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Cindy Sheehan gives up her protest

Started by Insurgent, May 29, 2007, 06:11 AM NHFT

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Quote from: lawofattraction on June 03, 2007, 05:01 PM NHFT
...said there was very little distinction between her [Hillary] and John McCain or Rudy Giuliani.

Now there finally is ONE thing I can agree with her on.
Trouble with Cindy is, it was all about Cindy.
When people view you as a media hog, the message is lost.

Russell Kanning

that is too bad .... I was hoping she had learned that the political process was a dead end


For what crime does Cindy propose impeachment?

Impeachment is not a recall process, for use when you're unhappy with someone's job performance or their policies. As politically motivated as the Clinton impeachment was, it still involved actual crimes.


Quote from: KBCraig on July 08, 2007, 10:03 PM NHFT
For what crime does Cindy propose impeachment?

Impeachment is not a recall process, for use when you're unhappy with someone's job performance or their policies. As politically motivated as the Clinton impeachment was, it still involved actual crimes.

Not sure which crimes bug Cindy the most, but if you are unfamiliar with the complaints, a suggestion would be to read up on the issues from one of the sites, such as:

http://articlesofimpeachment.net by the Center for Constitutional Rights, or

from Dennis Kucinich's resolution for impeachment of Dick Cheney (Cheney first, rather than Bush first - otherwise Cheney would end up as president and we'd all be sent to the Gulag!):



Quote from: Russell Kanning on July 08, 2007, 06:31 PM NHFT
that is too bad .... I was hoping she had learned that the political process was a dead end
Yup.  :-\


...and starts a radio program. The first show was this past Sunday:

Cindy Sheehan's Soapbox to listen.

Website: http://www.cindysheehanssoapbox.com/


...and offers a George Bush T-shirt for sale:

Adios Mother F&#@ER T-Shirt


Yeah isn't it sweet irony?

Wait 'til she finds out the joke is on HER... because...

1) The very SAME war/economic/international banker's policies will be pursued under the new boss who is same as the old boss only willing to sell us out even faster

2) And in addition, now EVERYONE will be forced to serve under Rahm Emanuel's Israeli-style military draft. If you are not 16-24 you will be required to serve in some other capacity up to the age of 60.

Good thing I don't qualify, I'd have to flee the country!


More on Cindy Sheehan's recent schedule in the area:

Tuesday August 25 - Saturday, August 29, MARTHA'S VINEYARD: CINDY
SHEEHAN, Peace Activist, Gold Star Mother, Organizer of 'Camp Casey'
memorials and a nominee for the 2005 Nobel Peace Prize, will be
arriving on Martha's Vineyard on Tuesday August 25, to confront
President Obama on his engagement in the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and

She will issue a challenge to Obama on his escalation of
troop presence in the Middle East and his continuation of war policies
around the globe. Her schedule of events is as follows: Wed. Aug. 26,
11am, Press Conference, Briefing Room, Oak Bluffs Elementary School;
Wed. Aug. 26, 8pm, Peace Vigil, Ocean Park Bandstand, Oak Bluffs;
Saturday, Aug. 29, 8pm Peace Event, Katharine Cornell Theater, 54
Spring St., Vineyard Haven. In addition to these planned events,
there will be impromptu gatherings during the week.

A memorial site
will be present on the island with an outdoor area designated as 'Camp
Casey', a living tribute to her son Casey Sheehan, who died in the
Iraq War, as well as honoring others who were war casualties. The Camp
Casey 'Compound' will welcome all those who wish to come to meet
Cindy. A tent will be set up for gatherings of visitors, which will be
open to the public, the press, and anyone desiring to connect with
those for whom the costs of war are a daily reality in their lives.
For information on the events, please contact Chris Fried at (508)
693-7741 and for information about Cindy, please contact Laurie Dobson
at (207) 604-8988 or email: lauriegdobson@yahoo.com or go to Cindy's
website (http://tinyurl.com/mm4htl)


Quote from: Kat Kanning on May 29, 2007, 08:57 AM NHFT
If standing up for what's right means being labeled as a kook, then I guess I want to be labeled such.
