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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Civil Disobedience

Started by Michael Fisher, April 11, 2005, 12:01 PM NHFT

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Russell Kanning

You guys are "wicked good" (working on my New England phraseology) at breaking laws....we need more of your types in NH :D


Bad laws deserve to be broken.


"Bad laws deserve to be broken."

That is true and bad legislation (laws) are broken everyday and people go to jail or pay a fine and will continue to do so until bad legialation is repealed. Citizens cannot repeal legislation they must force State Legislators to repeal State legislation and Congress critters to repeal federal legislation.


Michael Fisher

Ooohh... lookie what we have here.  Another piece of mail from the NH Department of Justice.  I can't wait to open it!

Michael Fisher

Oh, it's just a letter that states:

Attorney General
Department of Justice

33 Capitol Street
Concord, New Hampshire 03301-6397

Kelly A. Ayotte
Attorney General

Michael A. Delaney
Deputy Attorney General

May 2, 2005

William S. McGraw, Clerk
Merrimack County Superior Court
163 North Main St
Concord, NH? 03301

RE:? State of New Hampshire v. Michael B. Fisher

Dear Clerk McGraw:

Please find enclosed Exhibits A and B for attachment to the State's Petition for Preliminary and Permanent Injunctive Relief that was filed on Friday, April 29, 2005.

Thank you for your considerate attention to this matter.


Elyse S. Alkalay
Civil Bureau


CC:? Michael Fisher

Then the letter to the Board (Exhibit A) and the initial press release (Exhibit B) were attached to the letter.


At least they're telling the whole story to the court. The judge knows from the outset that this is a political protest.


Pat K

Quote from: KBCraig on May 03, 2005, 04:03 PM NHFT
At least they're telling the whole story to the court. The judge knows from the outset that this is a political protest.


Yup question is will that make it worse.

Michael Fisher

Quote from: Pat K on May 03, 2005, 04:14 PM NHFT
Yup question is will that make it worse.


The worse, the better.

Russell Kanning

Is Kelly Ayotte our Janet Reno?

Kat Kanning

Yeah, you don't want Janet Reno and the Waco-treatment.

Michael Fisher

Sheriff Serves Notice of Court Hearing in Lawsuit to Prevent Manicure

The media called again this morning and told me about a hearing on Friday but I had not been made aware of it yet.? The Sheriff stopped by today but I did not hear him knock because I was listening to my wife's CD.? ;D? He left a document on my front door:

Merrimack County Superior Court
163 N. Main Street P. O. Box 2880
Concord, NH 03301 2880
603 225-5501


The State of New Hampshire v. Michael Fisher

NO . 05 - E - 01 72
RETURN DAY:? 06/07/2005

You have been sued and named as a party in a case filed with the Merrimack County Superior Court. Attached is a copy of the pleading which began this case.

The State of New Hampshire shall notify each Defendant of the above action by serving the defendant(s) immediately with a copy of the pleading initiating the case, orders that the Court has already issued, and this Order in a manner allowed by law.? Plaintiff shall file with the Clerk verification of the service process by June 07, 2005.

You must file a written appearance form with the Clerk on or before June 07, 2005. You must also file by July 07, 2005 a plea, answer or demurrer.? Send a copy of the appearance form and any other documents filed with the court to the attorney for the party filing the pleading or to the party if there is no attorney.? The name and address of the attorney or the party filing the pleading is contained in the pleading.? If you do not comply with these requirements you will be considered in default, you will not have an opportunity to dispute the claim(s) and the court may issue orders in this matter which may affect you without your input.

NOTICE OF HEARING: A Hearing on the following matters is scheduled for May 06, 2005 at 9:00 AM. in Concord:

Temporary Hearing

Hearing will be limited to offers of proof, 15 minutes per party. Motions for a more extended hearing will be addressed at this hearing. Parties against whom ex parte relief has been issued may request a more immediate hearing. Service of this notice must be effected immediately.

Please advise clients, witnesses, and others that it is a class B felony to carry a firearm or other deadly weapon as defined in RSA 625:11, V in a courtroom or area used by a court.




William McGraw
Clerk of Court

AOC Form SUEP140 (Rev. 09/20/2001)

Kat Kanning


This hearing will determine a few things...

You are holding a protest and have not gotten a permit... As they mention

13.  Upon information and belief, the respondent has not completed an application thirty (30) days prior to the event, nor has the respondent obtained the requisite permit from the City of Concord.  City of Concord, Code of Ordinances, Chapter 15, Section 15-10.

14.  Such application must be rejected or such permit must be revoked for just cause, including the purpose of the event, which is to violate state laws.

Since you know such a permit is unlikely (and shouldn't be as mentioned above since it's for unlawful purposes) to be granted, this is pretty much a given...

WHEREFORE, the petitioner respectfully requests that this Honorable Court:

A. Issue an order of notice for service on the respondent;


B. Schedule a hearing on the merits of the temporary relief requested on or before May 6th 2005; in the event the Court cannot schedule a hearing within said time frame, that this Court grant this petition for temporary relief ex parte;


C. Order preliminary and permanent injunctive relief restraining and prohibiting the respondent from engaging in any practice regulated by RSA chapter 313-A without the appropriate license. RSA 313-A:9, I.

D. Order temporary and permanent injunctive relief restraining and prohibiting the respondent from operating a salon without the direct supervision and management of a professional licensed under RSA chapter 313-A. RSA 313-A:9, II.

E. Order preliminary and permanent injunctive relief restraining and prohibiting the respondent from hiring or employing any unlicensed person to engage in a practice regulated by RSA chapter 313-A. RSA 313-A:9, III.

F. Order preliminary and permanent injunctive relief restraining and prohibiting the respondent from engaging in the instructing of any activity licensed by RSA chapter 313-A. RSA 313-A:9, V.

G. Order preliminary and permanent injunctive relief restraining and prohibiting the respondent from protesting without the requisite permits.

H. Grant such other relief as the court deems equitable and just.

The real question is this:  The law already DISALLOWS C-G... the only effect of a court rulling relief would be to add to the penalties...
In other words:  Hold the event and you'd also be violating a court order telling you not to break the law in the first place.

NOT LEGAL ADVICE: Go, keep your mouth _SHUT_, refuse to answer anything, and record it all with a tape recording... Invite the Media in fact...


Private video cameras should be in attendance as well... 

Michael Fisher

The Exeter Newsletter reporter just left after taking a lot of photos of me pretending to give her a manicure.? Of course I gave her a cookie before she left - no protest or report is complete without one!? ;)

It was pretty hard to stop laughing long enough for her to take any pictures.? It's probably rare that a photographer's hand should be present in a photograph, but it was in this case.? It should be interesting to see how this will be reported by the press.? I'm enjoying this!? ?:)