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What kind of english do you speak?

Started by Kat Kanning, May 05, 2005, 06:14 AM NHFT

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Someone (an older fellow in Dover, on Sunday) told me that "You can't get there from here."? And he was right.? I couldn't.
He knew it and I knew it - which was why I asked.

I had to go elsewhere first.

Lloyd Danforth

But, isn't the going elswhere to get from here to there part of getting from here to there?

Take........hmm,......Millinocket, .......for example.

Pat K

Welll I got there from here by going there from here and then proceding to there.


Quote from: Pat K on May 31, 2005, 03:00 PM NHFT
Welll I got there from here by going there from here and then proceding to there.

Well, that might be true if you're headin' north and south, but if you're goin' east and west it's a heckuva lot different. You see, first you have to go somewhere, which can be anywhere, but it can't be nowhere. When you get somewhere, providin' it isn't nowhere, then you turn left anywhere, till you can see that you're not somewhere, but just anywhere, then you will find you're not there, but here, 'cause you can't be there, only here, which is somewhere, and it's anywhere but nowhere.

Pat K

Quote from: AlanM on May 31, 2005, 10:03 PM NHFT
Quote from: Pat K on May 31, 2005, 03:00 PM NHFT
Welll I got there from here by going there from here and then proceding to there.

Well, that might be true if you're headin' north and south, but if you're goin' east and west it's a heckuva lot different. You see, first you have to go somewhere, which can be anywhere, but it can't be nowhere. When you get somewhere, providin' it isn't nowhere, then you turn left anywhere, till you can see that you're not somewhere, but just anywhere, then you will find you're not there, but here, 'cause you can't be there, only here, which is somewhere, and it's anywhere but nowhere.

EGGXACTLY what the hell I been trying to tell them there people all alung ya.


Pat K

Quote from: pascal.belanger on June 15, 2005, 08:38 PM NHFT
no secret for you i suck big time ;D ;) :P :-[

Gee thats just what all the ah um sporting ladies used to say to me when I was a sailor.