists here respond that any land use restrictions are wrong, or would they suggest the use of deed restrictions or some other ethical method for achieving similar ends?

I am an advocate of deed restrictions, and I have been surprised that many libertarian activists I know disagree with their use, even when? a selling and buying party agree to the restrictions.? These libertarians say that you cannot restrict ownership on a piece of property.? Either you own all the use rights to it or you are not really the "owner".? I say that limiting the ability of a buyer an seller to make a deal with enforceable restrictions attatched is the impermissible act of aggression against the parties to the deal, even if they invest rights to restrict land use in a third party, like a neighborhood association.

Note: I ask the indulgence of moderators to allow brief responses here, where it is relevant to the zoning protest, rather than moving it to a philosophy discussion thread.? I personally, just want to get reactions and will not respond with debate.


Deed restrictions are fine. Buyer and seller both agree. Except where it may force/require particular votes in an association.

Lloyd Danforth

Quote from: russellkanning on January 21, 2005, 08:09 AM NHFT
Maybe I should counter protest ;D
"Myrtle must be stopped"
"Not in my backyard"
"Myrtle's gotta go"
"I love zoning"
"I love to zone"
Schultz - born to zone

"Myrtle, a danger to the community!"

Lloyd Danforth

Deed restrictions seem to be the way to go, but, I'm not sure how you would employ them in an existing neighborhood without the agreement of all owners. It would be easier to employ in a new neighborhood, or, even better, a neighborhood built cooperativly by the owners who are in agreement about the limitations.
If Myrtle turned her house into a six story tower, I could see her neighbors taking her to court over it.

Russell Kanning


Quote from: russellkanning on January 21, 2005, 11:33 AM NHFT
"Evil building developer Myrtle"
"Stop Myrtle"

Russell, we want to HELP her not crucify her!



Russell Kanning
