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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Property Tax Revolt?

Started by FTL_Ian, April 24, 2005, 09:04 PM NHFT

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Quote from: russellkanning on April 29, 2005, 07:53 AM NHFT
What about the known threat of loss of revenue? >:D

What do you mean by this, Russell?

Russell Kanning

Ian started this thread with the idea of not paying our property taxes.....if we don't pay all or part of the tax, they will feel it, whether they pay attention to us or not.
I like not paying....it doesn't matter who we elect...they will feel it >:D


Quote from: russellkanning on April 29, 2005, 08:39 AM NHFT
Ian started this thread with the idea of not paying our property taxes.....if we don't pay all or part of the tax, they will feel it, whether they pay attention to us or not.
I like not paying....it doesn't matter who we elect...they will feel it >:D

They will still get their tax money. They will merely borrow the money until they can take your house for taxes.


?What about the known threat of loss of revenue??

That is not much, if any, threat to government for government does not earn money it steals it. Yes, government is delegated the power to borrow money and the collateral used in citizen?s labor. The national debt has citizen?s great great great great children in hock now and the money is borrowed from America?s enemy. It is reported that American?s federal income taxes all goes to pay the interest, not a cent on the principal, on borrowed money.

Economic slavery, rampant isn?t it?


Russell Kanning

Well it was a good idea.
I was just thinking maybe we should change things...but it probably wouldn't work.


Well, I agree with citizen?s Right to protest, the Right of grievance and assembly, is listed in the Constitution. While exercising the Right to protest I hope to avoid some one becoming a martyr, not just yet anyway. Let me say it another way, I wish not to push, or help put, anyone?s head in the hangman?s noose, or the guillotine.

Maybe is not so well know to Free Staters but today in America a few American?s are already incarcerated, or fined, for merely saying their thoughts out loud.


Kat Kanning

Russell Kanning

I didn't realize how many people the government has abused....maybe I should rethink this whole revolution thing...we might need to take our time.


Quote from: Lloyd Danforth on April 25, 2005, 06:40 AM NHFT
These taxes are never going away. ?Perhaps a better, and, more understandable (acceptable) to the average citizen, is a plan for an annual reduction of property taxes.
I don't how much. ?Maybe 2%-5%.
It will be harder for them to come up with arguments against small reductions, than doing away with their budgets, altogether, especially, if we come up with ideas on how to do it, like, selling the school in Keene and Mike's Firehouse idea in Merrimac.
Protestors can hold back whatever the percentage that is decided apon, symbolically and very publically. ?They aren't going to forclose on your home for 5%.


This could be combined with a notice to the county/city...
We hereby declare that the county should reduce taxes by 5%.  If that is not enacted then the following people (xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) will reduce the amount of taxes they send in by 5%.

That would cover the political way and then the protest way.  And do this for 4-5 years and taxes will be down to where they should be ( ok go kill me for saying no taxes at all).


Quote from: AllanHampton on April 29, 2005, 10:03 AM NHFT
?What about the known threat of loss of revenue??

That is not much, if any, threat to government for government does not earn money it steals it. Yes, government is delegated the power to borrow money and the collateral used in citizen?s labor. The national debt has citizen?s great great great great children in hock now and the money is borrowed from America?s enemy. It is reported that American?s federal income taxes all goes to pay the interest, not a cent on the principal, on borrowed money.

Economic slavery, rampant isn?t it?


Repudiate the debt! People loaning money to the government, are well aware they're earning their interest payments off stolen capital!



Everybody reduce the amount of property taxes they send in every year. (No adjusting for inflation, population, or valuation, or anything!)

Yeah, if everybody reduces their taxes by 5% each year, then the next year it will be down 9.75 from original and the next, it'll be 14.25 down from original and the next year it'll be 19.5% down from original and the next year 22.6% down from original and the next 25.5% down from original and the next 30.2% down etc. it's going to take an awfull long time to completely abolish them that way.  It'll take 14 years to cut them in HALF! and 27 cut cut them to a quarter!

Taxes NEED to be reduced much faster then this when we develope some clout.  Long term plans always get hung or insidiously perverted when the next people take over. taxes will be down by 10 percent after 2 years, and then after the propaganda machine get's going, the backlash will push them up over the top again.

Or maybe I'm incesently pessamistic.

I won't be satisfied untill property taxes and government schools are both completely abolished.


Pat K

Well maybe some one could try paying their property taxes with pennies or chickens .


Quote from: Pat K on April 29, 2005, 10:18 PM NHFT
Well maybe some one could try paying their property taxes with pennies or chickens .

That's been done.
There was a restaurant in Portsmouth that was behind on its property taxes. On the last day, before they could take it, he came into the city tax collectors office with wheel-barrow after wheel-barrow full of pennies, (it was over $18,000 if I remeber right). He and all his friends had taken several weeks to collect enough. He brought his lawyer with him, and when the Tax Collector tried to refuse the pennies, his lawyer told him they couldn't, it was "legal tender".

Pat K

Oh very cool well maybe everyone should do that.

Russell Kanning

Won't that be hard work for the government employees to count all that money?