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Civil Disobedience

Started by Michael Fisher, April 11, 2005, 12:01 PM NHFT

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QuotePlease advise clients, witnesses, and others that it is a class B felony to carry a firearm or other deadly weapon as defined in RSA 625:11, V in a courtroom or area used by a court.

Is this standard, or did they add that just for you?   ;D


Quote from: russellkanning on May 03, 2005, 02:32 PM NHFT
You guys are "wicked good" (working on my New England phraseology)

Wikkid Pissah.  Keep workin' on it.  ;)

Michael Fisher

Alright, guys and girls, we have the opportunity to make this into a big story in the Exeter Newsletter on Tuesday, but I need some help.

The paper just called and said they need someone to be the point of contact for any and all information on my condition on Monday.  This contact should probably be either my wife or someone like Dave Ridley who can distribute this information between myself, my wife, and the press.

ALL stories written by these reporters must be completed with a deadline of Monday afternoon, so someone must be in constant contact with them from the beginning through the end.

If this is done correctly, this story would be "breaking news" on Tuesday, and I think it may be on or near the front page if the story is interesting enough.

Are you up for it, Dave?

Michael Fisher

I just spoke with a business aquaintance who is a photographer on the Board of the New Hampshire Professional Photographers Association.? He agreed wholeheartedly with this and said his Board has spent the past 3 weeks talking about New Hampshire's current attempts to implement licensing regulations on the photography profession!? Unbelievable!!!  He said they've been referring to the state's ridiculous cosmetology licensing laws.

This is definitely the right time to do this.? I have a very good feeling about it.? :)


Agreed... there's no time like the present to stand up for freedom.  The longer we wait, the more difficult the fight.

Kat Kanning

Quote from: LeRuineur6 on May 04, 2005, 02:14 PM NHFT
Alright, guys and girls, we have the opportunity to make this into a big story in the Exeter Newsletter on Tuesday, but I need some help.

The paper just called and said they need someone to be the point of contact for any and all information on my condition on Monday.  This contact should probably be either my wife or someone like Dave Ridley who can distribute this information between myself, my wife, and the press.

ALL stories written by these reporters must be completed with a deadline of Monday afternoon, so someone must be in constant contact with them from the beginning through the end.

If this is done correctly, this story would be "breaking news" on Tuesday, and I think it may be on or near the front page if the story is interesting enough.

Are you up for it, Dave?

More details?  Dave is computerless, for the most part.  I could do it.  I don't have a cell phone.  Tell me more what you need. :)


My advice is don't accept legal advice from online forums.

I think it wouldn't be a bad idea to go to the hearing, and bring a witness or two, just to make sure they don't try any funny-business beyond the stated "presentation of proof" purpose of the hearing.

Dave Ridley

Mike I'm not sure if I could be your only press contact guy; if I serve in a press contact capacity there will need to be a backup for me (just as I am currently the backup for you).  I might have to sub at work or something and become unavailable for part of the day monday or tuesday.   I'm happy to be one of two contacts; I just can't committ to doing it alone.

Michael Fisher

Your mission, should you accept it, will be...? ?:D

I just e-mailed you, Dave and Kat.? Please lemme know what you want to do!

Oh man... I'm a Hillary Hater now?  There's gotta be a better description than that!

Michael Fisher

Quote from: Rearden on May 04, 2005, 03:39 PM NHFT
Do we know any lawyers who can offer advice (pro-bono) on the best way to handle this?

I wonder if Evan would be up for it...

Mike, do you object to me checking around on your behalf?

Free advice is good, but I do not want any help in court.


Hey Mike...Expect if you will be needing a ride to Concord, I will be hearing from you in the near future? ??? 

Michael Fisher


I received another letter from the state DOJ today.? Allison V, an investigator with the Criminal Justice Bureau, finally sent the letter I asked for quoting the law that I will be violating.? It was pleasant to be threatened by such a nice person as Allison.? It's like having clean sheets on the bed of your jail cell.? :)? (No, I am not being sarcastic.)

Interesting... looks like they've already forwarded this info to the Concord police department.? I wonder if they'll try to prevent my self-incrimination.? ;)

(Attorney General, DOJ header)

May 2, 2005

Mike Fisher
7 Lamprey River Trailer Park
Newmarket, NH? 03857

Re:? Letter to Board of Barbering, Cosmetology, and Esthetics

Dear Mr. Fisher:

This letter is a follow-up to our phone conversation on Thursday, April 28, 2005 regarding your letter to the Board indicating you plan to break New Hampshire's professional licensing laws on Monday, May 9, 2005 by setting up a booth at 2 Industrial Park Drive in Concord, NH and selling manicures for profit without a license until you are forced to stop.

As I stated to you, this is a criminal violation. RSA 313-A:9 states it is a misdemeanor to engage in any practice regulated by this chapter without the appropriate license; operate a barbershop, salon, or school unless such establishment is at all times under the direct supervision and management of a professional licensed under this chapter (see attached).

If you have any question regarding this matter, please feel tree to contact me at (603) (clipped). This case has been forwarded to the Concord Police Department.


Allison P. V. (clipped)
Investigator, Criminal Justice Bureau

(RSA 313 A:1 to A:2 and A:8 to A:10 and were attached to the letter.)

Dave Ridley

Latest version of press release for New Hampshire media, with updated contact persons.


NH Attorney General threatens to jail "outlaw manicurist"

Concord, New Hampshire: May 4, 2005

Granite state entrepreneur Mike Fisher doesn't look the part of a manicurist - or an outlaw. But he's about to become both.

Invoking the patron saint of civil disobedience, Fisher plans to violate New Hampshire's cosmetology laws - right in front of the officials who enforce them. And representatives of Attorney General Kelly Ayotte have already threatened him with arrest, issuing an injunction and sending local law enforcement to his home.?

Fisher, 23, of Newmarket, believes there are too many controls on small businesses, and the time has come to openly defy them.? Last week he announced he would show up in front of the New Hampshire Board of Barbering, Cosmetology and Esthetics, a bureaucracy that regulates nail salons.? There, on May 9, he plans to administer an unlicensed manicure - for profit and in their faces - "regardless of what they threaten me with."

That triggered a call from the Attorney General's office; one of their investigators informed Fisher police would be present and he would be arrested immediately if he attempted to perform an unlicensed manicure.?

"After explaining this to me," Fisher recounts, "she asked why I would do such a thing.? When I told her why, she did not know what to say, but she became very cordial with me..."

Fisher says he got the idea from watching the movie "Gandhi."

"The British government (In India) had salt licensing laws," he says. "You could not make salt without a license. Now we cannot cut nails without a license, and I really don't see the difference."

In Gandhi's case, the famous Mahatma chose to make salt without the license, suffered arrest and eventually had the pleasure of seeing the British leave India outright.

A computer repairman, Fisher admits that until April he didn't know first thing about manicuring but has now learned the basics. He points out that anyone who *does* want to work as a manicurist would not be able to stand up to the Board the way he is doing. "They could lose their ability to get a license." he says.

It's the principle of the thing that bothers Fisher and a desire to see a rollback of state restrictions on most industries. "In a free country," he growls "people do not need permission to start a business."

As in most states, it is a misdemeanor in New Hampshire to administer a manicure without a license. An increasing number of other small business activities also require licenses. Fisher believes these simply provide a barrier to entry for young entrepreneurs like himself without effectively protecting the consumer or the public. "Private certification institutions and competition are more effective protectors of the customer," he adds, "and these are both weakened when government tries to monopolize the job."

Supporters are invited to attend, join the fun and witness Fisher's act of civil disobedience.? The event will be on Monday, May 9, at noon, at or near the NH Board of Cosmetology at 2 Industrial Park Drive, Concord, NH 03301.? Bring a video camera if you can.


What: Civil disobedience against small biz. licensing
Why: To call attention to state govt. overregulation of small business
How: By performing a manicure without a license
Where: At or near the enforcing bureaucracy: NH Board of Barbering, 2 Industrial Park Drive, Concord, NH 03301
When: Monday, May 9, noon
Who: Mike Fisher, supporters from NHfree.com, whoever wants to join us.
Contacts: Mike Fisher (until jailed: 603.498.7935), Kat Dillon (603.357.2049) or Dave Ridley (603.721.1490)

Source: New Hampshire Underground, www.NHfree.com

Dave Ridley

I got a call today as a result of one of the two LTE's I sent out...

A gentleman who owns a mobile home park here in town, said he would love to come but can't be there that day.  He said he really appreciates what Mike is doing , asked if we were part of that "freedom group" that was coming to NH.  He said he is thinking of leaving the state but that he would regret doing so becuase it would make it harder to be part of our freedom fight.
I've invited him to NHfree.com


Quote from: LeRuineur6 on May 04, 2005, 02:29 PM NHFT
I who is a photographer on the Board of the New Hampshire Professional Photographers Association.? He agreed wholeheartedly with this and said his Board has spent the past 3 weeks talking about New Hampshire's current attempts to implement licensing regulations on the photography profession!? Unbelievable!!!? He said they've been referring to the state's ridiculous cosmetology licensing laws.
We should see if they (Photographers) can have some people there
a.  take some pictures of event.
2.  See the foolish laws on cosmetology.
III  Join NHFREE.com