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Underground now most active forum in NH

Started by Dave Ridley, January 06, 2005, 06:49 PM NHFT

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Dave Ridley

In the first 13 days of its founding (Dec 20-Jan 2), the NH Underground forum has averaged 42 posts per day, making it ( I think) already the most active web forum in the whole state, and at least ten times as active as the most active statist web forum here.     It may even be more active than the Free State Project forum.

I used to tell people that the most active NH-centric web forum (besides the FSP) as salemnhforum.org, but even they have only averaged 13 posts a day since their founding in '03.

I'm not sure exactly where the various yahoo groups stack up on this scale however.

Michael Fisher

Could we use a part of these forums for an official public LSF forum?

Kat Kanning


That damn forum has been dead for weeks.   ???


Michael Fisher

I have no idea what the deal is with the FSP forums.  Perhaps ventricular fibrillation?

The FSP needs to be defibrillated!



Good thing they're preventing us from doing any NH activism on the FSP forum.

That way, the people who are actually the most active people in the group, who are now setting the stage for the FSP to succeed, have to go somewhere else, leaving the other forum dead.....  ::)

Thank you for setting this up, Kat (et al).... :d



There will never be a consensus within the NH liberty groups. That does not bother me, because its not needed. I prefer to see this forum as another segment of the movement as a whole. Not a "better" forum then any other. Each effort has its place.
I was originally drawn to this whole New Hampshire idea by Ians Free Talk Live program on the GCN internet shoutcast feeds. That then led me to the FSP forum, then here.
I dont agree with how Ian plays his game out, but FTL is an integral facet of the freedom movement as a whole. I dont think its as much about being better as just being different.
As for myself, I will go with the most mature, focused, and action oriented bunch I can find. I plan to stick my snout under every rock possible to find them too.


It's not surprising to see that the NH Underground is so active.  It seems to be attracting people who really DO care about the issues around them and act instinctively and boldly to make change happen for the better.  The forum is wel setup and organized (Thanks Kat!) and I pray that it can be used as THE model for forums across the country.  You all should be very proud of your efforts, not just for what you have done so far, but for what is yet to come.  Thanks for making NH a better place to be. 8)

Russell Kanning

Quote from: Grunt on January 07, 2005, 02:53 AM NHFT
As for myself, I will go with the most mature, focused, and action oriented bunch I can find. I plan to stick my snout under every rock possible to find them too.
You won't find "mature" here at the NH Underground.  ;D You can find those kinds of groups from our wiki site. We have links to time tested groups like GONH and the Coalition of NH Taxpayers. :)


Quote from: russellkanning on January 07, 2005, 10:03 AM NHFT
Quote from: Grunt on January 07, 2005, 02:53 AM NHFT
As for myself, I will go with the most mature, focused, and action oriented bunch I can find. I plan to stick my snout under every rock possible to find them too.
You won't find "mature" here at the NH Underground.  ;D You can find those kinds of groups from our wiki site. We have links to time tested groups like GONH and the Coalition of NH Taxpayers. :)

Hahaha Russell. :P Speak for YOURSELF LOL



I mean mature as in not still living with thier parents, old enough to drive, drink, etc.

Kat Kanning

I don't think I'm old enough to drive or smoke yet.  Maybe when I'm 90.


Quote from: katdillon on January 07, 2005, 01:37 PM NHFT
I don't think I'm old enough to drive or smoke yet.? Maybe when I'm 90.

This week I discovered that I am indeed 'time tested' but not old!

Kat Kanning

Quote from: katdillon on January 07, 2005, 01:37 PM NHFT
I don't think I'm old enough to drive or smoke yet.  Maybe when I'm 90.

I must be senile.  I don't remember saying that.


Quote from: katdillon on August 02, 2005, 05:37 PM NHFT
Quote from: katdillon on January 07, 2005, 01:37 PM NHFT
I don't think I'm old enough to drive or smoke yet.  Maybe when I'm 90.

I must be senile.  I don't remember saying that.

Maybe it was the FBI agent who stopped by to check your keystroke logger.  ;D