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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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My Son: Klan Reformer

Started by eques, May 30, 2007, 08:24 AM NHFT

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Quote from: Caleb on June 04, 2007, 06:31 PM NHFT

I'm not so sure that "ice cream" is a fitting analogy for something as rancid as government. Maybe raw sewage would be a better analogy than ice cream.

I'm not sure Ice Cream is the best fit either but I was looking for something most people "feel" they need and would want in some moderation.  If you stopped 100 people on the street randomly in any town in America the overwhelming majority would say we need some level of government.  No one would say we need some level of lynchings though.


Slavery was a basic human institution in the Western world from the dawn of civilization until just a couple hundred years ago, and still exists in some places.  Monarchy and aristocracy was a basic human institution in the Western world from the dawn of civilization until about a hundred years ago, and still exists to this day.  Government itself - the formalized process of certain people wielding force over others - has also existed since the dawn of civilization.

Give yourself a break if you don't completely end government in your lifetime.


Have you ever talked to a young member of the US armed forces?  How about any Midshipmen or Cadets?

You abuse the term "conscript," here.


Quote from: mvpel on June 05, 2007, 10:14 AM NHFT
Have you ever talked to a young member of the US armed forces?  How about any Midshipmen or Cadets?

You abuse the term "conscript," here.

He hasn't abused any term.  The US military has long been criticized for its manipulative, deceptive, racist and classist recruitment program.


Quote from: Free_Marketeer on June 05, 2007, 11:09 AM NHFT
Quote from: mvpel on June 05, 2007, 10:14 AM NHFT
Have you ever talked to a young member of the US armed forces?  How about any Midshipmen or Cadets?

You abuse the term "conscript," here.

He hasn't abused any term.  The US military has long been criticized for its manipulative, deceptive, racist and classist recruitment program.

Manipulation, deception, racism and classism are not conscription.


I could, at one time, feel sympathy for someone who got into the military and decided later they didn't like it, or it wasn't what they expected. But not in the age where Google is accessible to every single one of those people -- if not at home, then at least at school and the public library.

Bald Eagle

Not taking advantage of the voting tool to tell "representatives" that what you want them to do is not coerce others, is wasting a tool.

I don't think it's hypocritical to shoot a raving maniacal murderer whose sole intent, whose sole purpose is to kill and maim and hurt as many people as they can for as long as possible.  NOT shooting them is clearly idiocy.

I'm open-minded, I'm idealistic.  I'm not so open-minded that my brain falls out, or so idealistic that I will not use a handy cheap-ass pot metal chinese screwdriver (a tool) because I'm waiting until I've saved enough money to buy an amazing perfectly sized Bucky-tube composite screwdriver with the ergonomic Kung-fu grip.  The enemy of my enemy might in some strange way be my friend, but the perfect sure as Hell is the enemy of the good.

I want freedom.  For me.  I accept that the best way to get that is to acheive freedom for everyone else.  For everyone else who wants freedom that is.  The healthy organisms in our society are the ones who need help and nurture and rescue.  The deranged statists and slavers and abusers need to be removed like a disease from a healthy organism.  I honestly don't care what happens to them since they obviously don't give a gnat's shit about me.  God help them if they decide to stand in the way when we decide to end our own enslavement.  They make a choice of their own free will.  It's kind of like deciding to step in front of an oncoming bus.  They volunteered to do the deed, so they volunteered to submit to the outcome.


Let's get on with this liberty thing by whatever means WORKS.  If holding hands with Russell Kanning and singing Kumbaya - even though Kate really hates Kumbaya - WORKS, then frimping hell, I'll hold hands and sing Kumbaya.  I really will.  But if something else WORKS better, then that's what we ought to be doing.  If something else DOESN'T work better, then we go back to holding hands and singing and try doing it in 3 part harmonies. La la la la la.

And I mean this.  We need to look at the whole picture, the big enchilada.  We can't pick the path of the maze that gets us to a dead end right next to the exit one path away.  We can't be fooled into going one direction by by the local maxima of the freedom equation if in that direction lies the global minimum.  We need to identify the truly effective means of acheiving freedom.  And USE them.  Find the weak points of the system and SMASH them.  Keep in mind that there is no system.  There are only people brainwashed into believing that what they do is part of a "system."  Smash them.  Monetarily, psychologically, economically, spiritually.  Drive them out of NH like the filthy dogs that they are and never welcome their diseased carcasses back.  Don't acknowledge them as humans, don't feed them, don't sell them fuel, don't provide them with services, don't heal their sick, don't fix their cars, don't share knowledge with them, and degrade everything they and their families do.  Make living in NH a living hell for them so that they give up and leave.  Or commit suicide.  Shun them.  Utterly.

If you want to WIN - and I want to WIN - we need to use every means available to us like Archimedes' lever.  We plan on moving a world.  A world of megalomaniacs and their brain-dead followers - out of our way.  If I could point them at a piece of bait that would cause them to run into a black hole on their way to attacking it, I would. In a heartbeat.  I say we bait them with anything handy and let their own twisted minds and lifestyles and systems destroy them.  Let them find other states to prey upon. Pay them to move out of NH to somewhere else, anywhere else.  I don't care.  As long as they're not in NH.  Imagine if they were abusing you and your family IN YOUR OWN HOME.  Just because they're operating their Mafia game in a bigger arena than your home doesn't change the way the game ought to be played.

Fine, so some people advocate non-violence.  Great.  I can do that and still be MEAN.  I can fight dirty.  I can use Vietnam-Era guerilla warfare tactics and leave sabotaged ammunition and weapons for my enemy to find and use.  The peaceful will not be harmed since they have no interest in weapons.  Those who pick them up to use against me will ... feel my righteous indignation.  I can sit and hold hands and sing in front of a camoflaged pit of punji stakes.  Come beat on me and my peaceful protesters - we're right here, waiting.  Pthhhhh.

I think that voting for Ron Paul, enough to get him a significant percentage of the national vote, would embarrass the other evils and force the media to discuss the candidate that made a good enough showing that he can't be ignored.  So it doesn't get rid of the system.  So what.  That doesn't mean we can't fuck with the system and make it chase it's own tail or sit in a corner and drool on itself.  If the system rages on - but in a manner that doesn't effect us - then what do we care?  If we can program the system to unproductively occupy itself, instead of actively hunting us down and feeding on our substance, then I say that's what we do - until we find something better like a rural black hole we can sell vacation tickets to. 

Send your slings and arrows and flames - I'm here to learn.  I know that in groping for freedom and liberty that I'll make mistakes.  So will you.  Hopefully overall the statist opposition will make more and worse mistakes, and fail to learn as quickly and as well as we do.

Blessing upon you all in this journey.  Just help me find out how to ACTUALLY GET RID of "the klan."


Bald Eagle

Oh gosh, was I ranting again?

Do we need a filibusterer in the State House?  If someone could hook me up with a Camelback filled with 7-11 hazelnut coffee and just keep it filled....


Sorry, I get wound up working around the agents of tyranny all day.

Lloyd Danforth

Quote from: KBCraig on June 05, 2007, 11:27 AM NHFT
Quote from: Free_Marketeer on June 05, 2007, 11:09 AM NHFT
Quote from: mvpel on June 05, 2007, 10:14 AM NHFT
Have you ever talked to a young member of the US armed forces?  How about any Midshipmen or Cadets?

You abuse the term "conscript," here.

He hasn't abused any term.  The US military has long been criticized for its manipulative, deceptive, racist and classist recruitment program.

Manipulation, deception, racism and classism are not conscription.

What do you call a contract you can't buy your way out of?



Quote from: Lloyd  Danforth on June 06, 2007, 01:29 PM NHFT
Quote from: KBCraig on June 05, 2007, 11:27 AM NHFT
Manipulation, deception, racism and classism are not conscription.
What do you call a contract you can't buy your way out of?

A contract. Conscripts don't get contracts.


I like this Bald Eagle fellow.  Excellent post!



Quote from: KBCraig on June 05, 2007, 11:27 AM NHFT
Quote from: Free_Marketeer on June 05, 2007, 11:09 AM NHFT
Quote from: mvpel on June 05, 2007, 10:14 AM NHFT
Have you ever talked to a young member of the US armed forces?  How about any Midshipmen or Cadets?

You abuse the term "conscript," here.

He hasn't abused any term.  The US military has long been criticized for its manipulative, deceptive, racist and classist recruitment program.

Manipulation, deception, racism and classism are not conscription.

Yeah, sorry for the idiot post.  If I hung out here, more, I would have apologized sooner.  >:/


Quote from: Free_Marketeer on September 27, 2007, 07:23 PM NHFT
Quote from: KBCraig on June 05, 2007, 11:27 AM NHFT
Quote from: Free_Marketeer on June 05, 2007, 11:09 AM NHFT
Quote from: mvpel on June 05, 2007, 10:14 AM NHFT
Have you ever talked to a young member of the US armed forces?  How about any Midshipmen or Cadets?

You abuse the term "conscript," here.

He hasn't abused any term.  The US military has long been criticized for its manipulative, deceptive, racist and classist recruitment program.

Manipulation, deception, racism and classism are not conscription.

Yeah, sorry for the idiot post.  If I hung out here, more, I would have apologized sooner.  >:/

Apology not needed, but gladly accepted. Come hang around here more!