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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Property Tax Revolt?

Started by FTL_Ian, April 24, 2005, 09:04 PM NHFT

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Lloyd Danforth

As all of us receive the same Tax provided services or protection (or don't) equally, the only fair tax is a per capita tax.  Individual pays X, family of 5 pays 5X.


I agree with Lloyd. Per capita taxes are the fairest, based upon use of services.

Ron Helwig

Quote from: Lloyd Danforth on May 24, 2005, 09:08 PM NHFT
As all of us receive the same Tax provided services or protection (or don't) equally, the only fair tax is a per capita tax.  Individual pays X, family of 5 pays 5X.

As long as the per capita tax is zero, I'm with ya. Anything higher than that is immoral.


Quote from: rhelwig on May 24, 2005, 09:33 PM NHFT
Quote from: Lloyd Danforth on May 24, 2005, 09:08 PM NHFT
As all of us receive the same Tax provided services or protection (or don't) equally, the only fair tax is a per capita tax.? Individual pays X, family of 5 pays 5X.

As long as the per capita tax is zero, I'm with ya. Anything higher than that is immoral.

Well, in a pinch I would settle for 15 cents, but only in a real emergency.  ;D


I'll pay for whatever services I feel are necessary to my freedom and security. You are all free to do the same. Since I have, in the past, enjoyed the protection of the fire department when, at age 5, our house caught fire, I liked the idea of joining the *VOLUNTEER* fire department. Most of our funding is voluntary contributions from the community.


Kat Kanning

OK, I think I'm ready to do this.  My property taxes are due on July 1st.  I think I'll pay for everything but the schools...so something about 60% of the bill.  On June 30, I could have a big demonstration in front of city hall in Keene encouraging people to join the property tax revolt.

what do you guys think?

Kat Kanning

Oh, it doesn't have to be restricted to Keene  ;D

Russell Kanning

We just need to figure out the % now for Keene. >:D

Michael Fisher

Quote from: katdillon on June 14, 2005, 05:50 PM NHFT
OK, I think I'm ready to do this.? My property taxes are due on July 1st.? I think I'll pay for everything but the schools...so something about 60% of the bill.? On June 30, I could have a big demonstration in front of city hall in Keene encouraging people to join the property tax revolt.

what do you guys think?

A bold idea!  :)

My objections are this:
-Property taxes do not meet a core civil disobedience requirement of being obviously unjust to a large portion of society.  It is unfortunate to admit this.   :-\
-It would not lead to an immediate arrest.  "I'm going to keep... not paying... until I'm arrested!"   ;D
-There is no visual aspect to the event, so the media may become bored with us and that could hurt our momentum.   ???

I don't really know what to think.  We still have little experience with civil disobedience, so we have to keep trying and learning.  It could work for all I know!

Russell Kanning

We don't have to be arrested for something to be right. We just want to keep our money. :)
I also don't care how the media reacts to an idea....that is their problem.

Russell Kanning

This is not just an event either......this is a long standing revolt

The New Hampshire School Property Tax Revolt

Michael Fisher

I agree entirely with the principle and the method of the protest!? So go ahead with it if you'd like.  I only think we should not try to use most of our media contacts for the event unless we are absolutely dedicated to giving them a very interesting event to cover - a civil disobedience event that has never been tried before, for example!? :)

The FSP, for example, sent dozens  :o of different press releases out within the months after the state vote, most of which just annoyed the press and probably made them want to press the Delete button every time they saw who it was coming from.   ;D

Russell Kanning

This would be an important thing to do even if we don't tell the media about it. :)

I have been waiting for the right issue to come along for a table outside our Wal-mart in Keene. This one is perfect. I can set up a table by the South door every available Saturday with a couple of signs and flyers to hand out to people showing how much they can save on their property taxes, if they stop paying for the schools.......instant tax break. :)


Lang Metcalf is my friend's grandfather, and a New Hampshire old timer. He wanted to start a tax rebellion in Lebanon, New Hampshire. He decided not to push for it because he decided that over halfthe town would have to do it for it to be effective. I think that a tax boycott would be very effective, they can't jail everyone.


If you're going to encourage people to not pay for schools, be ready to show how wasteful and worthless government education is compared to homeschool/private alternatives.  The Teachers' Union will be out to kill... 

Love the idea, but be ready...the Board of Cosmotology doesn't have many defenders in the general public, nor does the TSA.  But the misinfo about govt. education will polarize some heavy opposition.  Be sure you're prepared for this battle.