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Help Kat and Russell clarify the forum rules

Started by MaineShark, May 27, 2007, 09:32 AM NHFT

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Immediately following the MVP meeting in Manchester.

See here.  There have been issues with members not knowing what is expected of them here, so let's step up to the plate and help Kat and Russell make sure that the expectations are understood by all.  The final decision is, of course, theirs, but here's your chance to tell them what you want from this forum, and see whether it will be compatible with what they want this forum to offer.  Let's not say that we stood idly by and let things fall apart on us.  Let's instead say that we took the time to discuss our differences and our similarities, and worked out the best possible solution, regardless of what that may be.


Lloyd Danforth

Yeah.....sure......committee....great...... :P


Quote from: Lloyd  Danforth on May 27, 2007, 09:35 AM NHFTYeah.....sure......committee....great...... :P

Nope, not a committee.  The decision is theirs, not ours.  Just a group getting together to discuss the issues to help them in reaching that decision.  Strictly voluntary and strictly cooperative.  The goal is to assist Kat and Russell, not to engage in debate or argument with them.  Tell them what you want the Underground to be, and see whether or not there's a way the Underground can be that for you, and still be what they want it to be.  It may be that a second forum is requried in order to cover the range of topics which we want to cover.  It may be that we can find a workable way to get along with each other, right here.  Let it not be said that we didn't do what we could to help make certain that whatever results from the current situation is as amicable as possible and as beneficial to the freedom movement as possible.



Funny, I thought the rules were implicit but otherwise clear: you're not welcome here if you advocate violence (or, by corollary, hate).  I've not been around here for all that long, true, but I certainly wasn't surprised the first time it came up.

Have Kat and/or Russell even agreed to this?

Kat Kanning


It does seem like a pointless meeting.  You are assuming that their decision was some sort of reactionary knee jerk reaction? I don't think that was the case.

The problem with a situation like this is that its difficult to make blanket rules.  Some guy says, "if they came to my house and did that to my family, they'd have a .45 waiting for them!" That remark is dismissed, because no one really expects the guy to go on a shooting spree, so the remark is taken for what it is:  an off the hip remark made in frustration.

The problem is that sometimes these threats and statements start escalating.  At some point the line has to be drawn....Or would you be content with people planning violent insurrection on this forum?  What, exactly, is that point where its gone too far? I think its reached a point where a lot of people aren't comfortable with the direction the forum is going, and Kat and Russell decided to nip it in the bud here and now.  At least, that's how it seems to me.  What is the point of any meeting?


Where's the question? Kat and Russel provide this forum and have to deal with any problems caused by it. That alone gives them all the right they need to moderate as they see fit.


The rules are obvious... it's their place, and they choose to have no rules.
Don't be a complete dick, and don't threaten violence on anyone, and chances are you won't break those rules.


saying good bye to this forum. The Kannings are not for me. 


Quote from: James A. Pyrich on May 27, 2007, 12:13 PM NHFTFunny, I thought the rules were implicit but otherwise clear: you're not welcome here if you advocate violence (or, by corollary, hate).  I've not been around here for all that long, true, but I certainly wasn't surprised the first time it came up.

Given that there are four forums dedicated to violence, that is not at all implicit.

Quote from: Caleb on May 27, 2007, 12:42 PM NHFTIt does seem like a pointless meeting.  You are assuming that their decision was some sort of reactionary knee jerk reaction? I don't think that was the case.

What decision?  Kat has expressed concern over certain issues.

In any case, I certainly don't think there's been a knee-jerk reaction to anything.  I think that there is clearly a lack of understanding on the part of many as to the nature of the conduct that they will and won't tolerate here, and would hope that an understanding can be reached.

Quote from: Caleb on May 27, 2007, 12:42 PM NHFTThe problem is that sometimes these threats and statements start escalating.  At some point the line has to be drawn....Or would you be content with people planning violent insurrection on this forum?  What, exactly, is that point where its gone too far? I think its reached a point where a lot of people aren't comfortable with the direction the forum is going, and Kat and Russell decided to nip it in the bud here and now.  At least, that's how it seems to me.  What is the point of any meeting?
[emhasis added]

To find out where that line is.



Quote from: d_goddard on May 27, 2007, 02:46 PM NHFT
The rules are obvious... it's their place, and they choose to have no rules.
Don't be a complete dick, and don't threaten violence on anyone, and chances are you won't break those rules.



I don't want to help Kat and Russell "clarify the forum rules," since they haven't asked for such help!


Quote from: MaineShark on May 27, 2007, 02:53 PM NHFT
Quote from: Caleb on May 27, 2007, 12:42 PM NHFTThe problem is that sometimes these threats and statements start escalating.  At some point the line has to be drawn....Or would you be content with people planning violent insurrection on this forum?  What, exactly, is that point where its gone too far? I think its reached a point where a lot of people aren't comfortable with the direction the forum is going, and Kat and Russell decided to nip it in the bud here and now.  At least, that's how it seems to me.  What is the point of any meeting?
[emhasis added]

To find out where that line is.


It's not a subtle point that she's making.  I refer you to this remark from the forum administrator (emphasis mine):

Quoteviolence against the government goes against what we're trying to do and discussions of it here are not appropriate.  We tolerate (barely) the political discussion because it doesn't directly interfere with what we're doing.  So if you want to discuss violent revolution, Unintended Consequences shooting cops or other government officials "Is it time to shoot the bastards yet?"  we're asking you to take your discussion elsewhere

Does that clarify?

Kat Kanning

Quote from: space on May 27, 2007, 02:52 PM NHFT
saying good bye to this forum. The Kannings are not for me. 

:clap:  There now.  One guy gets it.  If you don't like what I'm doing here, go somewhere else.  Rob and Maineshark should consider joining him.