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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Property Tax Revolt?

Started by FTL_Ian, April 24, 2005, 09:04 PM NHFT

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Russell Kanning

Quote from: wholetthedogin? on January 04, 2006, 08:56 AM NHFT
You can stick your head in the ground like an ostrich, but that won't prevent the swing of the axe, when it is your time.
With my head in the sand maybe the axe will miss me.
Since when is ignoring lawyers, sand head sticking? Jefferson tried to avoid them and even stopped practicing himself. :)

Russell Kanning

If I never pay the bills they send me, I don't care how big those bills get.

Russell Kanning

Quote from: wholetthedogin? on January 04, 2006, 11:45 AM NHFT
Some similar minded folk may want to associate themselves with you so to take a fighting stand together, kinda like hangin' together.
Is this the fight you want to sink your homeownership on?   
Good Idea


If NH has low taxes compared to other states, it's a perfect place to take 'em down even further. 
The relative freedom was built mostly before the FSP got here by the admirable people of NH. 
The original New Hamshirers have fought the tax beast for a long time. 
Let's not just sip cocoa on our couches and enjoy all their work, let's get in there and take a few bites of our own

Isn't that what the FSPers signed up for?

Kat Kanning

Russell Kanning

I bet property taxes where alot lower 200 years ago ...... in fact the didn't have public schools .... why can't we return to that? ...... I think we can. :)



Quote from: wholetthedogin? on January 04, 2006, 08:32 AM NHFT
An association of property owners in each county who are not paying part or all of their property taxes should be formed.  One town would technically be subject to a class-action suit when a single property owner gets notified of a tax sale.  It will not be hard to determine who gets the first volley.  Anyone at or beyond the 3 year point is subject to tax sale, no town forgets to file their tax liens. You might find an attorney willing to tackle such a case at some price.   The tax sale could conceivably be stayed for the length of time the court action is on-going.  Individuals property owners will have their property stripped from their possession without joining forces.

Lawyers, understanding the laws, etc. are all useless for the most part. See: http://forum.soulawakenings.com/index.php?topic=2467.0


Are you actively advertising a campaign to encourage others to also not pay property taxes? Has anybody joined you?

How many people live in Keene?


Russell Kanning

Yes. None that I know of. 23,000

Caleb is asking every local candidate to take a pledge not to seize anyone's homes. :)


As soon as I get some property of my own, I want to join in this property tax revolt. I've never had the idea that I would pay for my own property, beyond purchasing it initially.

If us libertarians could, instead of individually revolting with our properties, all pitch in to buy a few acres somewhere in NH, and then refuse to pay a tax on that... that's a lot more to stand up to, especially if we all armed ourselves and stood like marksmen at the property line, with a sign saying "We will die for our inalienable right to property, will you force us to?" ... that would send a message. A huge message.


Quote from: aries on February 09, 2006, 06:09 PM NHFT
As soon as I get some property of my own, I want to join in this property tax revolt. I've never had the idea that I would pay for my own property, beyond purchasing it initially.

If us libertarians could, instead of individually revolting with our properties, all pitch in to buy a few acres somewhere in NH, and then refuse to pay a tax on that... that's a lot more to stand up to, especially if we all armed ourselves and stood like marksmen at the property line, with a sign saying "We will die for our inalienable right to property, will you force us to?" ... that would send a message. A huge message.

You mean like Waco?


Quote from: Lex Berezhny on February 09, 2006, 07:34 PM NHFT
Quote from: aries on February 09, 2006, 06:09 PM NHFT
As soon as I get some property of my own, I want to join in this property tax revolt. I've never had the idea that I would pay for my own property, beyond purchasing it initially.

If us libertarians could, instead of individually revolting with our properties, all pitch in to buy a few acres somewhere in NH, and then refuse to pay a tax on that... that's a lot more to stand up to, especially if we all armed ourselves and stood like marksmen at the property line, with a sign saying "We will die for our inalienable right to property, will you force us to?" ... that would send a message. A huge message.

You mean like Waco?

Except motivated by a rejection of use of force to obtain a property tax, and not religiously motivated, sure.
Oh and hopefully they won't kill us, especially if we can get there in big numbers (like 1000)... If they did, I'd be glad I died rather than live in that twisted incarnation of America, where you get the death penalty for defending your right to property.

Russell Kanning

I don't plan on shooting anyone if they come to our house ..... but don't let me discourage you. :)


Quote from: aries on February 09, 2006, 06:09 PM NHFT
As soon as I get some property of my own, I want to join in this property tax revolt. I've never had the idea that I would pay for my own property, beyond purchasing it initially.

If us libertarians could, instead of individually revolting with our properties, all pitch in to buy a few acres somewhere in NH, and then refuse to pay a tax on that... that's a lot more to stand up to, especially if we all armed ourselves and stood like marksmen at the property line, with a sign saying "We will die for our inalienable right to property, will you force us to?" ... that would send a message. A huge message.

Well the 'revolt' in NH had better educate itself to these town moderators allowing amendments to their citizens petitions.
This is a constitutional right and already some moderators dare to argue with me about it.
In Bedford they had two such outrageous petitioned items and neither was touched this time. I guess the Bedford school board did not want to be sued after what they did the last time.