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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Civil Disobedience

Started by Michael Fisher, April 11, 2005, 12:01 PM NHFT

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Kat Kanning

I"m having my mom record the news at 11 in TX to see if they're showing it, or just reporting online.


"I just shake my head" said Dalton of Fisher's crusade against licensing. "He's not talking about small business, he's specifically talking about, 'I don't feel that you need a license to work on something.'"


Dalton talked about being trained to recognize signs of diabetes in feet. I'm sorry, but if I went to get  manicure, I would expect a manicure, not a diagnosis of diabetes.


Quote from: KBCraig on May 09, 2005, 05:19 PM NHFT
And Kat, who hates the telephone and won't go on the radio, wound up on TV! What a cute little voice!? ;D

Not knowing this, we managed to get her on the radio tonight:  http://freetalklive.com/files/FTL050905A.mp3 .. I feel special now!

Hey, you guys did a GREAT job with the signage.  NHFREE.COM is all over that WMUR package!

I'm impressed.  Keep kicking ass and taking names.

Kat Kanning

WKBK Keene is announcing on their local news every hour about Mike's arrest.


Quote from: katdillon on May 10, 2005, 03:15 AM NHFT

BTW, this Union Leader article is in the center of the front page with headline and picture ABOVE THE FOLD.
Headline above the fold is "Manicuring Without a Licence."  The second pic that they show on line is the main picture in the paper - about 4.5 X 6 inches.
. . . Then a second headline "Clipping penlty" and the other picture (about 1.5 X 2 (below the fold).

Russel, I'll send some pics at the end of the week, when I can get to a good computer . . .

Russell Kanning

So anybody try to visit Mike yet?


The wonders of managing to do this on a relatively slow news day.  Great work!

Kat Kanning

Both Dan Mitchell and Eric have talked about it on WKBK.


Quote from: davemincin on May 09, 2005, 06:59 PM NHFT

Hey LiveFree...pleasure meeting you! :)

Hey Dave!  It was a pleasure meeting you as well!  And all the rest of the group, though I got few names.  I recognized some faces though.

Another story in the Telegraph this morning, with a larger image.