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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Ron Paul calls for Civil Disobedience

Started by forsytjr, May 23, 2007, 08:55 AM NHFT

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Staging a palate full of matchbooks shouldn't be difficult.  Anyone for brainstorming what theatrics to bracket the event?

Read off a timeline of American bombings and the number of dead while tossing matchbooks into a pile?

They'll slide around alot, but it would still be impressively tall:
  600,000 / 20 = 30,000
  30000 matchbooks * $0.04 = $1,200

To put it in perspective, we would be investing 1/5th of a penny per "collaterally damaged" Iraqi.

A sign explaining this, plus a sign with how much the per capita tax-dollars spent for the same death toll.

I'm wiling to let others tie the event into Ron Paul if we would like to make the statement seperately.  It can be tied together later, at will, or even timed with the Ron Paul campaign.  I'm willing to seperate the two because I feel the message is more important than a campaign.  All modern wars are just as catastrophic.


I'm not sure you'd have to pay that much for the matches in quantity.  Have you already got a supplier lined up?  Just curious...


I think rocketman looked into bulk-rate matchbooks for the MPP. 

I got my estimate from a How Its Made episode on Discovery, certainly the bulkiest of bulk rates.


Just emailed a strange request to marylandmatch.com.

Told them it was for a war demonstration, not to ignite.  Had to post a lot of questions in a tiny text area:

Is it possible to get them without matchbook covers, what would the price of just matchsticks cost unboxed?  What do you think would be our most economical approach?

Of course, I had to give my name, address, phone, and email.  So if I'm unlucky I'll be posting here about the guys in suits who came to visit me.  :)


I wonder if we could find one or more people who collected matches in the past that are now wanting to get rid of them?  Of course shipping might be more expensive than just buying new ones...

Dave Ridley

i don't think this demonstration is simple enough to explain

It also needs to be more innoccuous physically.  that many matches are theoretically dangerous.


Bozo, at least, was vaguely entertaining. Stephen King's clown is probably closer to it.


Quote from: Scott Roth on May 27, 2007, 10:15 PM NHFT
I just saw the Ron Paul video this evening.  WOW, that video ROCKS!  That man understands liberty better than anyone in Washington.  What an ally we have there.
Doesn't say much for two reasons one DC people are really EVIL and Ron Paul is completely contradictory to his alleged philosophy of freedom on many issues he just throw them out the window when it suits him. Like saying slavery is bad hence we should have no more than one slave each.


Quote from: lordmetroid on May 28, 2007, 03:56 PM NHFT
Quote from: Scott Roth on May 27, 2007, 10:15 PM NHFT
I just saw the Ron Paul video this evening.  WOW, that video ROCKS!  That man understands liberty better than anyone in Washington.  What an ally we have there.
Doesn't say much for two reasons one DC people are really EVIL and Ron Paul is completely contradictory to his alleged philosophy of freedom on many issues he just throw them out the window when it suits him. Like saying slavery is bad hence we should have no more than one slave each.



Quote from: Spencer on May 28, 2007, 03:58 PM NHFT
Quote from: lordmetroid on May 28, 2007, 03:56 PM NHFT
Quote from: Scott Roth on May 27, 2007, 10:15 PM NHFT
I just saw the Ron Paul video this evening.  WOW, that video ROCKS!  That man understands liberty better than anyone in Washington.  What an ally we have there.
Doesn't say much for two reasons one DC people are really EVIL and Ron Paul is completely contradictory to his alleged philosophy of freedom on many issues he just throw them out the window when it suits him. Like saying slavery is bad hence we should have no more than one slave each.

ditto "huh?"


Quote from: Scott Roth on May 28, 2007, 04:46 PM NHFT
Where are you coming from?  I am so non-political, and I really like the guy.  He may not make it in DC, but that's not the reason why people exercise their right to vote, is it?  They have a choice, and he's a pretty good one...Better get a checkup form the neck up.
He's comparing a constitutional republic to a statist government by saying it's the equivalent of slavery, but only being allowed one slave per person. Say what you want about that, personally I think Ron Paul is the only chance the USA has.


Quote from: DadaOrwell on May 27, 2007, 09:36 PM NHFT
i don't think this demonstration is simple enough to explain

It also needs to be more innoccuous physically.  that many matches are theoretically dangerous.

We are talking about murdered lives, and your saying a demonstration involving a pile of matches is 'too dangerous'.  That was my point, and Ron Paul's. 

BTW:  I specifically asked if we could get 'headless' matches.  But the cameramen don't need to know that.

Kat Kanning

Another instance of Ron Paul advocating civil disobedience.

(part 2 of the interview)
