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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Started by YeahItsMeJP, June 12, 2007, 09:00 AM NHFT

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16 JUNE 2007

Kat Kanning

For all our spanish speaking forum readers  ::)


!A mi me gusta este noticia!
Es posible que puede attendar.

Rally in public park = good; sit-in on private property = bad


I sera borracho y cansado.  Dudo asisto...


Quote from: d_goddard on June 12, 2007, 04:42 PM NHFT
!A mi me gusta este noticia!
Es posible que puede attendar.

Rally in public park = good; sit-in on private property = bad

Private Property? I pay the rent! And so do you. ;)

I hope to see you Saturday at least! Thanks for your support.

Russell Kanning

Quote from: J.P. on June 12, 2007, 09:00 AM NHFT
what does this have to do with civil disobedience?

Patrick Henry

Quote from: J.P. on June 12, 2007, 09:00 AM NHFT

No human may be illegal, however, the actions of a human may be illegal. My views on this topic are best summarized by the Mexican Constitution, oddly enough:

Such actions include trespassing.
Article 32 - The law will regulate the exercise of rights that Mexican legislation grants to Mexicans who possess another nationality, and establish standards to avoid conflicts of double nationality.

The exercise of duties and functions for which, by disposition of the present Constitution, may be reserved to those who have the quality of Mexican nationality, and do not receive another nationality. This reservation also will be applicable to those cases which other laws of the Congress of the Union specify.

In time of peace, no foreigner may serve in the Army, or in police or public security forces. To belong actively to the Army in time of peace, or to the National Navy or the Air Force at any moment, and discharge any duty or commission in them, one is required to be Mexican by birth. The same quality is indispensable for captains, pilots, owners, machinists, mechanics, and in general for all personnel who staff any ship or aircraft that carries the Mexican flag or merchant insignia. Also, Mexican citizenship by birth is necessary to exercise the responsibilities of port captain, and all the services of director of an airport.

Mexicans will be preferred to foreigners in equality of circumstances, for all classes of concessions and all employment, duties, or commissions of government for which the quality of citizenship is not indispensable.

Chapter III

Of Foreigners

Article 33 - Foreigners are those who do not possess the qualities determined in Article 30. They have the right to the guarantees of Chapter I of the first title of this Constitution, but the Executive of the Union has the exclusive right to expel from the national territory, immediately and without necessity of judicial proceedings, all foreigners whose stay it judges inconvenient. Foreigners may not, in any manner, involve themselves in the political affairs of the country.


No human being has the "right" travel anywhere at will.  This is yet another case of a class of people who consider themselves to be victims claiming special rights for themselves and and insisting on labeling them "equal rights". Open borders are are a step towards establishing the New World Order and the enslavement of all humanity by a one world government. Be careful what you wish for!


Holy crap, according to that constitution, you can't fix cars in Mexico unless you were born there....


Yeah, Mexico enshrines racism in its national Constitution, then has the nerve to call Americans racist who object to an unlimited, unmonitored, unchecked immigration of a desperately poor Mexican underclass and a violent criminal element into the United States.


odd that people would flock to (perceived) freedom


Yeah, what's wrong with those people that they would want to be free? They should shut up and accept their lot in life.


I have no problem with people flocking to freedom.  My son is a Russian immigrant, in fact.

I do have a problem with rapists, child molesters, violent drug smugglers and gangsters, and murderers flocking to this country, or being permitted to stay here after they serve their prison sentences instead of being deported as required by law.

QuoteNo one knows exactly how many of these criminals there are nationwide, but Cox Newspapers Washington Bureau journalists Eliot Jaspin and Julia Malone examined Georgia state prison records in 2002 and found numerous cases like convicted pedophile Miguel Angel Gordoba. He served a four-year sentence for molesting a 2-year-old girl in Alma, Ga., then disappeared following his release.

A baby-molester gets four years but Scooter Libby is facing nearly three.  That is f---ed up.

I also have a problem with people who do not respect or support our national community - a community that is based not on ethnicity or race (as in "required to be Mexican by birth"), but on an idea of individual liberty, freedom, and personal responsibility - and who are actively seeking to attack, overthrow, or simply mooch off of it, flocking to this country.


Here's some other people seeking to insure freedom for their children:


QuoteWeston · Veronica Pita recently traveled from Venezuela to South Florida just to give birth to her son and guarantee that he grows up a U.S. citizen.

Worried that President Hugo Chavez may claim guardianship rights over children, dozens of Venezuelan women have traveled to South Florida in recent months to give birth, local doctors say.

The women generally arrive on tourist visas when they are seven months pregnant and return home six weeks after delivery.

I can respect these individuals, because their own nation is being driven full throttle off a cliff by a crowd of self-righteous socialist thugs, and they're coming here through lawful channels, paying their own way, and not hanging around to mooch or loot.  I'd probably do the same thing if I lived in a totalitarian hellhole and had the means to obtain a passport from a free country for my child.


A freer country, anyway. The U.S. is rapidly following Chavez into the downward spiral. Which, I suppose, is why we're all here.