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My thoughts so far for today

Started by Raineyrocks, May 31, 2007, 08:17 AM NHFT

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I am eating a bowl of Lucky Charms and I remember when I was a kid I used to have to dig for the marshmallows now I have to dig for the circle oat, (?), pieces. 

I don't know it just doesn't seem like that much fun anymore to eat Lucky Charms. :)

Lloyd Danforth

Holy Crap!  Now we're gonna get diaries on the forum! ;D


That reminds me of a section of one of the chapters in Cryptonomicon by Neal Stephenson.

He spends a few pages talking about the proper way to eat Cap'n Crunch. 

I used to love Cap'n Crunch that was the only cereal I would eat.  now... no way.

Rainey--- they are Magically Delicious


I love Captain Crunch too but I thought Lucky Charms were my favorite until now with an overload of marshmallows. :D

I just got blood work faxed to me and after being a vegetarian for over 14 years I started eating meat again a few months ago and now I'm anemic!  I guess it's back to Garbonzo, (sp?), beans for me and blackstrap molasses.  I knew there was a reason why I've been feeling so drained and tired. ::)

No way would I put a diary anywhere Lloyd  ;D!  My favorite saying is no pictures,(or writings),  no proof. :)

Does anyone know of a good old fashioned doctor near me, (Campton)?  My thyroid levels came back whacky too so I have to find a doctor now.  I had this doctor in Maryland he was great, he was like 90 and wore a cute little bow-tie, $25 a visit but he died before I left.

Pat McCotter

Quote from: raineyrocks on May 31, 2007, 09:02 AM NHFT
I guess it's back to Garbonzo, (sp?), beans for me and blackstrap molasses. 

Chick peas.

Lloyd Danforth


Quote from: Scott Roth on May 31, 2007, 04:25 PM NHFT
I just changed my diet recently too.  Checkout: http://eat.rawfood.com/profileFamily.php?id=rawfood/rothamerica&familyname=rawfood&flag=

Wow, nice photos! :)  I should get back into raw foods, it really made me feel so good.  I'm just so tired all the time lately I just don't have the ambition to do anything.
What is a day's menu for you on the raw foods?  I have an Excalibur dehydrator just sitting in a closet waiting for me.  My raw recipes came out horrible most of the time and then I got sick of salads. :-\


Quote from: Scott Roth on May 31, 2007, 05:50 PM NHFT
Oh yeah...by the way.  The rawfood forum I'm on is excellent.  A great encouragement to me starting out on my new lifestyle.  I've gotten lots of recipes and information that is really helping me to move ahead.  Got lots of energy...lost 19 pounds.  Onward and upward...

What is the forum?  I've been on Alissa Cohens and livingfoods, there both pretty good.  I think I will start out by eating more and more salads.  I only like watermelon, peaches and cherries so I just to juice other fruits because I can drink them not eat them .  Scott did you go through any detox symptoms yet?   :)


Quote from: Scott Roth on May 31, 2007, 05:46 PM NHFT
Excalibur!  Lucky you... :(

Hi Scott, I found some neat and easy raw snack recipes:

Candy Bar (supposed to be like a Snickers bar but of course it's not but it is good)
Take some almond butter, sea salt, dates, raisins, flax oil and honey, mix them up and if you want to you can put dried coconut in too.

Here's another idea take some nuts and dip them in raw honey.

Oh my gosh this one is delicious it's called Mango-Lime Parfait
Take 1-2 cups of almonds, (raw if you can find them) and soak them for 8-12 hours.  Dry them out on a paper towel for awhile and then chop them in a food processor. Put that aside and then make this:

4 cups of chopped mango (about 5), blend them and then add 1 teaspoon of lime or lemon juice, 1 teaspoon lemon or lime zest,(whatever that is I never added it), about 4-8 chopped dates, (don't kill your dates they mean the fruit :biglaugh:) and blend or process until smooth.
Get some glasses if you want to be fancy and then put in some of that almond stuff, the mango stuff and keep making layers.
This recipe makes about 4 parfait glasses.

Here's an easy delicious one: Almond Butter Balls
1/2 cup almond butter
1/2 cup sunflower seeds
1/2 cup raisins
1/2 cup honey

Grind the sunflower seeds until fine (I used a coffee grinder)
Put it all together in a bowl and mix well then form into balls
1/2 cup

I hope you like them! :)


You know what else I used to do; take an avocado and 1/2 cup fresh squeezed orange juice and then some garlic and blend it all together.  I would eat this by the bowlful! :)

Pat McCotter

Lemon zest is the outer part of the lemon peel grated fine.


Quote from: Pat McCotter on June 01, 2007, 05:13 PM NHFT
Lemon zest is the outer part of the lemon peel grated fine.

I think that's why my sugar cookies sucked then because I never added that.  One time I made my daughter cookies to bring into school and we tried them first and fed them to the dogs. :)