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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Property Tax Revolt?

Started by FTL_Ian, April 24, 2005, 09:04 PM NHFT

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What would happen if all liberty lovers in NH just decided to stop paying property tax? 

Just editing first message to show what's happening on this.  KD

Family to defy school property tax

From NHfree.com
Keene, N.H.; June 15 2005

38-year-old Kat Dillon isn't satisfied she's getting her money's worth
from government schools.  In fact, she says she isn't getting anything
from them at all.

"My child is homeschooled," says Dillon.  "She's never gone to public
school and never will.  I don't get any use out of it, so it's wrong for
them to make me pay for it."

To drive her point home, Dillon will appear at Keene City Hall on June
30 with a check for only a fraction of what the city says she owes.

"The part that would have gone to public schools...I'm keeping it. 
It's my money."

After handing over her truncated check, Dillon will stand outside city
hall urging others to "recalculate" their taxes as well. She says she
has no idea whether her act of noncompliance will inspire others to do
the same, but that she will "do this alone if necessary."

Dillon is no stranger to protest. On June 11 her husband Russell
Kanning made national news when he chose arrest over compliance with TSA
regulations at Manchester airport.  And it was Dillon who received the
infamous nail buff from "Outlaw Manicurist" Mike Fisher.   In May, Fisher
gave her an unlicensed manicure in front of the state licensing board
and also went to jail for it.   

The soft-spoken computer programmer says she recognizes her act of
civil disobedience will probably trigger retaliation, but "it's the right
thing to do."


What: Civil disobedience against school property tax, followed by
Why:   "It's my money!"
How:  By handing over a check that does not include the "school
portion" of the tax, then leading a protest.
Where: Keene City Hall: 3 Washington St. (at the traffic circle),
Keene, NH.
When:  10:00 A.M. June 30, 2005. 
Who:  Kat Dillon, supporters from NHfree.com, whoever wants to join us.
Contacts:  Kat Dillon or Russell Kanning (603) 357-2049, backup: Dave
Ridley (603) 721-1490.  Updates will appear at NHfree.com


There'd probably be a lot of foreclosures! Or would it be "takings" by the town to pay back taxes?

For me, I'd say it's too risky. I'll work instead to reduce taxes by reducing the size and therefore the cost of our local gov't.


What if there were 1000 residences?  Would they throw everyone into the street?  Jail them?

Kat Kanning

Apparently it takes them many years to put a lein on your house, and many more to foreclose.  I've been thinking about doing this very publically.  Any moves against me would only make it more public and encourage more people to join in.

Russell Kanning

We are seriously thinking about this.

Lloyd Danforth

These taxes are never going away. ?Perhaps a better, and, more understandable (acceptable) to the average citizen, is a plan for an annual reduction of property taxes.
I don't how much. ?Maybe 2%-5%.
It will be harder for them to come up with arguments against small reductions, than doing away with their budgets, altogether, especially, if we come up with ideas on how to do it, like, selling the school in Keene and Mike's Firehouse idea in Merrimac.
Protestors can hold back whatever the percentage that is decided apon, symbolically and very publically. ?They aren't going to forclose on your home for 5%.


Kat Kanning

Oh, I like that.  I was thinking about figuring out what percentage is going to the schools, and not pay that percentage.  This would work, too.


To my knowledge all citizens? protests of marching, speaking out, and contacting public Officials and outright disobeying government ?legislation? (statutes/laws) have all failed and accomplished nothing toward correcting government. Citizens protest are effective only if they favor what government Officials want to do. Be careful what you ask for. Begging government Officials for the curtailment of your neighbor?s Rights will most likely be granted.

Check out the Bonus Soldiers and Posse Comitatus. Posse Comitatus was a mass tax protest primarily in California and Arizona where many citizens lost their homes, businesses, money, were incarcerated, and some even lost their life (WWII hero Gordon Kahl for one. Yorei, Gordon?s son, is still incarcerated).

Recently, a few years ago, in Tennessee citizens created such a ruckus in the street that it stopped a legislative committee from working on a tax hike. It was reported that a person or two of the committee was rushed off to a hospital. However, after things steeled down in a week or two the tax hike was enacted into law.

It seems citizens have a difficult time learning their Right of Grievance carries no force? All government Officials are required to do about citizen?s grievances is listen to them. If citizens grievances did have force then America is a mob ruled democracy and not a constitutional Republic.

The only legitimate peaceful citizen protest with force behind it is using the ballot box to fire public Officials that dishonor their Oath of Office.


Russell Kanning

So does anyone have a Nh property tax bill handy....how much goes to the evil public schools?


What about a consciensious objector statis. I object to funding the government schools, so I'm going to not pay that portion of them. ? Where would that get you?

From what James Maynard was telling me at one time, if government schools were shut down, the statewide property tax would be abolished, and a good percentage of the local property taxes would be abolished too.

Like, property taxes would be an average of .04% of valuation instead of what they currently are.



Quote from: russellkanning on April 25, 2005, 03:02 PM NHFT
So does anyone have a Nh property tax bill handy....how much goes to the evil public schools?

2004 Tax Rates

Local Tax 9.93
Local Education Tax 13.69
State Education Tax 2.76
County Tax 1.96

Lloyd Danforth

Quote from: AllanHampton on April 25, 2005, 09:22 AM NHFT
To my knowledge all citizens? protests of marching, speaking out, and contacting public Officials and outright disobeying government ?legislation? (statutes/laws) have all failed and accomplished nothing toward correcting government.

Actually, protests against the War in Vietnam, mostly, by students created a general dislike for the war among the population and brought about an end to our involvement.

Recently, a few years ago, in Tennessee citizens created such a ruckus in the street that it stopped a legislative committee from working on a tax hike. It was reported that a person or two of the committee was rushed off to a hospital. However, after things steeled down in a week or two the tax hike was enacted into law.

I seem to remember that the tax hike was shelved, but, I might be remembering a simular situation where a protest worked. ?I know there was one in the last few years.

It seems citizens have a difficult time learning their Right of Grievance carries no force? All government Officials are required to do about citizen?s grievances is listen to them. If citizens grievances did have force then America is a mob ruled democracy and not a constitutional Republic.

It is neither, It is a 'Snowball' of Constitution ignoring, government power, rolling down a steep hill.

The only legitimate peaceful citizen protest with force behind it is using the ballot box to fire public Officials that dishonor their Oath of Office.


Once again, citizens, in their ignorance, Don't Know that public officials are dishonoring their oaths! ?They think the public officials are using their just powers!
Protests may not move government to change, but, they might bring government abuses to the attention of voters and enlighten them.


I was trying to make a point about force, government is force and citizens have force too. Addressing government Officials about their criminal activity without the threat of using the force of the ballot box is mere begging or perhaps bribery.

Begging will accomplish what government Officials are already of a mind to do. But, begging will not force them out of office. Seems to me the greatest fear of public Officials is being voted out of office. At any rate firing those that dishonor their Oath of Office is the sure way to change the direction of government from unconstitutionality toward constitutionality.

You may believe my elected Representative are well aware that all I ask them to do is make an honest attempt to honor their Oath of Office, my support and influence depends solely on that one principle.

The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first.
-Thomas Jefferson


Kat Kanning

Dave Ridley

For suggestions on how to evade the property tax I would touch base with the U.S. Constitution Rangers in Lebanon.  One of their guys told me he does it and told me how, but I don't remember his name or the details.    Call ed brown at the Ranger office in Lebanon and I think he can get you started:

603 298 0552