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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Property Tax Revolt?

Started by FTL_Ian, April 24, 2005, 09:04 PM NHFT

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Quote from: russellkanning on January 01, 2006, 11:55 AM NHFT
Did we mention that we are also not paying the city/county/state property taxes anymore either?

Federal? Are you paying any taxes at all?

Russell Kanning

I don't pay any federal income taxes or file any forms. I paid some SStaxes last year, but don't want to do that anymore.

We started not paying school property taxes in the spring and decided to also not pay the city type property taxes anymore. We basically do not use any of their services so.....

We pay some road taxes when we gas up and any things that are passed on by businesses and our landlord.

The big savings comes from not paying income taxes. The property tax bill they sent us last year was low. Our house is cheap. I also saved maybe $10,000 by ignoring the TSA's "proposed civil penalty". A penny saved is a penny earned or $00.014 when you factor in income taxes. :)

Kat Kanning

We pay gasoline taxes, phone taxes.

Russell Kanning

Caleb mentioned that he talked to a city councilor in Keene and he said that they have never actually kicked someone out of their house for a property tax bill.
That kind of info could be of interest to any other property tax revolters in Keene. ;)


You also pay Room and Meals taxes when you eat at a restaurant.


Quote from: russellkanning on January 01, 2006, 12:54 PM NHFT
Caleb mentioned that he talked to a city councilor in Keene and he said that they have never actually kicked someone out of their house for a property tax bill.
That kind of info could be of interest to any other property tax revolters in Keene. ;)

Probably because people who can't pay will sell first... so no one's really tested the whole process.
In the end, your house will be taken by the state and all profits from the sale will go to the town even if you leave it in your will to someone else because they put a lien on it.


Protesters could also take it to the brink of it being taken, and then pay up, if they don't want to lose the house.

Russell Kanning

But if they know you will pay .... then they will just push you to that point.
It will be interesting to see what they do with us over time.


This has to be my favorite protest.. we love mentioning it on-air!  So the Nov bill came around and you just did nothing at all this time out, right?

Russell Kanning

Dave Ridley

Quote from: AlanM on January 01, 2006, 12:55 PM NHFT
You also pay Room and Meals taxes when you eat at a restaurant.

That's one reason you won't generally see me eating at porc meetings in restaurants.  I eat before I show up or just fast.   Generally.

Russell Kanning

lets see how many days have we been property tax free? Maybe we could just start the count this year.

So 4+ days of property tax freedom in Keene, NH!

Russell Kanning

I try not to talk to lawyers.


Quote from: wholetthedogin? on January 04, 2006, 08:56 AM NHFT
An association of like minded non-property tax paying property owners could conceivibly decide to allow an associate to represent the group pro-se.? You can stick your head in the ground like an ostrich, but that won't prevent the swing of the axe, when it is your time.

Ah, but will the axe be used with a thousand on-lookers.


Did you miss on the "Reign of Terror" lecture in history class?  The onlookers like to see the head hit the basket.