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should my child have a social security card?

Started by Jared, May 30, 2007, 09:35 AM NHFT

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we're currently debating whether or not we should get one for our newborn. obviously we have our ethical reasons to not get her one, but at the same time we don't want to make it impossible for her to get jobs, credit, etc. any advice?

Kat Kanning

Let her decide when she comes of age to get jobs, credit card, etc?  It's not like she can't get one later.

Pat McCotter

Are you sure she didn't get one during the paperwork flurry at the hospital?


Also just to let you know that you cannot claim her as a deduction or the child credit on your Federal taxes (if you pay those)  (Not saying you should just think you should be aware).


Quote from: Jared on May 30, 2007, 09:35 AM NHFT
we're currently debating whether or not we should get one for our newborn. obviously we have our ethical reasons to not get her one, but at the same time we don't want to make it impossible for her to get jobs, credit, etc. any advice?

Social security cards essentially grow on trees and have super glue on both sides. It's easy to get one but hard to get rid of. Most hospitals will automatically get you a SS card, sometimes even if you ask not to get one (check no on the forms) they will get you one anyways!


Each time I had a baby there was more and more paperwork.  It's like getting a mortgage! ::)  I wonder if your allowed to take all of the paperwork home and think about it before you fill it out?


In California I was recently told by someone who has a one year old, that the hospital would not give a birth certificate for their daughter without a social security card. He did walk out of the hospital with a record of the birth but had to wait 6 months for the certificate of birth.

More reasons for me not to have a baby in a hospital and not to get a birth certificate. I know it makes things very hard and one reason why I debate about having kids. Some of things I will have to fight against I struggle with.

Off topic but please watch "Vaccination the Hidden Truth". Do the research on the dangers of vaccinating your little one.


Quote from: lastlady on May 30, 2007, 10:07 AM NHFT
He did walk out of the hospital with a record of the birth but had to wait 6 months for the certificate of birth.

I think that is normal govt bureaucracy.
We had the same experience with our kids born in the 'city of angels'.


Quote from: raineyrocks on May 30, 2007, 10:03 AM NHFT
Each time I had a baby there was more and more paperwork.  It's like getting a mortgage! ::)  I wonder if your allowed to take all of the paperwork home and think about it before you fill it out?

LOL!! ;D

Ever noticed how the place where the mother signs the certificate it says "informants signature"?
Jordon Maxwell is a great study on this topic. Sometimes I just want to run away to the Amazon and hide in the jungles with the natives. Ahh!


Quote from: lastlady on May 30, 2007, 10:11 AM NHFT
Quote from: raineyrocks on May 30, 2007, 10:03 AM NHFT
Each time I had a baby there was more and more paperwork.  It's like getting a mortgage! ::)  I wonder if your allowed to take all of the paperwork home and think about it before you fill it out?

LOL!! ;D

Ever noticed how the place where the mother signs the certificate it says "informants signature"?
Jordon Maxwell is a great study on this topic. Sometimes I just want to run away to the Amazon and hide in the jungles with the natives. Ahh!

Wow, I didn't ever notice that! That's weird!  I don't want to run away to the Amazon, too many big bugs and snakes but I do know what you mean.  I wish I was born back in the times were there wasn't so much crap going on with everything.  I remember when my oldest daughter was born, there were about 2 types of diapers and baby food to buy now there's hundreds.  People practically have to bring their reading glasses with them to go grocery shopping. ::)


Quote from: Jared on May 30, 2007, 09:35 AM NHFTwe're currently debating whether or not we should get one for our newborn. obviously we have our ethical reasons to not get her one, but at the same time we don't want to make it impossible for her to get jobs, credit, etc. any advice?

SS numbers are like herpes.  Once you have it, you're stuck with it forever.  Our son doesn't have one.  We haven't had any issue getting insurance, or anything else.  He can apply for one at a later date, if he so chooses.  I hope that, by the time it would matter, maybe they won't be needed...

Quote from: lastlady on May 30, 2007, 10:07 AM NHFTIn California I was recently told by someone who has a one year old, that the hospital would not give a birth certificate for their daughter without a social security card. He did walk out of the hospital with a record of the birth but had to wait 6 months for the certificate of birth.

More reasons for me not to have a baby in a hospital and not to get a birth certificate. I know it makes things very hard and one reason why I debate about having kids. Some of things I will have to fight against I struggle with.

Off topic but please watch "Vaccination the Hidden Truth". Do the research on the dangers of vaccinating your little one.

The Concord Birth and Wellness Center was very nice.  And it's close enough to Concord Hospital to allow for transfer, in the unlikely even of a true emergency.  But transfers of that type are rare.  Most of the "emergency procedures" at hospitals are simply a matter of how convenient it is for them.

We didn't have any issue with vaccinations from our pediatrician.  We're doing our own schedule, not the government one.  Most of the vaccines aren't necessarily bad things, but they are given way too early in many cases, which causes problems.  The only vaccine that Kaelan has recieved is HI-B, because that's a particularly nasty bug that is very easy to catch.  But hospitals are sometimes vaccinating newborns against things like Hepatitis, which is just plain silly in most cases, and has high risks of side-effects.

The "Live Free or Die" attitude makes "non-standard" ways of thinking a bit more easy to deal with, around here.  People are far less likely to blink at you if you say that you had an out-of-hospital birth here, than in most places.
