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Sky Show at Arms Park in Manchester Today! - I'll be there at the entrance...

Started by powerchuter, May 26, 2007, 08:23 PM NHFT

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Quote from: Puke on May 27, 2007, 11:15 AM NHFT
Quote from: d_goddard on May 27, 2007, 10:53 AM NHFT
Events like this are great places to pass out FTL flyers.
Anytime you are going to an NH-based event and are willing to pass out FTL flyers, simply email me.
I will give you as many as you can usefully hand out, pro bono and gratis.

The Liberty card is a great thing to have as well.

I just ordered a bunch and will have some at Pfest.


Quote from: wholetthedogin? on May 28, 2007, 01:22 PM NHFT
Can't take the artillery experience away from an artilleryman right KB?!  >:D

Nothing quite like the involuntary exhalation that comes from the concussion, and standing behind the gun to watch the round go out of sight.


And it is quite a blast to have the rounds going overhead, while being on an observation point too.


not so much fun being on the receiving end of those artillery shells though...


Yes, as one who was involved in a training accident in August 2002, I know what you mean. My FO unit had been doing urban operations training the day before it happened. I fell on my left knee real hard going though a window. The next day I got back from the doctor in time for the evening meal. I had just grabbed a plate and sat down.

There were rounds going over us from a battery in the Massachusetts National Guard. All of a sudden, the was a sound of helocopter blades overhead -- but there was no helocopter in sight! Then a huge explosion as the round went off.

It turned out that the round had hit the impact area and bounced off and came flying back to us on the observation post. Lucky for us, no one was seriously hurt because they were in their vehicles. I do recall seeing one guy that was effected by it very bad. Everytime I saw him after that, he had the "thousand yard stare."