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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Property Tax Revolt?

Started by FTL_Ian, April 24, 2005, 09:04 PM NHFT

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Russell Kanning

That is how much he hates the tax >:(

Kat Kanning

The Sentinel published this as a letter to the editor yesterday.

Quote from: katdillon on June 30, 2005, 03:33 AM NHFT
The US government has grown too big, dangerously so.  A recent Supreme Court decision demonstrates this:  Kelo vs. New London allows states to seize people's homes and give them to private developers to increase the tax base.  Thankfully we live in a state which minimizes such takings.  But property owners everywhere cannot feel entirely safe knowing that they can lose their homes at any time.

How did we get to such a state of affairs, so different from what the framers of our great country envisioned?  One of the significant perpetrators of big government has been the public schools.  The government schools, by their very nature, cannot help but teach that the government is the answer to all our problems.  The coercively-funded government schools, by their very nature, cannot help but teach that it is OK to take from one person to give to another, supporting such ills as Kelo vs. New London.  The coercively-populated public schools, by their very nature, cannot help but teach that it is OK to take away the freedom of individuals, if it is perceived as being done for the greater good, supporting such abominations as the draft.

I cannot in good conscience continue to pay for a government school system which I believe to be causing so many so much harm, therefore, I am refusing to pay the school portion of my property taxes.  That money will be donated to the Liberty Scholarship Fund (lsfund.org) which helps parents who wish to remove their children from the public school system.

--Kathryn Dillon, Keene NH

Lloyd Danforth

Michael Fisher

Wow!   :o

That should have been our original press release!  :)

Kat Kanning

That's what I was handing out on the 30th, in front of city hall.


I don't get it.

If you bring in a wheel barrow of pennies to town hall, that just costs the town more to count the money.? Costs go up and then taxes go up.? Sounds counterproductive to me. ???


If you don't pay your bill, then your bill is spread across the rest of the taxpayers to pick up the slack.? Seems like a good way to piss off the community at you rather that energizing them.

Why not bring more cost effective private solutions to the public to save money?

Russell Kanning

I don't like the government schools ... so I am not paying for them. If other people want to support them ... then that is their choice. :)

Russell Kanning

Quote from: EZPass on July 22, 2005, 12:00 PM NHFT
I don't get it.

If you bring in a wheel barrow of pennies to town hall, that just costs the town more to count the money.? Costs go up and then taxes go up.? Sounds counterproductive to me. ???
That is not my plan 8)

Russell Kanning

Quote from: EZPass on July 22, 2005, 12:00 PM NHFTWhy not bring more cost effective private solutions to the public to save money?
They are already available.....why should I keep paying into a system I don't agree with, while the rest of you figure it out?


QQQI don't like the government schools ... so I am not paying for them. If other people want to support them ... then that is their choice.QQQ

is it only school that this logic applies?

If I don't like the fire dept can I not pay that portion of the taxes?  After all, what's the risk my kids might get really hurt, choke on a gumball, or god forbid have a fire that needs to be put out?  And I as look my child in her eyes and what her face turn purple from lack of oxygen, I'll just have to remind myself that I opted out of the fire/rescue services in town and resist the temptation to try to get her life saved.

Do you really think we can attract more people with this goofy logic?

Russell Kanning

I would prefer a volunteer fire department .... it could get donations or have customers 8)


Over 95% of fire departments in America are volunteer.

Russell Kanning

Quote from: FTL_Ian on July 22, 2005, 04:34 PM NHFT
Over 95% of fire departments in America are volunteer.
In CA they all make big bucks :'(

Lloyd Danforth

Quote from: EZPass on July 22, 2005, 02:08 PM NHFT
QQQI don't like the government schools ... so I am not paying for them. If other people want to support them ... then that is their choice.QQQ

is it only school that this logic applies?

If I don't like the fire dept can I not pay that portion of the taxes?? After all, what's the risk my kids might get really hurt, choke on a gumball, or god forbid have a fire that needs to be put out?? And I as look my child in her eyes and what her face turn purple from lack of oxygen, I'll just have to remind myself that I opted out of the fire/rescue services in town and resist the temptation to try to get her life saved.

Do you really think we can attract more people with this goofy logic?

Not with your logic.

Kat Kanning

I think we need the government to protect us from gumballs.