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FEMA camps

Started by Raineyrocks, May 30, 2007, 08:06 AM NHFT

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What do you think of this?  Here's the link with another article too.   http://portland.indymedia.org/en/2004/10/300277.shtml

FEMA's NAFTA-wide police state: & Bush/Cheney connections in its railcar contracts & lines
author: the truth will not be televised, so learn to read
IN SHORT: Bush and Cheney have been shown to have ties to KCS, Union Pacific, Trinity Rail Car, The Chamberlain Group, and The Greenbrier Companies, after only a small amount of internet research. Imagine what you could learn if you followed up on this.

***I did not begin looking for a Bush/Cheney connection when I began researching this article, but I sadly ended up there.***


600+ FEMA internment camps within these United States.

A 1996 leak of FEMA strategy: having RED and BLUE priority lists for mass incarceration for these 600+ camps. Total lists then were around 6 million people.

GUNDERSON RAIL CAR COMPANY: Speaking on anonymity, an employee of a manufacturer of railcars stated that Gunderson Rail Car Co. received a contract to build over 400 boxcars. These boxcars were ordered and paid for by the UN. They were white and they had shackles built into them.

THRALL RAILCAR: Another company was making the boxcars as well. A company called Thrall Railcar. Thrall Rail Car merged with Trinity Industries, Inc. in October of 2001 to form the Trinity Rail Group....on Board of Directors of Trinity Rail Group is Craig J. Duchossois, heavy contributor to Bush-Cheney 04 campaign, labeled a Pioneer--someone who contributed more than $100,000 to re-election campaign. Duchossois is Chairman of The Chamberlain Group, sells access and security products for homes and businesses around the world including biometrics.

KANSAS CITY SOUTHERN: Now the white boxcars sometimes have been cited to have such labels as "Kansas City Southern" on the side to make them appear more inconspicuous....KCS is transportation holding company with railroad investments in U.S., Mexico, & Panama. KCS's rail investments are THE PRIMARY components of the NAFTA railway system linking commerical/industrial centers of U.S., Canada, and Mexico. A KCS Director, Robert J. Druten, is Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Hallmark Cards, Inc. Robert Druten along with Hallmark have also been making re-election campaign contributions to George W. Bush. --- KCS has railroad investments in Panama, country George Bush Sr. invaded before Desert Storm under pretext of Manuel Noriega's Drug Trafficking. Why KCS has offices in one of the largest drug smuggling ports in the world, Panama City? If Bush Senior/Junior are truly tied up with KCS, it is entirely possible that key CIA drug smuggling has been coming through railroads from Panama, up through Mexico, into Texas, straight on to Houston, Dallas (a.k.a. Bush Central) all on KCS rail lines (along with Union Pacific). On December 4, 2003, KCS announced in Pro-Homeland fashion that it has become a certified member of the Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism program, run by U.S. Customs & Border Protection of Department of Homeland Security. It's important to note that one of the motivations for companies to participate in the CTPAT is that they will be rewarded with fewer customs inspections when their cargo arrives in the US. They are agreeing to "self assess" their security...; While Zedillo was President and George Bush was governor of TX, KCS won a $1.4 billon bid which doubled it's track mileage and made it a key player in growing U.S. Mexican trade by operating Mexico's busiest rail line into the United States.

UNION PACIFIC, OIL, MEXICO, and CHENEY: During role as governor of Texas, George W. Bush met with Mexican President Ernesto Zedillo on multiple occassions. Incidentally, 2001, Zedillo appointed to Union Pacific's Board of Directors, now has a seat on boards of Alcoa and Procter & Gamble corporations and resume very similar to VP Dick Cheney. Dick Cheney also served on the Board of Directors for Proctor & Gamble and served on Union Pacific's Board during Zedillo's presidency. What are the odds? Zedillo bailed out by Clinton Administration to save his administration. Conditions of the bailout required Mexico to deposit all of its export oil revenues as collateral in the Wall Street branch of the U.S. Federal Reserve. This gave the NWO oil cabal even more control over the world's oil supply. Zedillo advises Council on Foreign Relations, the UN, & David Rockefeller's Trilaterals. Union Pacifics/TTX Cheney Connection: friend of Cheney's on Board of Directors, Mr. Robert M. Knight, Jr., Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Union Pacific. They worked together when Cheney was on the Board of Union Pacific as well.

GREENBRIAR COMPANIES: On June 17, 2004, the Greenbrier Companies announced that it has received orders from TTX for nearly 7,000 railcars valued at approximately $400 million principally for production in North America--the largest single award Greenbrier ever received. Greenbrier owns over 12,000 railcars and performs management services for approximately 113,000 railcars. TTX has friend of Cheney's on Board of Directors, Mr. Robert M. Knight, Jr., Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Union Pacific. They worked together when Cheney was on the Board. Why is a friend of Cheney's giving them largest single order Greenbrier ever received? What does Bush/Cheney have planned for 2005-2006?

IN SHORT: Bush and Cheney have been shown to have ties to KCS, Union Pacific, Trinity Rail Car, The Chamberlain Group, and The Greenbrier Companies, after only a small amount of internet research. Imagine what you could learn if you followed up on this.

***I did not begin looking for a Bush/Cheney connection when I began researching this article, but I sadly ended up there.***



There is a lot of "fact citing" in the article(s), but nothing verifiable. The only photograph I've seen of one of those 600+ FEMA camps turned out to be a benign picture of a rail yard - a hoax. (Of course, *I* can't prove that to anyone else now, as I didn't document and save the info, hooray.)

Not that I wouldn't put something like this past the gov't, but I've yet to see anything more convincing than "THIS IS TRUE" articles. :/


Quote from: penguins4me on May 30, 2007, 09:09 AM NHFT
There is a lot of "fact citing" in the article(s), but nothing verifiable. The only photograph I've seen of one of those 600+ FEMA camps turned out to be a benign picture of a rail yard - a hoax. (Of course, *I* can't prove that to anyone else now, as I didn't document and save the info, hooray.)

Not that I wouldn't put something like this past the gov't, but I've yet to see anything more convincing than "THIS IS TRUE" articles. :/

Do you remember after hurricane Katrina I think, Halliburton, (sp?), got a contract to build camps in the US?  Your right though some of the pictures I've seen of these "camps" are pretty lame.  Alex Jones says he's seen them for himself in Texas, though. :-\


Quote from: raineyrocks on May 30, 2007, 09:24 AM NHFT
  Alex Jones says he's seen them for himself in Texas, though. :-\
Consider the source.

Kat Kanning

My mother's preacher in TX claims to have seen them, also.


Quote from: Dreepa on May 30, 2007, 09:43 AM NHFT
Quote from: raineyrocks on May 30, 2007, 09:24 AM NHFT
  Alex Jones says he's seen them for himself in Texas, though. :-\
Consider the source.

Uh, oh an Alex critic? :)  In my opinion he gets a lot of his facts straight but not all of them.
He also makes me or I should say I let him make me scared and paranoid.  When I was listening to him everyday I was so depressed and terrified now I really limit listening to his show and have felt a lot better.

Kat Kanning

Hmm..I couldn't tell the purpose of those building from outer space.


I remember reading a story about some people that were "relocated" because of hurricane Katrina and the place they were taken to separated husbands, wives and children.  Also it was heavily guarded, weird, huh?  Does anyone want me to find the story?
