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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Civil Disobedience

Started by Michael Fisher, April 11, 2005, 12:01 PM NHFT

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Pat K

O-K  154 oz of beer down the gullet, but I'M gonna take a nice snooze and get on the road to Concord.
This should be fun.

Kat Kanning

Yup, I will bring gadsen flag, etc.

Michael Fisher

Kat Kanning

In addition to Dave's signs, I have:

The Law is Wrong, Do Not Submit
Slave or Outlaw, Make your Choice
Jail for Manicures?


 I can't be there today, but my thoughts will be with you, Mike.


Will you be bringing copies of all the paperwork the state has sent for WMUR to get pictures of?

Kat Kanning

Bringing all the phone numbers for media/outlaw-wife too :)  Also handouts for people who might be interested.


As soon as my best friend gets here I am gonna sweet talk her into taking me.  :)  She is very interested in all this stuff and has  been following it all through JP and myself anyway and this would be a good chance for her to get involved a little and get to meet you guys.  I know I want to support this.  Especially after watching Gandhi the other night!!

I cannot believe that you got that tattoo Mike... or well maybe I do believe it. :)

See you all there... Lord willing and the creek don't rise  ;)


Michael Fisher

I'm bringing the legal papers to the event.  Shaws, a block or two away from the event, will probably be my headquarters for this event.  I'll go there and make some copies of the paperwork for the media and others.

Russell Kanning


If you haven't left already, bring your original letter, and a coverpage reading in very large type "YOUR TAX DOLLARS AT WORK" and staple or paperclip it all together.



Dan Walters: Lawsuit dilemma redux: Once again, a real-world problem ignored

By Dan Walters -- Bee Columnist Published 2:15 am PDT Monday, May 9, 2005

A melodrama that played itself out over two years in the Capitol, and eventually in the November election, reflected the polarized and unresponsive nature of California's political apparatus.

A real-world problem was presented to the Legislature. Some unscrupulous attorneys were conducting ill-disguised shakedowns of small businesses - auto repair shops, cafes, nail parlors and the like - by misusing the state's "unfair business practices" law. Business owners, many of them immigrants, were receiving harshly worded letters from the attorneys, threatening to sue them for big bucks for violating the law, citing some obscure and/or minor violation of state regulations, but offering to go away for payments.


Russell Kanning

So who is going to break the news first...NHFree.com or the old media?


You, I hope.  It's been an hour and ten minutes, has not the wife given you an update yet?


Sorry, I don't have pictures but they hauled him away.
