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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Property Tax Revolt?

Started by FTL_Ian, April 24, 2005, 09:04 PM NHFT

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Well, socialism and facism.  Communism can never be reached.   8)


The problem isn't that the goverment offers public education, it's that they make you pay whether or not you use the service. They make home and private schooler pay twice, they have established a near monopoly on education. I see no problem with the state offering education, so long as they offer a full tax credit to those who don't use public education.
Be prepared for real reprisals on this one Kat. You might wan to run this one by the Keene Taxpayers Association before hand, they might be useful allies in orchestrating a wider revolt.


I live in an apt, and therefore  can't pay property tax exactly.  How can I help?


Government schools were designed originally from the onset to teach kids to worship the state. It was moddled after the Prussian system, based on the ideas of Rosoe.

It was basesd on the idea to education religioun and Christianity out of kids. That was all that was wrong with the world, that if instead we can teach people to worship the state, then we'd have unity and all our problems would be over.

It was also designed to destroy familial bonds. Indeed. Kindergarted, is a Prussion word. Meaning litterally, that the Kids are flowers and it's the Teachers job to garden them. It was designed to help seperate the bonds between parent and child, while the child is maluble.

I sub in the government schools. I have kids who are supposedly in Advanced Geometry and even calculous classes who can't to basic addition in their heads. We live in a system where over 40% of high school graduates can't read past a 4th grade level. (And our 4th grade level is pretty sad compaired to 4th graders 100 years ago.)

The government schools teach about market faliure and flawed Keynian economics. They teach how  FDR "Saved capitalism" from it self, who pulled us out of the Great Depression, when itn Reality it was the Government Federal researve who did that. They worship Lincoln as the "Great Emancipator" and put him on par with Jefferson and Washinton, even though what he did was the antithesis of their principles, and couldn't have cared less about freeing current slaves. The emancipation proclimation didn't free a single slave in the slave states that didn't secede for instance. 

They teach how the Articles of Confederation were flawed and how we needed more powerfull central government, when in reality the economy was recovering on it's own quite nicely  from the fiat contenental money the colonies and contenental congress were printing to finance the revolutionary war.

In literature they praise socialist writers.

In reality government schools teach kids to be little mindless automatons to work for somebody else.

Indeed, this was the goal. Wilson said, when he was at Princeston "prior to becoming president" that we need a system were a few people get a liberal education, and the rest get taught to work for them.

Big business also had a hand in the current government school system. They wanted to mass produce. But how do you do that, with-out mass consumption. So government schools were designed from the onset to try and teach kids to be greedy, materialistic, hedonists, who want things now, over thinking long term.

They needed cheep labor to do that, so government schools teach kids to become bean counters to work for somebody else. It's diffucult to get cheep labor when the majority of the population knows how to create their own work -- when every individual knows they have the ability to be their own entrapreneur.

The purpose of government school, is to dumb down civilization, and make it stupider. So they'll be easier to manipulate and control.

Do you honestly think the populous would have been so stupid as to swallow that bate and switch tactic about the income tax? About how "We won't need tarrifs anymore with it." And now both are through the roof? If it wasn't for 50+ years of being made stupid and being propagated to "trust government."

Over 90+ of the population could read prior to state wide compulsory schooling. That number started nosediving as soon as it started.

BTW, Roads CAN be produced and developed by the free market.

See this discussion over at FTL


Kat Kanning

Quote from: MSTCrowT on June 15, 2005, 11:56 PM NHFT
I live in an apt, and therefore  can't pay property tax exactly.  How can I help?

Some possibilites are writing letters to the editor in your local paper, helping create a flyer to hand out describing what we're doing, distributing flyer to property owners.

I was just realizing that every time we do business in NH, we're paying for the property tax again.  Businesses have to pay it, and pass on that cost to us.

Lloyd Danforth

I still think the best 'foot in the door' as far as property taxes are concerned, is, "Hey, why can't we whittle 5% off this budget, this year?"  and make the bureaucrats explain why they won't.

However, another approach, might be to get laws passed to allow Homeschoolers and people who send their children to Privite Schools, to forgo the School portion of their property taxes.

Russell Kanning

Quote from: MSTCrowT on June 15, 2005, 11:56 PM NHFT
I live in an apt, and therefore? can't pay property tax exactly.? How can I help?
You can help protect your friends homes 8)

Kat Kanning

Dave Ridley

Dan whether these guys try to flay you alive or not, I"m glad you've come to our events and forum...and I hope you won't let em chase you off!

>>So she squats and stays.   >>

In new london, CT with t he eminent domain fight they saved their houses from demolition by having someone in the houses at all times, supporters and what not.

Dave Ridley

You know, another thought I had yesterday was that if someone were to lose their house then they could draw a lot of attention simply  by announcing the date and time when they were going to return and re-occupy it.

Lloyd Danforth

Quote from: DadaOrwell on June 16, 2005, 09:17 AM NHFT
Dan whether these guys try to flay you alive or not, I"m glad you've come to our events and forum...and I hope you won't let em chase you off!

>>So she squats and stays.? ?>>

In new london, CT with t he eminent domain fight they saved their houses from demolition by having someone in the houses at all times, supporters and what not.

Hardly Flaying


Dan don't worry you are not alone...

I mean privitzing the public roads is almost last on my list of concerns.
When all the other issues are solved.  Then maybe someone can  try and convince me  but until then I don't think that it is a major worry.  Along with some other things.

Russell Kanning

...in the meantime I will stop paying for the schools :D


IMHO The Gov Schools are one of the biggest obstacles to freedom that we face. Mind control of our children is their goal. Making them good little submissive doobies.


Re privatizing roads:
Lots of variations are possible. For instance: All roads within a town could be turned over to the people in the town to maintain. (Not the Town Government, I would hope, but a private business owned by the residents of the town.)